Leaving you to it.
I thought about replying to 'Cold taste of tears' but what a pointless waste of time that would be. That the rest of you are quite happy to entertain this man is enough to tell me that it’s time to remove my membership, thankfully there’s nothing here I’m likely to miss.
Since my first post I’ve been made to feel entirely unwelcome and ‘different’, thankfully now I realize I am, very different, to many of the sad, sad people I’ve encountered here.
The rest of this posting is for anyone new to the site, and I hope that if you choose to remain it will prove of use, it’s issued as a warning as to the appalling depths of unhealthy self indulgence you’re about to meet, no wonder psychiatrists take such an unhealthy interest in our illness if this it’s real expression.
This is a site that purports to be of service to those suffering from this difficult and misunderstood condition but I must conclude that in this service it has been entirely subverted, and in fact achieves the opposite. As to any ‘healing’, what? Overt or covert bullying doesn’t do that; this rather is a forum where the bitter ‘few’ attempt to force-feed their own brand of reality to ‘new recruits’.
That I’m vilified seems to stem from my difficulty in accepting the argument that there is some form of global conspiracy against us, neglect perhaps, indifference definitely, but conspiracy, I’m still waiting on the evidence for that.
It was my hope that by questioning some of the more outrageous claims I could induce an element of introspection that would lead others to stop and think about what they were saying. But rather it seems all I have done is to cause fear and alarm, bringing about a frantic knee jerk as I threaten peoples treasured identity within this disease, I wonder where they will be if XMRV is the answer and they soon find themselves cured.
As to how I ended up here, having read some stuff on Martin Pall I was convinced enough by the NO/ONOO science to give one of the spawned supplement protocols a go, but as always I looked for detractors rather than just taking things at face value, I’d advise anyone to do that, there are always two sides to a theory. That’s how I happened across this site, if you’ve found it in the same way then please read on, this will concern you.
First thread I was linked to was on Pall and, given some of the things that were being said, and my personal interest in his work, I asked a few civilized questions, again to the newbies, go check it out, make up your own mind if that claim is true.
A few responses to direct insults later and we had people like ‘Cold’ suggesting I’d no right to be posting here, that’s not one for me to decide but in fairness I have had some good replies and found out some really worthwhile stuff from some pretty decent people. Leaving this site behind though, if it has any effect on my life whatsoever, I believe will be only positive; this is truly, truly an unhealthy place to hang out.
Again don’t take my word for it, use your own judgment on whether you think, as has been suggested, that I’m anything from a psychopath to Simon Wessley in disguise, or indeed one of his cronies. Consider ‘Cold taste of tears’ repeated references to child abuse and rape while including my name, is he obsessing or is he trying to manipulate you into associating such outrages with me? In either case it’s hardly the product of a health mind.
Alternately of course you may find yourself concluding, as some other users have, that I’ve simply not been convinced that ‘they’re all out to get us’ and in keeping with a high moral ethic and personal accountability believe that when someone makes a claim as fact, that they should be able to provide reasonable proofs or just cause for those claims, and if not I suggest it is them and not I who perform the disservice to the rest of us, your own morals will dictate which side of that divide you stand.
I’m also about things having purpose and I find this site purposeless, it is to my mind an unhealthy, inaccurate even delusional moaning shop dominated by a single unsubstantiated viewpoint. If, as is being suggested here, there is a conspiracy against our illness then I’d like to work with other ‘reasonable’ sufferers to try and change that, but first, you have to make a robust case, something this thread has singularly failed to do.
Find for yourself the reply I was sent to one posting which helpfully included a link to work being undertaken by the current Scottish Government, to that user my thanks, having gone through this in detail I must conclude that it’s a complete travesty to say ‘nothing is being done’.
Something else you’re going to find you need is a fully documented ‘illness’ credential, your illness is unquestioned only as long as you hold to the script, after that, clearly, despite the opinion of three separate specialists and two GP’s, the masters of this reality will brand you a fake.
Next up, get a good handle, something which shows you’re ‘into’ being sick, try ‘The depths of despair’ or perhaps ‘at my wits end’ or if you’ve a really dramatic flair, and take yourself really really seriously you could consider ‘Cold taste of tears’, that’s bound to win lots of sympathy. I only wish I had half the energy this man appears to have.
Interestingly I asked a number of family and friends what they make of that name, that nobody gets it, that everyone thinks it’s sad should tell you volumes about what you’ve stumbled into.
Initially I thought this site to be harmless, but it’s no such thing, read how it treats even those who ask for harmony, check out Mark’s post and the way he was treated for defending me. Now I see this site for what it really is, a refuge for people who have been so diminished at a personal level by their illness that it has become their entire identity, an identity that means more than cure or action. Woe betide anyone who tries to take that away from them, you’d have more luck getting a bottle from an alcoholic, so high are they on their shared victimhood.
Stay if you wish but I’m well out of it and rejoice at the thought that I won’t have to bother with the bile that will no doubt follow.