Thank you, @
caledonia! Please excuse conciseness: painful typing.
Could also be metal detox (or other toxins), could be low potassium. Metals may take many months or even years to come out. I'm about 2 years in and still stuck at extremely low amounts because if I increase, I start to get uncomfortable symptoms from the metal detox (not quite as low as yours, but still, way down there).
Are you supplementing with potassium? This was a big roadblock for me.
Yes. I find food forms work best for me.
Maybe lithium deficiency? Lithium helps with B12 transport. If you don't have enough of that, maybe the B12 is unmetabolized and causing problems? You would think Yasko would mention that though if that was the case.
I think it is metabolized, because it has helped me a LOT. But maybe it could be metabolized better?
Have you done a toxic metals test to see what your metal status is?
No, and I think I should. What tests are good?
Have you tried different brands of methyl and hydroxy B12 - there could be a problem with fillers, not actual substance.
No. However, I react to some foods same way. More info below.
Have you tried adenosylcoblamin, and how does that affect you?
Not tried. (In my multi; don't think I absorb it.) Good brands?
Maybe keeping to food sources would be preferable. Sometimes people do better if the substance is complexed in food.
I found it milder, but same effect (or no effect, depending on species).
B12 sources that make me jittery (above 1mcg) AND help enormously (at 1mcg or below):
Perque (hydroxy), Sisu (methyl), clams, crab. Maybe egg yolks and cheeses.
B12 sources that don't make me jittery (even above 4mcg) AND have no discernible health effect:
Beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, tuna, trout.
4mcg from sources on the first list would probably make me hallucinate, based on my reaction to 2mcg.
Does this tell you anything? Or do you have any ideas who I could consult about it, here or elsewhere?
Thanks so much!
I'd better @
Critterina and @
Star-Anise here