Who de-railed the Wessely thread?
Someone called Homlsey did, a 'new' member.
Suddenly this person accused me (and automatically everyone else) of wallowing in their own demise by speaking the truth.
Where did this person come from and why did they appear - specifically on this thread?
If a person is to join a thread on child sex abuse, and defend offenders telling all the members of the forum they are wallowing in their own demise. What does this mean, why would that person join the forum to say that, and what would be their motives?
Do people say, now now, don't use the C word, or the B word towards child sex killers, that's naughty. That's excitable, that's hateful, that's getting OTT.
Do they? No. Not at all.
The situation with 'CFS' is no different whatsoever.
An abused person, is taken advantage of and that is that.
An abused CFS patient (of any age) is taken advantage of that that is that.
An abused person often kills themselves in adulthood.
An abused CFS patient often kills themselves in adulthood (highest cause of death, statistically).
An abused child is warned never to tell, who can they tell?
An abuse CFS patient (of any age) is not allowed to tell, there is no one to tell.
Is that fact or fiction? We know the answer.
''Regarding this entire posting, well balanced, fair, constructive, reasoned, rational and appealing. None of these words apply, and on that note I'll leave you to it, sorry, I'm not up for adding victimhood to my list of ills and I'm struggling to see that this site is about anything else but wallowing chest deep in it' ' - Holmsey.
No one would ever write such a thing, who has been abused or has feelings for others.
PERIOD. We all know this, no matter your incredible tale that is meant to mirror ours.
It's not my place to tell others, how they can react in a negative light to holocaust.
So I don't. Do I post messages in forums about 'gay bashing' and tell them to get a grip?
No. That would be cruel, arrogant and sick.
Tell me, are these responses written to violent attack survivor forums?
It is the most disgraceful, callous thing, I have EVER read in all my life.
A few days later, this person's new friend - suggests we should forgive people and get on with things, as they feel our pain too.
Tell me, are these responses written to survivors of bullying?
People who are now only able to have a form of identity by being transgendered, or non confrontional, or by being unable to say a word because they are ruined, traumatised and trashed?
How is a long term 'CFS' patient any different?
We all share the same link and there is NO SHAME in victimhood.
This is EXACTLY what our attackers what us to feel.
Who would suggest forgiveness towards someone with zero remorse?
Do we forgive other killers - with no remorse? Or are they jailed?
Do we forgive serial killers with no remorse? Or are they disposed of?
All evidence on the biological mechanisms of 'CFS' was ignored by the
people we are meant to forgive, who still claim this evidence doesn't exist.
When people quote Psychiatirsts calling us ''disgusting'' (Just as Nazi's called the Jews/Gypsies/Disabled the same words)- the enemy accuses us of being hateful for quoting referenced sources as 'hate'. Presumably on that logic - in court when a victim of a crime states that their attacker did a certain deed - the judge then stops the victim and calls this 'hate'? Err, no.
This mirrors the rapist who says that women 'asked for it' by wearing a short skirt walking along a darkly lit street at 4am. The rhetoric is familiar here. Total lack of feeling, and linking to the crime. It wasn't me govenor...... I was just doing my job. Well too bad.
I can forgive any one who abuses me for fun for 18 years and denies any knowledge of it and suggests I am the wrong doer - after their pulse stops.
(This is exactly what happens with capital punishment in the USA), given to all mass murderers.
My opinion is mirrored by anyone who has experienced sustained sexual, psychological, physical abuse and watched their attacker gloat - seemingly above the law - immune to all prosecution. That is something never to be forgiven. Often attackers will text, write messages to their victims - proving they are invulnerable to being caught. In 'Science' Psychiatrists/Psychologists do this by producing 'Evidence Based Research' trying to claim a dysfunctional mindset of people with CFS who are 'fearful' of exercise - as a universal trait. For example, Psychiatrists like to say people with CFS admitted to hospital commonly have 'Sexual Problems'. Do Psychiatrists say the same of Indian people admitted to hospital? Or single parents families? Or people with receeding hairlines?
Abuse is historical, engraved, and forever. Eventually, a karma payback experience is activated however. I pray every day that God will enable this and it's happening already.
Within 5 years many of us will be 'enabled' through the use of powerful immune drugs. Many of us will then return to strength, able to work out in gyms and obtain impressive and lithe musculature and defend ourselves with strength that was seemingly lost when our 80yr old parents spoon fed us. Others will embrace academia, gaining qualifications in their now (immense) knowledge and experience in the field of health and medicine. Some will becomes Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists. Some may well wish a quiet life, others do not.
Our lives will return.
It would be most unfortunate if the gloating abuser who preaches we forgive them (with no remorse) bumps into their victim in court, most unfortunate.
The day will happen, as the victims of 'CFS' number not in their thousands, but millions. Patients will queue up to sue those who blamed them for their own suffering - on the basis of prejudice, bigotry, and disinformation.
Most people on this forum are female. Females are not as driven by equal amounts of hormones that can pump iron as males. A hormone linked to aggression and dominance. Additionally, (despite this) many females are unaware of the power inside their physique/minds as they are nurtuted to be 2nd class, submissive and docile. Never to question. To be 'sweet'.
The only people who gain from this - is men. Only in the late 1960's did Women begin to gain equality. That is outrageous in itself. If women 'need' men - then women must compromise, and thus weaken themselves.
Women learn in the playground as 5 yr olds, that males can be bullies nasty and even dangerous - they are forced to adapt to survive. Women thus understand and appreciate who/what a bully is. Males, do not. Males win arguments with violence - this starts in the playground also.
'CFS' is biologically, mostly a womens disease. There are no swathes of boxers, martial artists, and weightlifting women up in arms with 'CFS'.
(This is to the benefit of the medical policy of eugenics on 'CFS').
Especially when 'CFS' gives such bone crusing exhaustion and crippling disabilty.
Where are the healthy men screaming and shouting their girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters are being left to rot with CFS? There are gay rights marches, religious marches - but CFS marches? Psychiatrists convinced the public the plight of CFS sufferer wasn't really as bad as they make out. No one came to women's rescue and I feel furious about that. This was all done by the cult of psychiatry - making CFS a non complaint. Not that big of a deal.
If 'CFS' has been mostly a male disease, there would have been far more excitement on the streets, protests and battles. It was a gift to the invaders that this was not the case. Women are smart, they have to be to survive in an un-equal society - yet this smartness made women invisible.
No riots, protests, etc. Just wonderful blogs and books. The fury and the rage was metabolised and processed in other ways that can soon be used.
Women historically gained rights, by becoming visible through direct action.
Not by submitting to people who deny them the right to even breathe.
Through disease this happened, and through psychiatry tricking the general public - this happened also. Women were not saved by their healthy men folk defending them - due to disbelief.
I will defend myself, and (women) with merciless veracity from the Nazi medical programme currently in place. This can and will be done in a court of law, with medical evidence. Power and strength can be a defensive mechanism - and 'fight' can be put into producing documentation on illegal medical practice. That is already happening in thousands of people's homes as we speak. As men who gain health at the WPI in years to come get out their gym shorts and 20lb bicep weights to re-claim their indentity, women will take on the tactic that had contained them and yet will liberate them.
Quotes from medical records, memories of abuse, files that pile up - that patients kept. Medical policy local and national exposed. All this will return to the source. And when it does, they will be no mercy and no surrender.
Who advised on government policy?
Who produced this research?
Who employed them?
Never give in, and never give up I say. We all know this.
If I was to 'forgive' those and roll over on my belly like a kitten - I would excuse what has been done. Which is why a tiny proportion of 'new' people on here are asking for precisely that. They are asking for surrender.
And signing up in user names from the British Psychiatric profession thinking it's hillarious and no one notices.
It is my duty to God to defend the vulnerable, and to defend myself.
No one is idiotic to fall for any 'forgiveness' as if we did, we would all suddenly suffer from an amnesia of who did what, and when and become defenceless. This is again, precisely why people ask for this to happen.
We all remember with crystal clarity, and all of us (even bed ridden) are pin sharp in recalling the horrors.
Runner boys, return to your base camp with the bad news and dirty white flag of your own insignia - defeat is imminent. Liberation is coming for those with 'CFS'. And for the people who say hate and stress is harmful - well I told you that when you abused me and you never let go. Now it's our turn to sharpen the dagger and plunge fear into your hearts through academic presentation of the facts of what happened to 'CFS' patients.
Your fear will not be the emotional/physical torture you put us through, but:
Fear of exposure of willfull neglect of patients
Fear of exposure of manilpulation and censure of medical science
Fear of exposure of links to corporations with vested interests.
I forgive no one, and forget nothing.
I'm becoming human again, and growing stronger by the day into remembering I'm no longer your slave.
Post to other vulnerable and crippled people maybe with less determination.
On here you will find many that can live 10,000 days with an infection.
Our determination is pathalogical, unable to be silenced.
Quoting medical research by the psychiatric profession is not wallowing in self pity - it's a presentation on the truth. If you don't like reading it, then you shouldn't have produced it or condone it.
Feel our battle cry scream, and start running towards the book of excuses.
Because to explain how an infectious retrovirus - was concealed for 20+ years - through blaming (sometimes) terminally ill people, and very much so desperately ill people............
Is going to take one hell of an excuse.
Asking the victim to decease in educating others through suggesting a character fault (misery, victimhood) - 'aint of them that will work.