

Senior Member
yes, thanks for the link. but so many people are saying that cheap rife instruments do not work. and who wants to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to try out some machines ? i am still waiting for an account of a cfs patient who was cured with a rife machine. i will read on the forum you posted.


Senior Member

The Resiwave is used by practitioners in Germany and costs 250 euros or something plus the cards which are about 30 euros. This is the cheapest way I think unless you have Lyme then it is debateable although sufferers in Germany are claiming either remission or cure.

I don't think these things on their own are a cure, one must work on the body to improve the chances of getting rid of the pathogens for good by having an improved terrain . I think a lot of people do not do this enough and so the instruments disappoint them. I am working on my leaky gut first before I ever think of using the machine I will buy - still under investigation. There are no shortcuts.

There are groups of people who get together to buy a Rife bewteen them. I have heard that the zappers are most certainly not powerful enough for cfs and Lyme.


Senior Member
I have a rife. Can report back when I get the nerve to use it. There is a very good rife thread on Lymenet. Sushi, did you find you had to do the less is more timing with all frequencies or with certain ones?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have a rife. Can report back when I get the nerve to use it. There is a very good rife thread on Lymenet. Sushi, did you find you had to do the less is more timing with all frequencies or with certain ones?

You got it! The only frequencies I could do the normal length and amplitude were one that very mildly cleared out stuff that the other programs stirred up. :ashamed:

I think it is a good idea to be very cautious with Rife--it is powerful and I found that for say, a frequency for Lyme, I couldn't tolerate more than about 30 seconds.

My machine has a few programs that you can run all night--like one using color frequencies. This felt fine. Otherwise, I'd say try it, but maybe only 5 or 10 seconds at first to see how you react.



Senior Member
Gut wrenching decision.:-D Now I am so second guessing myself. My husband is much better than me at taking these experiments in stride. I torture myself over each decision.

I (we.. husband also has lyme but not terribly effected) did 20 seconds at 612 Wed PM which is a harmonic (think I have that right) of the Doug frequency 306. I ran a slight fever the following PM. I also began to have chest pressure and still have it. I can tell now that on the same side as the chest pressure/constriction (?) I am now having swelling of lymphs nodes. Just on one side.

What is the longest you can tolerate the clearing (detox?) programs? Lymph and such?

This one can run programs at night as well. Not ready to go there..

Thanks, Sushi.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
What is the longest you can tolerate the clearing (detox?) programs? Lymph and such?

Thanks, Sushi.

My machine has a number of detox, lymph etc. programs. There is one that you are supposed to run after you run any other programs. It is supposed to sort of clean out the debris. This one I can do at the full program length--I don't have the book handy but it is about half an hour. But "treatment" programs, I can only take for a tiny fraction of the usual time.

What brand do you have? I have a Global Wellness, model G with pre-programmed frequencies for a myriad of conditions.



Senior Member
Just want to add, I have used a Rife machine for years, they are limited, but when they work they really work. Several of my family members also use the Rife machine. Definitely I concur that treating Lyme requires some caution. However treating viruses has never given me a bad herx, that only makes things better. My wife has had the most success, she used the frequencies for exzema and they worked. We were all pretty impressed. Also, I find that rifing for the Herpes virus frequencies often gives more energy for several hours afterwards.

My machine was about $1000, it is from RifeLabs. I got the computer option and use an old laptop to create the frequencies and that works fine. Also that lets me run dozens of different frequencies with each session. There might be less expensive options now, this was several years ago.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Just want to add, I have used a Rife machine for years, they are limited, but when they work they really work. We were all pretty impressed. Also, I find that rifing for the Herpes virus frequencies often gives more energy for several hours afterwards.

My machine was about $1000, it is from RifeLabs. I got the computer option and use an old laptop to create the frequencies and that works fine. Also that lets me run dozens of different frequencies with each session. There might be less expensive options now, this was several years ago.

I think I am getting courage to experiment again with my Rife....but cautiously! :ashamed:

It has a couple of programs for mercury detox. I've been scared to try them, but I think I will though just for a minute or so. My machine lets you use foot/hand pads, hand-held electrodes, or hand-held crystals. I find the crystals better for me, so I'll try those.

Thanks for your input.



Senior Member
Thanks all. I am terrified to use all the frequecies and dont want to be. I have a perl. There is a general health setting they suggest you use 2=3 weeks prior to rifing for lyme or other more chronic pathigens. But the GH setting in addition to organ support, detox has frequencies for strep, staph, e coli, candida, parasites, fungus and mold... and the fear of a herx has kept me from using it. The program is over an hour long. I can see herxing off the candida, fungus, mold settings. That just doesnt make sense to me as a gentle lead in to harder treatment.

Mine also has programs for mercury detox. I am in no way touching those yet. I do have banks for liver, lymph, etc support, detox. Thinking of doing those first for a while. I did a lyme frequency and either am still in a herx that is causing spasms and inflammation in my sinuses, head, lungs or am in the midst of a coincidental allergic reaction or what?

My last round of abx (pulsed protocol MWF three weeks a month, for lyme), I had to stop a week early because of sinus, brain swelling.. and it did go down within a week. ?? I was not sure if I was herxing, allergies or what.. but with the symptoms going away when off the abx, thought a herx, thought I dont hear of people herxing like this.

So it sounds like detox and viral frequencies might be easier to handle than some or all pathogen frequencies. Has anyone used with pathogen frequencies and not herxed? Im not sure with even strep and staph if these infections naturally cause a cytokine response when the body natually defends.... rife is probably disabling for the immune system to finish off? So? wouldnt that lead to a cytokine response?

I like the idea of holding the crystals.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

I'd be really cautious with those frequencies. After posting yesterday I did one minute of a mercury detox frequency. I did start to react within a short time. I did a far infrared sauna later and by this morning I felt fine. But Rife is powerful for people like us. You might try one of your detox frequencies, but maybe only for a minute at first, to see what happens. I am going to use mine, but verrrry cautiously!:worried:



Senior Member

Thank you for reporting back. I think that is wise. I am guessing that a lymph setting would be safer than a metal detox setting. ?? I am still a mess. Had to go to ER. Not sure it has anything to do with the rifing. We also have a mold issue in this house and remediation this week. New ater damage with the snow storm as well. Chest pain, labored berathing. ECG abnormal, but I assume not dangerously so.. referral to cardiologist. CT scan for pulmonary embolism OK. Chest Ray OK. No indication for need of asthma treatment. Still running fevers low grade 10 days after rifing. ?? Cardiologist this week. I am not touching the rife until I know what is going on.



Hi Sushi,

If you are on a budget I bought a rife machine (Rife Digital) at www.rifedigital.com for $399, it worked really well after my hospital recovery. I didn't have the bucks to buy the big desktop job model, but this one got me back on my feet really quick. It uses straps for both feet and hands which made a difference. It has frequencies up to 1 million HZ and comes with the frequency book. Although Rife Machines are meant to be desktop jobs, this little Rife Digital was easy to wear and I even slept with the machine on. The book supplied with it had 10 frequencies for CFS, and even though it hasn't completely cured me of the CFS, it has kept me out of hospital and off the anti-depressants. I really don't understand how the Rife Machine therapy works with CFS, but it does make a difference, especially the longer sessions.


Senior Member
yes, thanks for the link. but so many people are saying that cheap rife instruments do not work. and who wants to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to try out some machines ? i am still waiting for an account of a cfs patient who was cured with a rife machine. i will read on the forum you posted.

To answer this question, I've never heard of anyone with CFS recovering or getting significant improvement from rife. There are some lyme stories though. FYI, I have a rife and have used it at least 100 times. I seem to have CFS and lyme, whatever that means. I get what feels like the die-off reaction but doesn't appear that it helped me any.


Senior Member
Just signing in to report that I now own a ResiWave/BioWave and have begun using it, having reached the stage where I feel that my immune system is functioning - the result of excluding gluten and dairy - and I found a naturopath to guide me with the BioWave, which is a certified medical instrument in Germany but available elsewhere in the world.

The natruropath tested my blood and gave me a program to run for parasites viruses and Lyme bacteria and a course of herbal remedies for parasites, liver kidney support, and a product called TicTox from France which has been proving popular and two homeopathic remedies for the psychological effects of late Lyme.

I have added an even stricter diet to my protocol which is now seeds vegetables and brown rice with water to drink, and various detoxification therapies. I started my first herx yesterday and am managing it ok. I have hit problems with my kidneys and thyroid due to the advanced stage of my illness but I am hoping to get some frequecies for the viruses implicated in Hashimotos so that I can avoid taking hormones.

At this stage I feel hopeful that I will make speedy advances using rife technology.


Senior Member
I have found Rife machines useful for secondary problems. They have been brilliant for autumn mould problems. Every year in the UK my lungs get bad late summer/early autumn when wet weather - and the rife machines have been very good for this - and worth the money spent on them for this alone. I have also used them for cancer on top of my ME. I initially bought one cos I had borreliosis, but did not use it for that in the end as I was herxing strongly on herbs and then the next test showed I was negative. I have also found running parasite programs useful.

I think the difficulty with rife machines is knowing which things to rife and knowing which frequencies you need. My first rife machine was a contact pad devide (GB4000) which is good if I want to treat a particular location. However, one cannot move around and do other things (apart from lie down and watch telly) when it is operating. When I got cancer on top of my CFS I was very lucky and managed to get a Resonant Light second hand in the UK for a very good price. This is not a contact pad device and I can be doing other things in the room while it is operating, so does not impact on my time so much.

It will be interesting when a set of frequencies for XMRV eventually emerge, to see if that helps.


Senior Member

528hz has been reported useful for "normalization" of DNA or possibly DNA repair.
I would refer you to Dr. Horowitz, the leading DNA "guy" in the U.S. I believe. Just google 528hz+Horowitz.

Here is a list of frequencies


and this site has frequencies for XMRV which you can buy for a small fee. People are already using them and report reactions to them.


The GB400 is a great device - I wish I had one. My devise is very small and light and you can carry on as usual wearing it. I am in my 3rd day of Herx and it is going well. I would start with a program of the most usual bacteria viruses and parasites (but caution over the Lyme ones - only one minute to start) and see what you `feel`.


Senior Member
Thanks Brenda. I have access to various lists and an old version of the Nenah Sylver book. What I was trying to say was that CFS is a multiple component illness and we don't know what all those components are, therefore sometimes it is difficult to know what things to rife for.

Its interesting that people are already rifing XMRV. I have not looked into that yet and have not been on rife forums for ages. Resonant Light have a really good customer services, so maybe they can give me the XMRV frequencies.


Senior Member
How could anyone know the proper frequencies for XMRV? Hardly anyone has even detected the virus,and they certainly didn't determine its natural frequency.

Rife is supposed to break organisms apart based on their natural frequencies. I think one person did this with borrelia spirochettes and people seem to herx on those frequencies, so maybe it does that. However, I can't understand how there could be any information about frequencies for XMRV. I see Rife frequencies posted for almost everything. It just doesn't make sense. I don't know if Rife works on viruses anyway--they are so much smaller.


Senior Member
Anyone with an electron microscope and a rife can work out which frequencies are needed by watching the effects of running frequencies for similar viruses until the ones which knock it out are seen. Royal Rife said that cancer is caused by virusus and cured the 16 advanced cancer patients he had by running the frequencies for the particular viruses


I don`t know how viruses are destroyed and I am still learning about this technology and experimenting myself, and I have to say that I am astounded at the results I am getting. I don`t need to know the science of it before I get results. I don`t try any and everything out there, but reading about the technology made sense to me and the people who are giving testimony to its use are usually sane people without anything to sell.