Thanks all. I am terrified to use all the frequecies and dont want to be. I have a perl. There is a general health setting they suggest you use 2=3 weeks prior to rifing for lyme or other more chronic pathigens. But the GH setting in addition to organ support, detox has frequencies for strep, staph, e coli, candida, parasites, fungus and mold... and the fear of a herx has kept me from using it. The program is over an hour long. I can see herxing off the candida, fungus, mold settings. That just doesnt make sense to me as a gentle lead in to harder treatment.
Mine also has programs for mercury detox. I am in no way touching those yet. I do have banks for liver, lymph, etc support, detox. Thinking of doing those first for a while. I did a lyme frequency and either am still in a herx that is causing spasms and inflammation in my sinuses, head, lungs or am in the midst of a coincidental allergic reaction or what?
My last round of abx (pulsed protocol MWF three weeks a month, for lyme), I had to stop a week early because of sinus, brain swelling.. and it did go down within a week. ?? I was not sure if I was herxing, allergies or what.. but with the symptoms going away when off the abx, thought a herx, thought I dont hear of people herxing like this.
So it sounds like detox and viral frequencies might be easier to handle than some or all pathogen frequencies. Has anyone used with pathogen frequencies and not herxed? Im not sure with even strep and staph if these infections naturally cause a cytokine response when the body natually defends.... rife is probably disabling for the immune system to finish off? So? wouldnt that lead to a cytokine response?
I like the idea of holding the crystals.