Sulbutiamine + Fursultiamine Day 1
Yesterday I took 200 mg Sulbutiamine for the first time in my life, on top of the fursultiamine. In the morning as usual at breakfast I took one Alimamin Plus (33 mg fursultiamine) + some magnesium, at lunch I took 200 mg Sulbutiamine and at dinner one Alinamin again.
Very interesting changes! Sulbutiamine
obviously reaches the parts other beers cannot reach!

Half an hour after taking the Sulbutiamine I went to lie down in a quiet place to feel the effects. I could feel it going by waves down to the pubis, with a slight tingling in the clitoris (that part did not last, in fact it only happened once).
I could hear the internal sound at the lower octave, a sign of activation of the muladhara chakra (prostate area). The upper side of the middle toes were getting warmer and warmer.
After that, nothing, so I got up and went on with my life.
At about 5 pm someone called me and I realized that I was full of energy and fun, but the mind was faster than my ability to pronounce the words. Not worried yet, we'll see if I don't manage to master the gift of the gab.
After that I realized that some pimples had appeared, those horrible ones under the skin that hurt and have no heads. On the chin and over eyebrows.
Nothing special until bedtime, I was not tired going to bed. I could feel something happening behind the heart, in the lymphatic pump, a kind of choking. Unpleasant, but I fell asleep immediately and I had a good night. No dream recall.
Upon waking this morning my brain has shrinked!!!!! (or is it shrunk?) Something is happening behind my left eye as a result! Most probably my eye problems stem from a lack of drainage in that area, due to my swollen brain?
The good news is that the pimples have disappeared without trace. But I feel pain behind both ears.
After a good shower all is normal again.
Best wishes to all!