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Senior Member

Has anyone here tried Rife therapy? Electroherbalism as it is sometimes called, is very popular here in Germany - in fact it is mainstream and there is a new instrument out which doctors and therapist are saying is very successful in killing viruses and bacteria.

You can get the basic Res1Wave unit for about 500 dollars and buy chip-cards to programme it according to which health issue you want to address or you can buy the therapist model to programme yourself. This means that you can treat yourself at home whenever you want. They are sold oversees too I believe.




Senior Member

It is an instrument which emits electromagnetic frequencies which kill bacteria and viruses. You hold the electrodes for a certain length of time. Have'nt you hear of the Hulda Clarke zapper? It's similar.



work in progress
N. California
Thanks Brenda. I have used mainly herbs and supplements and haven't tried any of these gadgets. Let me know if you have success with it.


Senior Member

the clark zapper is useless. i have one and it didnt work. and i know others who used it without success for lyme or cfs...


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Hi Brenda,

I have a Rife machine. It certainly does something! I had had trouble using it because it caused so much detox. I haven't used it in quite a while, but I should try it again now that I have gotten rid of more toxins. And also when they say to run a frequency for 3 minutes, I will run it for 30 seconds.

One of my doctor actually recommended it for me--an M.D.!



Senior Member
Yes I have heard that HC's zapper is not powerful enough for lyme but there are machines which are. The fact tha they are main-stream treatment for lyme here means they work.


Rife and Hulda Clark Zapper

Thanks everyone for your info. Is there a more affordable machine that works? $500 for a Rife is more than a lot of people can afford.

Good health to all,


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Rife cost


From my research when I was looking to buy a Rife, I doubt if you can get a good one for even $500. A thousand is more like it.:confused:

I had more money when I bought mine, but with these machines, there are a lot of bogus ones out there and you may have to pay a price for a good one. If you could find someone near you who has one, it would sure be good to try it out before investing.



Senior Member
Hi Sushi

The one I mentioned - and is probably less than 500 dollars, I did not check the exchange rate - it is 250 euros - is selling really well in Germany and therapists are using it - well not this one as you have to buy a chip card for the frequency but the one you programme yourself so it must be working ok. I must admit though that I am a bit leery.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I read recently all about Dr Rife.....not sure of all facts. He found as far back as the 30s that cancer was caused by a virus or bacteria. He worked out you could kill it in the cell effectively with high frequencies with his Rife machine. They have been outlawed I believe in many countries and people get around it by calling them Frequency Generators I think. Once blasted the cells just return to their normal behaviour and the cancer dies.


Senior Member
I was very interested to see this thread as I have a friend with a Rife machine and she is willing to let me try it (she got it for Lyme's and parasites). She also has the dieoff problem, it seems you have to calibrate this to your needs. She bought it from a woman who got into the business because she had such good success using it for her own health. My friend says hers was not the best price (I think you're right in calling it at a thousand or over), but she can call this woman up for advice and support on using the Rife machine, and this has been very worthwhile for her.

If anyone's interested in info on my friend's Rife and where she got it, I could provide it, but it might take a bit as my friend's out of town for a few weeks and not near email. I live in N Cal, so probably anyone in the USA could purchase through her if they wanted.

I hope to hear more about Rife machines and CFS here, I'm really interested.


Senior Member
Hi Sunday

Using Rife can be risky as destroying Lyme released mercury so it is important to do a lot of research I find unless one has a therapist.

The more I read the more I am convinced it is the way to go.


Senior Member
just so you know: here is a free online rife machine that i have tried a while ago


and here are the frequencies you have to enter:


but beware, i really didnt feel good afterwards, rather worse , just like when i used the clark zapper. these electronic devices can often do more harm than good, i know what i am talking about. so be careful with it or dont even try it if you are unsure.


Senior Member
Hello David

Here is something I found on computer generated frequencies;

The PC speaker is NOT capable of producing accurate frequencies under ANY circumstances, no matter what anyone claims (there are some people writing software and making claims to that effect). The reason why it cannot is a hardware issue and nothing to do with software.

The PC speaker is connected directly to the output of a timer chip in the PC. Basically, the timer can switch the speaker output high or low within certain time intervals. This will create a square wave by setting the output low for a certain time and then setting it high for the same time, then back to low again etc.

However the timing is limited to the timing resolution of the timer chip itself. The timer in the PC is based on very old technology and for compatibility is run with a master timing reference clock of around 1.8 Mhz (this is incredibly slow by modern standards). What this means in practice is that the timing resolution of the chip cannot possibly be better than (1/1.8Mhz = 0.55 microseconds). This sounds quite good, but is actually very poor. What it actually means is that the output wave can only be timed in integer multiples (whole numbers not fractions) of 0.55 microsecond steps.

Now when you go from one frequency to another each successive frequency will differ from the last by a certain timing fraction - there comes a point as the frequency increases where the step from one frequency to the next is less than the timing resolution of the speaker timer chip - when this happens the frequency becomes inaccurate. In the case of a PC (ALL PC's!) this "break point" occurs at 1341 Hz for 1 Hz steps. In other words the PC speaker output will give a frequency no more than 1Hz out for any frequency below 1341 Hz. Above that point it becomes inaccurate and what you ask for is not what you get.

The output from the speaker driver circuitry is a square wave but if the speaker is left connected it won't stay anywhere near square. If the speaker is removed the wave will be better but it will degrade in any connecting wire. So a good square wave is near impossible from the speaker output without extra circuitry.

Now to address the issue of sound cards. Sound cards can create waves by digital sampling. An analog signal is synthesized by lots of samples. This can create accurate SINE waves up to one half the sampling rate of the signal.

In the case of modern sound cards the highest sampling rate is 44 Khz so it can reproduce sine waves accurately up to 22Khz (in theory). In practice however, some special filtering is needed to avoid what is called aliasing noise and not all sound cards have it.

But a sound card cannot synthesize an accurate SQUARE wave for the same reason as the speaker circuit - the timing resolution of the sampling is the limiting factor - in the case of the speaker the timing resolution was 1/1.8 Mhz=0.55 microseconds). In the case of a sound card the timing resolution is (1/44Khz=22.7 microseconds) which is much WORSE than even the speaker! In the case of a sound card creating square waves the limiting frequency for 1Hz accuracy is approx 209 Hz! So a sound card cannot produce accurate square waves (to within 1Hz that is) above 209Hz!

However, the SINE wave output is perfect up to around 20 Khz IF a very good low pass filter (with sharp cut off above 20Khz) is applied through external circuitry. An external circuit to make a square wave from this sine will produce accurate square waves in the audio range.

Whether perfect square waves are necessary or not for Rife work is a separate issue. As I have explained on my web site the original Rife machines and the Hoyland variants used pure sine waves for modulation, NOT square waves and they worked just fine - and Rife's original principle was that a single pure frequency could kill pathogens. So it's not correct to say that ONLY square waves will have beneficial effects. However in practice most people find that square waves seem to work better for pad type devices.

CD's work the same way as sound cards, they cannot produce accurate square waves above 209 Hz and also as Ralph Hartwell has pointed out in the past, the timing of commercial CD players can drift significantly.

As always, I strongly recommend that people research the technicalities of any product before believing advertising claims - many in the Rife game are quite ridiculous if not outright cons.

ALWAYS get someone to check any device on real test equipment like an oscilloscope and frequency counter.

In my own research I've found time and again that certain conditions will cause pathogens to GROW - the signals will stimulate rather than kill them - others will wipe them out. It's not just a factor of frequency in general, but in most modern machines frequency is a critical factor that should not be ignored. There is a very fine line between between stimulation and mortality and even if you know what you're doing, caution is always necessary.

Finally, just as a separate issue. Windows 2000 (and XP) are based on Windows NT. The technology is different than the one used in Windows 98, ME and earlier ones. Basically, the NT core contains mechanisms to protect I/O devices from being accessed directly by user programs (it's possible but complicated). A program that accesses direct I/O (like the PC speaker) on an earlier platform will NOT work on NT, 2000 or XP unless it is designed to specifically access specialised API's in those operating systems or has a full custom device driver compliant to NT core standards. The program will run but may not give any actual output - or may bomb out with protection error messages.
Aubrey Scoon

The waveform coming out of a soundcard won't be very square, no matter what you tell the soundcard to generate (check this yourself with an oscilloscope). This is a limitation of the hardware. You need a waveshaper to get a nice squarewave.

You may get effects because you are applying electricity to your body (as with the various zappers/blood electrifiers) but you probably won't get resonant frequency effects.

And then there is the issue of voltage coming out of your soundcard (not very high) and the current that it can drive.

I know someone that, using a waveshaper, hooked himself up to his PC and used it as a cheap contact Rife device, but he has an engineering background and knew what he was doing, and attached the electrodes to his legs (less likelyhood of enough current reaching the heart and accidently stopping it).

Personally, I wouldn't be hooking myself directly up to a computer, and once I found out about how little current it takes to cause heart problems, I stopped helping people who want to do that using my software.
Fred Walter (Author of one of the many PC software solutions)

Even when using Rife machines, one must be careful because of the release of toxins into the system. I would not even think of using one until my health improved and I have got my organs well enough to detox. I have read so may testimomies of people who have cured themselves using them properly and I truly believe it is the best way to get rid of pathogens.

Whererabouts in Germany are you bty?


Senior Member
i am in northern germany, near the dutch border.

thanks for the link. well, its hard to know whether any machine really works or is rather dangerous. like i said , i have also tried the clark zapper , many say it works. but i felt terrible afterwards and it was not a herxheimer reaction. nonetheless i would be curious if anyone with cfs managed to get his health restored with a rife machine, there are practically no accounts on the internet and that goes for every machine from the alternative medicine section (rife, bionic 880 etc). maybe its the electricity itself that makes people with cfs worse, like i said i had this problem with all the machines i tried so far.


Senior Member
hi brenda,

thanks for the link. no, i am german and i live on the westcoast near hamburg .

this is what i found concerning the use of a laptop as a rife machine.


he basically says it is possible, but with an apparatus attached. however, i wont try that either . but you can get a cheap one on http://www.noriftrife.com

this would mean you could have a rife machine for a few dollars. the people with lyme use these really expensive machines like the doug coil machine for almost 3000 dollars and they say only the expensive machines work. but who knows?