MeCbl and l-metjhylfolate will start the first of 6 levels of healing almost 100% of time, about 20% of time requiring AdoCbl and L-carnitine fumarate, becasue these are all mutually deadlocking functionally. I almost have a complete explanation worked up that will be posted soon. Also, as Carmen Wheatley's paper, LARGE GORILLA ... ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN... said, HyCbl appears to be a workaround to a starvation situation allowing minimal incomplete functioning. AdoCbl reduces inflamation "radically" more effectively than HyCbl. MeCbl and AdoCbl are 100 ti 10,000 times as effective as HyCbl by my sestimations. That is pretty radical. Also, 400,000,000 years of evolution are on the side of MeCbl and AdoCbl instead of the barely functional salvage HyCbl. HyCbl competes for methyl groups. For HyCbl to be converted to the active forms requires some of the active forms to be present. It rrequires MeCbl, AdoCbl, L-methylfoate and l-carnitine fumarate to produce the ATP and donate the methyl group needed to convert the HyCbl to the same MeCbl that is destroyed by donating it's methyl group. HyCbl is a zero sum game that almost never starts up the methylation needed on the very first level of healing much less the other 5. The whole mercury methylation argument is not valid as stated. 1mg of mecury (takes 30mg of methyl-mercury in serum for symptoms to start appearing) destroys 7mg of MeCbl to be methlated. Since the body contains half that, and since 80% of mecury toxicity symptoms are b12 defciency symptoms, 30 mg of mecury would take all the b12 in your body and all the b12 you could absorb from food or HyCbl for the rest of your life with deficiency symptoms the whole time.