

Senior Member
Yes, I got a herx on the second session, and it is the first time I have had a herx like that - I have had dieback from candida treatments before. This felt very different - I had the feeling that my immune system was trying to raise my temperature. I also had a lot of sweating. It lasted for 3 days at its worse though i still have the smelly underarm sweating. It was not so bad really but I had to rest in bed and do detoxing. The 4th day was amazing as I was able to do loads of housework with no after effects. Of course I overdid it :)

I am getting ready to give myself another herx. It does take some time to get the bacteria out - some say a year. I do think that I am doing so well because of all the other preparation work I have done with diet etc. This should lesson the herxes considerably.


Senior Member
I can't believe there is someone SELLING frequencies on the internet. Thsi person bases the frequencies on some math that appears elaborate, but is just speculative junk. Then they say that you can't share them with other sick or dying people. How coldhearted can you get. If this person was doing costly lab experiments may I would understand.

I own the GB400, have used it 100 times, and I herx on the lyme frequencies. During my experience with rife everyone shared frequencies. We are sick desperate people trying to help each other. We didn't charge money.

I don't think there is any reason to believe the frequencies are known for XMRV because no one has done the experiments that Rife did on that virus. I think a range of frequencies causes herx reactions but it may just be the lyme.

Sorry, I'm not upset that anyone wants to try alternative things and I honestly hope it helps---I admit I would probably try the "XMRV frequencies" myself if I didn't have to pay this person because I have nothing to lose---I just think we need to separate what is a reasonable hypothesis and pure speculation when it comes to what rife is really doing and what the appropriate frequencies are for XMRV.

I believe there is something to rife technology and pathogens, but because of our medical culture (drugs and $$$) no one is really doing the science that can help show us the way. We are left with random experimentation and charlatans wanting our money.


Senior Member
The cost for them is very little and perhaps helps with further research - I don`t know. They are DNA frequencies and I suppose that a great deal of research and work has gone into finding them. Here is the person -

"Charlene Bohm
The theory of finding DNA or RNA-related frequencies was first developed in 1999. It considers a nucleic acid chain as an basic antenna, and then computes a frequency for it using principles of biophysics, and the coherent electromagnetic response characteristics of the entire human body. Initial in-vivo experiments with the method focused primarily on entire genomes of certain pathogens, and produced enough encouraging results to warrant further pursuit of the concept. However, because the genomes of some organisms in the course of their existence delete or acquire stretches of DNA (or RNA), it was realized that in such situations, additional knowledge from the field of molecular biology had to be incorporated into the application of this theory. If an organism with a relatively large genome acquires (or deletes) a short section of DNA, or experiences a small point mutation, it will not affect the final frequency result very much, if at all. On the other hand, if a small genome similar to for example certain cancer viruses, acquires a stretch of the host DNA or RNA, this could produce a radical change in the final frequency computation.

After the early experimental results addressing consistent-form full genomes started coming in, we also discovered a beneficial in-vivo response when applying the mathematical process to certain other very common components of pathogens. The research into this aspect of the theory is ongoing at this time, as is development of additional extensions of the method, which is under patent-pending status."

And more here.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
GB-4000 Rife Treatment for Lyme Disease

The GB4000 is a great device - I wish I had one.

Hi Brenda,

I visited my ND/DC today for the first time in two years. He mentioned he has followed Rife technology for the past 40 years, and feels the most recent GB-4000, with its potent amplifier (MOPA; Master Oscillator Power Amplifier), is the closest to Royal Rife's original Rife machine he has seen.

He says he's starting to use it on his Lyme patients, who have been experiencing very strong herx reactions. He didn't seem particularly troubled by this, which makes me pause and wonder how well he understands those of us with Lyme on top of ME/CFS.

I do feel this is the year for me to get started on some frequency therapy however, and noticed your comment about the GB-4000. I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on your comment as to it being a great device. I'm also VERY curious as to how you've been doing for these past many months with your Rife therapy.

Thanks much -- Wayne

ETA: Three websites I found today that I'm using to re-start my research on Rife technology:

1. GB-4000 Distributor Website

2. Website run by Jeff Garff - Provides extensive information on Royal Rife and his Rife technology

3. Electroherbalism


Senior Member
Hi Wayne

Here is another one


where they discuss the GB-400.

I have had to stop rifing as my body just cant take it at present as I am making an international house move. Once I get settled I will get back to it and detoxing but that is too much at present though I am doing good. I am treating my endo system with pig hormone and pregnenolone for adrenals plus a few herbs taken on different days according to how I test for the day with self kinesiology. I must be doing good being at stage 3 Lyme and doing all this.

I would love a GB400 if I have any money left! I have heard so much good about it but there are other machines too.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I have had to stop rifing as my body just cant take it at present as I am making an international house move. Once I get settled I will get back to it and detoxing but that is too much at present though I am doing good.

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for your reply and the link. It would seem that if using Rife can create a Lyme dieoff and bring on detoxification symptoms, then it would make sense to use this safe modality instead of antibiotics. Have you used antibiotics, or anticipate using them in the future if Rife can only bring you along so far?

I am treating my endo system with pig hormone and pregnenolone for adrenals plus a few herbs taken on different days according to how I test for the day with self kinesiology. I must be doing good being at stage 3 Lyme and doing all this.

I've been reading a fair amount on Lyme in the past few days, but have not run across references to various stages. I'm curious how many there are; would you know right off hand where I could read more on this?

I would love a GB400 if I have any money left! I have heard so much good about it but there are other machines too.

I've read that Bryan Rosner feels there are about four good Rife machines out there right now. I'm curious which one you're using (you've probably already mentioned it in this thread), and which ones Bryan recommends. I've got tons of questions at this time; don't want you to feel obligated to answer them all, especially since you're doing an international move!

I'm happy to hear you're doing good. And best of luck on this move you're undertaking. Wow, sounds like a lot! I hope it turns out to be a great move for you.

Best Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Hi Wayne

I have never used antibx as I cannot take any medication at all.


I was diagnosed through a blood test in Germany which showed stage 3. This is the end stage where serious fatal conditions occur. I was developing dementia but it has reverted.

Because of my very weak state I started by using the Biowave or Resiwave as it is otherwise known


thinking that I would get a more powerful device later, and also because I had a naturopath who used them, as many do in Germany where it is a certified medical device and he produced a program of frequencies for me after testing me. I was a bit wary of having too strong herxes that my body could not cope with. As I have grown stronger with the endo treatment on myself, and through excluding gluten oin my diet, I feel more confident now of using the more powerful ones.

Thanks Wayne, the move will free me from all of the stress of living in a foreign country where I don`t speak much of the language but it is still going back to a place where treatment is none existant and the climate bad for me ie the UK.

best wishes


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Rife and Lyme

I was developing dementia but it has reverted.

Hi Brenda,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the links and information. I was especially heartened by your above comment. I've been dealing with serious Lyme dementia for going on 20 years, and am hopeful that I might be able to reverse it as well.

I just this morning ran across the following quote from some of my research. It provides a pretty good glimpse of the veracity of Rife frequencies to affect Lyme bacteria:

In the 1980s, Doug MacLean, an engineer who had Lyme Disease and had had
limited success with antibiotics, experimented with applying electromagnetic
frequencies to spirochetes. While watching spirochetes getting ripped apart under the microscope, he gave himself an accidental indirect exposure. When he had the biggest Herx reaction hed ever had, he knew he was on to something.
Thanks again Brenda. I anticipate making a decision on a Rife machine in the next week or so. Will post on any progress (or lack thereof) I may make.

Best Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Hi Wayne

Thanks. Whichever one you choose, just take it very easy at first. Many make the mistake of using too high a power or too long. You need to see how your body copes with the die off and many say it is hell at first.

I don`t know whether I can put all of the improvement in the dementia symptoms which have just about gone, to the rifing. There was a spiritual aspect involved about 3 months ago when I had a breakthrough in that department. Finding peace in your soul is an important part of healing I think. I think that I lost all of my fears at that time.

Goodness 20 years is a long time to have suffered like this. Mine progressed very rapidly during the last year and I was feeling very confused about many things but that has gone. I do wish you good rifing!!



Senior Member
I did use my device recently. I have been having really bad eye pain and read a few days ago that Lyme causes inflamation of the optic nerve. I looked up a few frequencies - 20 and 80 and used them twice and have herxed a little which is always a good sign. I hope I can get on top of this as it can become really awful and painful all of the time not just now and again which mine is atm. This is what I love about this therapy, you can use it for all sorts of things and you can help your family with their problems and even pets. I am going to look up hiar loss frequencies next.


Senior Member
I can't see any reason to believe that rife works for hair loss or the hundreds of other ailments, symptoms etc that are often mentioned. Why would it?

Lyme disease is a different issue--there does appear to be some kind of reaction--and the spirochette has proper form to possibly be affected by frequencies. Many, including myself, seem to get a "herx-type" response. But even with lyme, no one, including Bryan Rosner the self proclaimed expert, really knows what is going on when you run the machine. I definitely respond to rife and have done it at least 100 times but with no obvious improvement.


Senior Member
Hi, sorry to hear that, I have had a lot of success in using my small generator for various things. The various organs of the body resonate at different frequencies so why would they not respond? I use it to help my body detox by strengthening my liver and kidneys it all makes sense to me. If the hair loss is though weak adrenals then they can be strengthened.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Ordered GB-4000

There was a spiritual aspect involved about 3 months ago when I had a breakthrough in that department. Finding peace in your soul is an important part of healing I think. I think that I lost all of my fears at that time.

Hi Brenda,

Always good to hear back from you. Congratulations on the breakthrough you alluded to above! I also feel there's a spiritual element involved when working on our physical healing. One aspect that is predominant for me at this time is what I think of as "beginning and/or flowing with a positive cycle".

I've really not done much the past 2 1/2 years since I received a positive Lyme diagnosis, and feel I'm just now getting around to formulating and implementing a Lyme treatment plan for myself. (Not easy as I try to navigate through "Lyme brain".) Since ordering a GB-4000 a couple days ago, it feels really good that I'm finally embarking on a new "healing cycle".

I learned over the past couple years that at my age, and duration of having Lyme, I'm not a good candidate for antibiotics, which got me to looking for alternative methods. I'm looking at this as a multi-year process, where I'll be trying to address this situation on multiple fronts. Important aspects for me will be to build up and repair while at the same time gradually reducing my pathogen load. I suspect a fair amount of damage has been done to my body during the past 30 years or so of chronic LD.

I suspect this all will entail quite a journey that will likely have its peaks and valleys. But I'm now feeling ready and looking forward to it (valleys and all, if that what it takes to heal on many different levels simultaneously). :Retro smile:

Best Regards, Wayne


Senior Member
Hi Wayne

Sounds like you are in a good place to do some healing. It took me a while to get things together enough to get started myself and it is so slow but when I look back I am amazed at how far I have come. Where there is life there is hope and there was not much life left in me. My latest success has encouraged me, that is to get the severe eye pain sorted out with B12 and some eye frequencies.

I have seen much progress with the emotional side and the spiritual side and the spiritual side has made me the best progress. I have learned to stop trying to analyze things and just trust in my higher power. Its all about peeling layers and having confidence int he bodys ability to heal itself and to let you know what it needs. Fear was a big problem for me. Now I have let it all go. I really wish you success Wayne and if you wish to keep in email contact just say.

best wishes