As a community, people such as Rich Van Koeynenburg, Dr Malcolm Hooper and other prominent doctors whose Christian faith has guided them to sacrifice much to help us, whether it is just their time, or even their reputations and career prospects, are those who provide us with a clearer picture of what following Christ meams.
Wow. Just... wow.
So what about the many, many more Christian doctors and psychiatrists who have treated us with contempt and cruelty? Do we attribute that to their Christian faith as well? Are they also giving us a "clearer picture of what following Christ meams."?
Then there's the many doctors and scientists helping us who are Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or agnostic, or atheist , or subscribing to any of a number of other religious beliefs? I doubt it's Christian faith that "guided them to sacrifice much to help us, whether it is just their time, or even their reputations and career prospects". What are they giving us a picture of if it's not "what following Christ means"? Could it be that it's actually normal human decency regardless of religious bent?
I grew up a devout Christian surrounded by devout Christians. I homeschool in the US Midwest and as a result am still surrounded by devout Christians. While I respect their desire to practice their beliefs and strongly defend their right to do so as long as it does not infringe on others, I most definitely have not found them to be kinder, more decent human beings than the rest of the population. In fact, in general they are more unkind and selfish than the other people I know.
People are people, Christians or otherwise. There are kind, loving, generous Christians and kind, loving, generous people of all faiths and non-faiths. There are selfish, rude, nasty, unloving Christians and selfish, rude, nasty, unloving non-Christians.
Christian faith does not automatically confer goodness and human decency, nor does non-Christianity automatically confer evil and selfishness. There are good, decent people of all faiths (and non-faiths) and there are bad, unpleasant people of all faiths and non-faiths.