Thanks, but I want to ask them all for help here. It does not bother me that my emails may fall into the hands of enemies in the psych lobby, that is actually what is intended. Lets ask them all, and see what sort of response happens from kicking over stones.
If nobody in these advocacy orgs want to touch this, then I know how to form a public non-profit corporation from scratch myself, and I will start one up in order to form a legal defense fund with a CPA managing the $$$, etc. What a pain. 30 years of CFS/ME advocacy organizations, and none of them want to fight for CFS/ME patients and sue the psych lobby back into the stone age.
The psych weasels need to be able to come to PR and watch the donation meter gradually tallying up funds to be used for a legal reply to the flood of trash science publications that are doing untold harm to ME/CFS patients.
Despite their name, I have a feeling action for me might be in the UKs pro-CBT/GET camp*. And therefore very unlikely to assist. Does anyone know any more activist UK organisations?
* and on the other hand I may be completely wrong about that because my brain is made of cream cheese these days. Covering all the bases here.
Once we get enough money to retain a competent legal firm, we can start immediately by having them send out "cease and desist" letters to the publishers and authors of our targets. Those letters will then likely be forwarded by annoyed authors/publishers to the legal departments of these target organizations. Accordingly, those legal departments will be forced to research the legal standing of the CFS/ME publications in question. That will result in a scenario of their very own lawyers breathing down their necks and reviewing and approving any future research before they can publish.
We can jam them up. If done correctly we can get a lot of result for relatively very little money. Nothing will happen if we just stand by wringing our hands and moaning about how unfair things are.
Imagine what misery might have been prevented if in 1950, some Tuskgeekee Syphilis Study patients had met on the internet and pooled resources to collectively hire a law firm in order to get help with penicillin treatments for all . . .