Wessely is a fascist.
Definition of fascism:.A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls,
suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
How? A fascist follows, fascism doctrine/ideology.
What has this world come to when someone who calls people who are dying of ME
''Disgusting'', and they should feel ''Blame'' and ''Guilt''. What the hell?
He links allergy and chemical sensitity as simiar to beliefs in ''Spirits'' and ''Demons''
WTH?! Tell that to an Asthmatic.
Does he says this about African Americans? Does he says this about Islam?
Would he be allowed to. How about orphans, or blind people, or the paraplegic?
(Shades of Heinrich Himmler).
He is nothing more than a theorist. That is all. He creates theories that vulnerable diseased people are to blame for their own suffering.
Tha Nazi's did this, making posters and leaflets that told Germans that disabled cripples and the mentally retarded were a drain on the German Economy.
They were then discretely terminated.
Haven't we seen people do this in history time and time again? Genocidal Xenophobic maniacs? Yes.
If you are given ZERO medical funding for your disease, and ZERO medications and help - then you also being discretely terminated.
How is covering up the suffering of MILLIONS of people around the world any different - by accusing them of their own sufferance?
It's vomit inducing. Disgusting and foul. He is pure filth.
If someone says due to a disease I am disgusting and should feel blame and guilt for being infected with a virus- the gloves are off because it's discussing people who are denied medical
care to stay alive. People like you and me. He has RUINED my life through his hateful dispicable disgusting 'theory' on a group of humans by simply stating we are all of the same mindset.
Just like Hitler did. No human has an identical universal midset and should be brainwashed (CBT). To suggest it is an absurdity.
ME Agenda lady, please send me the stuff posted on the facebook WPI.
Do not give into his Nazi.
If homosexual's with CFS ME are disgusting are homosexuals with HIV/AIDS ''disgusting'' also?
He's a Jewish immigrant to Britain, shall I start saying Jews ''Whine'' about the Holocaust?
Just as he says we whine for slowly dying? Source: Wessely, S. (1990) Old wine in new bottles: neurasthenia and 'ME', Psychol Med. 1990 Feb;20(1):35-53.
So I am whining huh? What a nasty piece of work he is. Pure evil.
Where's the difference? You can't help having ME (a disease) any more than being in the Holocaust because of your faith.
You can't state (as a theorist - psychiatrist) on ME in the public eye, then prevent what you said from being printed that's insane.
It's dictorial, it's censorship - which is the definition of what a fascist does.
Almost an insane as saying
''Viral attribution (reflects) somatization - par excellance''
I personally have been destroyed by this walking oxygen thief.
What next, shall we have Hitler signs in doctors offices and do a salute in medical school?
What a disgrace to humanity this man is.
I'm sure his dad is proud after escaping the terror in WWII coming to the safety of the UK and to have created such a monster in the UK all these
years later? What a huge shame he is - on his ancestors.
The shame is on Wessely not the millions of people he causes untold misery and suffering upon by endless countless poison rhertoric about ME CFS.
Like we all know, the second ME CFS patients get tested for XMRV - he'll be a little more concerned with patients taking HIM to court the world over!
Americans should put a warrant out. Americans too can quote research, lies, and medical falsification of their history - that leads to their disease worsening.
After all if a man produces FALSE research based on a THEORY of MS - and people with MS suffer immense medical hardship - then this man is to blame.
Get him, capture him bring him to justice in a court room.
And there will be millions of us watching like in the Nuremberg trials and liberation of Europe.
XMRV will liberate people accused of so much - when they were innocent.
Racial and faith discrimination exists. Well so does disabled discrimination and disabled rights.
How can we be denied access to a pain clinic? How can we be denied access to a counsellor?
On the basis of a lie - that people where told that 'people like us' should be 'de-medicalised'?
What the hell? De-Medicalised? That is the most sick thing you can invent in a multi system disease
Anyone who calls me 'disgusting' for 20 years of MEDICAL NEGLECT HE CAUSED is going to pay, and pay hard.
I'm sure the UK Hospital trusts are weeing themselves, trying to destroy all the medical records of ME CFS patients in the UK as we speak.
Too late, too late.
We're coming for YOU - and we're using SCIENCE not violence.
Soon it's OUR turn to make YOU feel like us.
Starting with printing your lovely ''research' on ME CFS all over the Internet, Newspapers, meetings/groups, disabled rights groups, gay and lesbian groups,
human rights groups, the UN. TV, Radio.
It's time he paid his Karmic Debt.
Not that this will bring back Sophia Mirza, and the other people who are passed away - because they were ordered to be neglected by a theorist.
How ironic.
A theorist with an MD, not a practising doctor.
A theorist who just happens to be employed by the military and the civil service for their conveniance and OUR detriment.
Incredible. What a total travesty of justice.
Definition of fascism:.A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls,
suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
How? A fascist follows, fascism doctrine/ideology.
What has this world come to when someone who calls people who are dying of ME
''Disgusting'', and they should feel ''Blame'' and ''Guilt''. What the hell?
He links allergy and chemical sensitity as simiar to beliefs in ''Spirits'' and ''Demons''
WTH?! Tell that to an Asthmatic.
Does he says this about African Americans? Does he says this about Islam?
Would he be allowed to. How about orphans, or blind people, or the paraplegic?
(Shades of Heinrich Himmler).
He is nothing more than a theorist. That is all. He creates theories that vulnerable diseased people are to blame for their own suffering.
Tha Nazi's did this, making posters and leaflets that told Germans that disabled cripples and the mentally retarded were a drain on the German Economy.
They were then discretely terminated.
Haven't we seen people do this in history time and time again? Genocidal Xenophobic maniacs? Yes.
If you are given ZERO medical funding for your disease, and ZERO medications and help - then you also being discretely terminated.
How is covering up the suffering of MILLIONS of people around the world any different - by accusing them of their own sufferance?
It's vomit inducing. Disgusting and foul. He is pure filth.
If someone says due to a disease I am disgusting and should feel blame and guilt for being infected with a virus- the gloves are off because it's discussing people who are denied medical
care to stay alive. People like you and me. He has RUINED my life through his hateful dispicable disgusting 'theory' on a group of humans by simply stating we are all of the same mindset.
Just like Hitler did. No human has an identical universal midset and should be brainwashed (CBT). To suggest it is an absurdity.
ME Agenda lady, please send me the stuff posted on the facebook WPI.
Do not give into his Nazi.
If homosexual's with CFS ME are disgusting are homosexuals with HIV/AIDS ''disgusting'' also?
He's a Jewish immigrant to Britain, shall I start saying Jews ''Whine'' about the Holocaust?
Just as he says we whine for slowly dying? Source: Wessely, S. (1990) Old wine in new bottles: neurasthenia and 'ME', Psychol Med. 1990 Feb;20(1):35-53.
So I am whining huh? What a nasty piece of work he is. Pure evil.
Where's the difference? You can't help having ME (a disease) any more than being in the Holocaust because of your faith.
You can't state (as a theorist - psychiatrist) on ME in the public eye, then prevent what you said from being printed that's insane.
It's dictorial, it's censorship - which is the definition of what a fascist does.
Almost an insane as saying
''Viral attribution (reflects) somatization - par excellance''
I personally have been destroyed by this walking oxygen thief.
What next, shall we have Hitler signs in doctors offices and do a salute in medical school?
What a disgrace to humanity this man is.
I'm sure his dad is proud after escaping the terror in WWII coming to the safety of the UK and to have created such a monster in the UK all these
years later? What a huge shame he is - on his ancestors.
The shame is on Wessely not the millions of people he causes untold misery and suffering upon by endless countless poison rhertoric about ME CFS.
Like we all know, the second ME CFS patients get tested for XMRV - he'll be a little more concerned with patients taking HIM to court the world over!
Americans should put a warrant out. Americans too can quote research, lies, and medical falsification of their history - that leads to their disease worsening.
After all if a man produces FALSE research based on a THEORY of MS - and people with MS suffer immense medical hardship - then this man is to blame.
Get him, capture him bring him to justice in a court room.
And there will be millions of us watching like in the Nuremberg trials and liberation of Europe.
XMRV will liberate people accused of so much - when they were innocent.
Racial and faith discrimination exists. Well so does disabled discrimination and disabled rights.
How can we be denied access to a pain clinic? How can we be denied access to a counsellor?
On the basis of a lie - that people where told that 'people like us' should be 'de-medicalised'?
What the hell? De-Medicalised? That is the most sick thing you can invent in a multi system disease
Anyone who calls me 'disgusting' for 20 years of MEDICAL NEGLECT HE CAUSED is going to pay, and pay hard.
I'm sure the UK Hospital trusts are weeing themselves, trying to destroy all the medical records of ME CFS patients in the UK as we speak.
Too late, too late.
We're coming for YOU - and we're using SCIENCE not violence.
Soon it's OUR turn to make YOU feel like us.
Starting with printing your lovely ''research' on ME CFS all over the Internet, Newspapers, meetings/groups, disabled rights groups, gay and lesbian groups,
human rights groups, the UN. TV, Radio.
It's time he paid his Karmic Debt.
Not that this will bring back Sophia Mirza, and the other people who are passed away - because they were ordered to be neglected by a theorist.
How ironic.
A theorist with an MD, not a practising doctor.
A theorist who just happens to be employed by the military and the civil service for their conveniance and OUR detriment.
Incredible. What a total travesty of justice.