See the Shocking Moment She Went From Crippled and Bed-Ridden to Dancing in Worship


iherb code TAK122
@brenda @Countrygirl

Now you see I believe passionately that there is so much we don't know about the world and beyond. The scientists think it can all be explained their way at some point but they are so so wrong. I have had experiences with spiritualists in my life that can never be explained by anyone else. I understand the sceptics, I was one.
But experiences like you 2 had are something else. I envy you those. Maybe on another thread we could share them, if we're well enough someday and/or want to.


Senior Member
Hello Maryb,

I am quite happy to tell you what I experienced. I rarely relate it to folk as it is very precious and I am wary in sharing it in the wrong situation, but I do if people request to hear it. I don't think it would be appropriate to post it on a public site,but am happy to share it privately.

I was astonished and it quite blew my mind. It happened when I was packing my teaching bag just before bed and ensuring that my lesson plans were completed for the next day.But I will tell you the full story in a more private place later. I have to leave the house for a little while now,but can get back to you.



Senior Member
This is to everyone. Can I just ask to not be tagged into this thread by anyone, anymore please? I would really appreciate it.

You might want to tick "unwatch thread" at the top of the page; if you post to a thread you are automatically "watching" it.
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Senior Member
You might want to tick "unwatch thread" at the top of the page; if you post to a thread you are automatically "watching" it.
Also, check your alerts prefs, you may be getting alerts when someone replies to you.
I did that when I made the post :)
It was just the quoting/tagging as I currently don't really have much more to say other then what I already have.


Senior Member
As a community, people such as Rich Van Koeynenburg, Dr Malcolm Hooper and other prominent doctors whose Christian faith has guided them to sacrifice much to help us, whether it is just their time, or even their reputations and career prospects, are those who provide us with a clearer picture of what following Christ meams.

Wow. Just... wow.

So what about the many, many more Christian doctors and psychiatrists who have treated us with contempt and cruelty? Do we attribute that to their Christian faith as well? Are they also giving us a "clearer picture of what following Christ meams."?

Then there's the many doctors and scientists helping us who are Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or agnostic, or atheist , or subscribing to any of a number of other religious beliefs? I doubt it's Christian faith that "guided them to sacrifice much to help us, whether it is just their time, or even their reputations and career prospects". What are they giving us a picture of if it's not "what following Christ means"? Could it be that it's actually normal human decency regardless of religious bent?

I grew up a devout Christian surrounded by devout Christians. I homeschool in the US Midwest and as a result am still surrounded by devout Christians. While I respect their desire to practice their beliefs and strongly defend their right to do so as long as it does not infringe on others, I most definitely have not found them to be kinder, more decent human beings than the rest of the population. In fact, in general they are more unkind and selfish than the other people I know.

People are people, Christians or otherwise. There are kind, loving, generous Christians and kind, loving, generous people of all faiths and non-faiths. There are selfish, rude, nasty, unloving Christians and selfish, rude, nasty, unloving non-Christians.

Christian faith does not automatically confer goodness and human decency, nor does non-Christianity automatically confer evil and selfishness. There are good, decent people of all faiths (and non-faiths) and there are bad, unpleasant people of all faiths and non-faiths.


Senior Member
@brenda @Countrygirl
The scientists think it can all be explained their way at some point but they are so so wrong.

Obviously you are not a scientist or you would know very well that scientists DO NOT "think it can all be explained their way."

FYI, there are very many religious scientists who do not believe that science explains everything including faith and God.

Well-educated scientists understand that not everything is explained by science. Science deals with things that can be measured and verified and acknowledges that things exist that we (currently, at least) cannot measure and verify. Scientists talk about scientific truth -- facts that are observable, measurable, and repeatable.

For example, no scientist I've ever heard claims that religious belief is science. It's not measurable and it's not repeatable. It's not even easy to observe directly, although it's often quite easy to see indirectly through behavior. The existence of gods is not a scientific truth because it cannot be tested and produce repeatable results. Predictions based on the existence of gods don't produce consistent results. That makes it not scientific truth. That doesn't mean the existence of gods is not a religious truth, where truth is defined by some other method.

There are people who believe that ultimately everything will be observable, measurable, testable, predictable, and repeatable. There are people who believe it won't. There are scientists in both camps.

You might benefit from reading about the scientific method. Wikipedia is a simple beginning source of general information.
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iherb code TAK122
Do you know I was going to reply but its not worth the effort........
and thanks I don't need pointing towards any reading material.


Senior Member
Atheism in that form exists, but it also exists in the neutral form of not believing.

i've heard this before, atheism supposedly being the absence of a belief in god. how can not believing be neutral? if i don't believe in god surely im still asserting that he doesn't exist? i prefer agnosticism; there may or may not be a god, one cannot know for sure either way in our present state. its the only neutral ground as i see it. there maybe a man with a big white beard on a throne running tings. doubtfull but open enquiry demands i allow the possibility. or ive misunderstood this "neutral form of not believing"?
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Senior Member
does it mention, anywhere, how the scars were caused?

i imagine faith healing could have a similar affect to reiki. if anyone of us were in any hall/room with lots of caring people, religious and not religious, all interested in you healing, id guess you might get some benefit. the fact its a church is just incidental. no god, in the specific sense, involved, just mental and emotional energy directed at a person and maybe "universal energy", or similar, like in reiki, maybe.

i wonder what would happen if 50 of us chose a person, from here, and a specific time to send them healing, remotely...good chance they'll get some benefit or it could be too much.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
i prefer agnosticism;

Hi Manna, reminds me of an "Agnostic's Prayer" I heard once, which goes something like:

Dear God (if there is a God); Please save my Soul (if there is a Soul). Seems to just about cover all bases. :)
Also, and I hope this isn't too off-topic, but an earlier reference to Wikipedia reminded me of a 5 1/2 minute video PBS segment I watched recently which indicated it may not be as objective as we may think.

"Wikipedia has come under scrutiny over a lack of female representation and participation on the website. To combat this trend, Adrianne Wadewitz was a dedicated "Wikipedian," who wrote and edited content on Wikipedia as one of the nearly 75,000 active volunteer editors."

Wikipedian Editor Took on Website's Gender Gap
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