I also get some awful mouth sores during a flare up, do you have any of these as well?
Do we dare to switch anatomy locations?
I don't get mouth sores very often, but do occasionally. Like the low b vitamin thing...
My mouth itself is sore and inflammed all over, boiling over and the Sahara desert- much of the time. And I do chinese medicine (well, I've been off protocols recently)...so my tongue runnuth over with evidence of my malaise. So during acute run down states, my mouth gets acutely worse. On a normal day, this doesn't start til around 4 pm (mouth, swelling).
My latest gastro bummer event, like the stomach flu, the pulp my teeth are rooted in was so swollen, most of my teeth were numb. My tongue doesn't fit in the space provided. Nasty blood blisters form underneath- on the spleen meridian channel. That first appeared- when I visited my dying mother for a week a few years ago, now they come and go. A week of bedside handwringing, I was ill for weeks thereafter and that was a new symptom- of so much heat blood blisters were visible. (they are tiny, but look just like a blood blister). I was then unable to rush back up to see my mother who then went into hospice. I considered how ill I would be if I was now to return to her bedside....in the state I was in.
So I have to bear the guilt of being too sick to be with my own mother.
I went around and around on this mouth thing for a while between the dentist and the doctor, the one who stared- she would stare- and ask me What did the dentist say? )(that maybe I am allergic to nuts). The dentist is the only living person who posssibly saw and rather grasped something is up there. All this caused severe random pain in teeth, also. Some of this swelling is likely mast cell, or a type of angiodema. My lips swell also, sometimes they feel scalded. Sometimes the skin feels- like it was injured, or burned.
More details: I was scheduled for a tooth implant. Which I did not want to do, but felt overwhlelmed by how few teeth I have left, and that once this one goes, alot more trouble ensues. So I was quite concerned about this swelling, the implications of having a fake tooth. And frankly- that I'm expected to show up at 8 am, the bathroom is unacceptably a mile away down some long hallway, and I can't imagine enduring this procedure.
During my thorough med history review, I raised this issue with the dental surgeon. He said: He would have to see that, and that he did not believe me.
Oh? I was floored.
I then proceeded to watch my body fabricate a severe abdominal pain, severe enough you'd want to rush to the doctor right away (my appendix are already gone). This goes on for 10 days at least. I cancelled the surgery. The abdominal pain subsided about 24 hours later.
that was my body refusing to have anything to do with that dentist, who does not believe me, as I calmly described this swelling cycle.
What a relief. Meanwhile, I just keep going with that same tooth and, well someday, that will be that. And then that will be that.