Many thanks once again, Alicec. It is good to know that others find widowhood a life-changing event. I'm finding the second year harder than the first in some ways. It is the realization that I am on my own now and may be for a very long time. I was married for 47 years and together with my husband for 5 years before that. Now I am working on finding out who I am as a single.
Also tackling some big decisions such as how much money will I need for the rest of my life, where would a more economical place to live be.
I do remember you telling me before about the effect of methyl donors on COMT++. I believe you. My eldest daughter was highly sensitive to even small amounts of MB12 but her practitioner had her very slowly work up to a regular amount. I'm sure given her personality that she is COMT++. I was blaming COMT++ for a foggy head there for awhile and the taking of methylated vitamins but then figured out another cause ie candida (foggy head disappeared when I took a course of Diflucan.)
I have not added back MB12 or folate yet. I've been taking Yasko's All-in-One for 2-3 months and not adding any extra B12 or folate. I'm planning to test and find out if I actually need them first. I'm not sure which test yet. Would OAT show this? On my past ION test I did not need B12. Not sure re folate. I try to eat my leafy greens. I'd like to have a baseline first before adding too much. I already take an awful mess of supps. Its a bit ridiculous and I want to reduce.
You said...
"I've got quite a few COMT +/+ and have read a moderate amount on these snps. Probably no one single snp is especially important but there do seem to be haplogroups of snps that definitely result in a slower enzyme. What that means for an individual is more complex than the proposal that we have too much dopamine. I would love to have more dopamine! It may mean that we end up with a more sensitive negative feedback mechanism. As soon as dopamine starts to rise this kicks in quickly and we end up with low dopamine. That's how it feels with me most of the time anyhow."
I also have VDR Taq++. I've forgotten how that plays in.
I am interested in knowing about haplogroups of COMT snps. I too would love to have more dopamine! I have read that diet coke raises dopamine. I find it really gives me a boost. It is both the caffeine and the aspartame, I believe. However, I mostly avoid having it these days as there is so much written about it destroying the brain.
You said..."I know what you mean about tests - none of them are entirely satisfactory and they are all expensive. I did an ION profile and a Genova GI effects test about a year ago and was fairly underwhelmed with what I learned in comparison with the costs. The ION profile has cut back on some of the test parameters now that Genova alone is in control and while I was interested in the stool test since I hadn't had one for some time, I couldn't see the point of having another one."
Thanks for the comments about the various tests. Good point about changes made by Genova. I had the Metametrix GDfx a couple of years ago and it told me nothing. Said 4+ yeast but could not culture and said transient.
You said..."Since doing a uBiome test I really wonder what if anything the culture based part of stool tests means. The organisms identified seem to have no relationship to those identified by DNA sequencing."
My last stool test done in June was by Doctor's Data and it identified candida 2+ and a couple of bad bacteria. Maybe of value re showing slightly low butyrate and low SIgA. Something to work on.I have not done Ubiome yet.
You also said..."I've fallen back to having a GPL OAT a couple of times a year. It lets me keep an eye on oxalates plus some nutritional, metabolic and microbial markers and is not too expensive but I agree with the point made by
@JaimeS on the other thread you referenced. I can find no reference for arabinose being a marker for Candida. D-arabinitol as used by Genova yes but not arabinose. GPL have special claims to this marker so maybe they have research they are not telling anyone about.
Interesting...I will keep in mind. Thanks again.
PS: I can't figure out how to integrate snippets of previous post into my reply. I would really appreciate help on this!