I'm not involved in advocacy as a patient, but as carer of someone approaching their 16th year of illness, who has lost all their adolescence and 20s to this illness.
And to add: The patient for whom I am carergiver was diagnosed initially with a post viral condition; then at four months from onset, the diagnosis was firmed up to ME by an NHS paediatrician (who used the term ME as well as the term CFS). He was offered a PET scan, but it would have meant travelling some distance out of area, and he was too unwell to travel comfortably. He was supported by the hospital in obtaining LEA provided home tuition until he was 17 and to obtain special arrangements for sitting a small number of exams at home, with an invigilator.
This was early 1999. At that point, we knew nothing about ME, had no computers in the house, had never discussed the illness with another patient, had been exposed to no media articles or other sources of information.
Where does Shorter think this patient or his parents caught a "meme" from? Out of the air?
And what would his view be of the NHS paediatrician who diagnosed him? Colluding with the patient in a folie à deux?
If you want to view Shorter's other areas of academic interest, his papers are PubMed listed
According to his blog, he's in the process of writing another book, is fascinated with
Fifty Shades of Grey and BDSM and is spending time hanging out on "adult" forums.
They are welcome to him.