Hi Skyline;
I do believe that excess folate, all types, can be pro-inflammatory. From my recent experience with increasing the dosage,( I took 2- 3 mg. daily of methylfolate for about 6wks), and incurring migraines, I have concluded this. I have also read about this possiblity.
I have a particular susceptibility, though, so I believe that my case may not apply to everyone. I'm bringing it up again in case someone else finds that they have a similarity. I've only had 2 blood serum folate measurements done. One was in early 2011, and another in early 2012. ( I realize that serum folate titers are non-specific.) The first result was that folate was above measurable range, too high. The second result was high normal.
I had been taking an average of 5mgs. methylcobalamin daily, ( sometimes less), since late 2007. I had also been taking an average of 400-600 mcg. folate daily. ( various types)
In my case, it does appear that I had a folate trap, that was released with mb12 supplementation. ( Looks like it took some years to repair.)
Now it seems that I may have difficulty metabolizing folate,( all types), and that I should be much more careful with my intake of them. ( It's probably genetic, and I will also pursue this.) I have cancer in my family, like many, and I'm waiting for the results from a test that may require me to get an MRI, tests, etc.
I don't want to discourage the use of folate to anyone here, because most of us are finding that we need it in higher amounts, active forms, etc. I do want to encourage folks to use caution, and testing, hopefully to insure that you are doing what is best for your own health.
Sorry, I hope I haven't dropped a stink bomb here. I do strongly support Skyline's careful methods. I hope to be influenced. ( I have some hindsight to examine.)