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Poll: Freddd's B-12 Treatment Plan

I have tried Freddds B12 Treatment Plan with the following results:

  • I am in effective remission (80%+)

    Votes: 8 6.2%
  • Major Improvement

    Votes: 36 27.7%
  • Moderate improvement

    Votes: 24 18.5%
  • Minor improvement

    Votes: 15 11.5%
  • No change

    Votes: 16 12.3%
  • Minor crash

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Moderate crash

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • Major crash

    Votes: 7 5.4%
  • Unable to continue protocol

    Votes: 15 11.5%

  • Total voters


SouthEast USA
I have not tried Fredd's B-12 plan. However something I have found is if I increase any of my B Vitamins and I do take Hydroxy shots 3 ml 2 x a week IM. I also have to increase my Probiotics. I take a mixture-My own concoction of VSL#3 Med food. Pro _5 by Schiff 2- 3 times a day, Schiff Probiotic 2- 3 times a day, Lactose Intolerant by Schiff. I am gluten free, no fried foods, very little acidic food and I do take a large Protein drink called Love and Peas Powder no sugar. with Blueberries. Avocado. The increase in the Probiotics has made a huge difference and I do not have any IBS symptoms anymore. Also use Coconut water and chopped spinach in the drink. I use no Milk products. This is just my formula-may not work for anyone else. I also use liquid adrenal supplement and Vit A from my Environmental Dr.I when I am having a flare-take up to 15-20 Probiotics a day. Use CPAP machine to help with sleep.


SouthEast USA
Freddd- One thing is clear-When someone says you don't understand something, they usually are hearing something they do not want to hear!!!! YOU MAY WANT TO RETHINK YOUT RESPONSES!!!!


Senior Member
I voted for moderate improvement. If I hadn't already done Rich's methylation and hadn't been taking methyl B12 for years it may have been major improvement.

I'm really happy with the results of Freddd's protocol after 2 months. I had a stiff back for 2 weeks at first and when that went away my back was stronger. For years I've had a really weak upper body and found it very uncomfortable that I couldn't walk with a strong straight back. Well, now I can and I'm loving it. As soon as the stiff back was gone it was like someone put a metal rod in my back and pulled up on my head. Just wonderful. Still not like a healthy person of course.

I also have less muscle aches. Turmeric had made that better but now it's even better. Barely any problems at all haven't needed a massage since I started on the protocol. Some of this could be that it's summertime and I have less problems in summer with this, though.

Another major result is that I can now read for long periods of time. I was at the level of able to read for short periods of time which was an improvement for not being able to read at all but now I can keep reading and keep reading like before I got sick. I love this one. I don't have the full cognition like I did before I got sick but it is nearly there. Wow.

My sound sensitivity is a little better from the level I was at, which was better than when it was really bad.

My toleration of crowds is better.

The weird feeling in my head and slight dizziness is a little better.

I don't get anxious as easily. That was really improved anyway, but there's another slight level of calm that I didn't have before.

My ADD is better. My brain moves more slowly and evenly, step by step instead of making huge crazy jumps. It's weird because I had a super quick brain which was good in some ways but this has much more advantages. I'm also less restless which is nice.

My patience is better (except when I'm driving, there's no cure for how you feel sitting in Atlanta traffic).

I can recover more quickly from exertion now. But of course I still have to be just as careful and rest just as much. I'm talking about 'exertion' in terms of how a ME/CFS person sees it. Such as if I do a little more one day I don't pay for it at all the next day. Wow. (Key word being a LITTLE more) Still really great.

I'm sure I left something out. Being sick for so long makes you (or at least me) very insensitive to changes and health cues.

My husband noticed a difference and asked me what has changed and I told him it was a couple months of Freddd's protocol.

I just got my genetic test back and I'm still researching it but I do have a heterozygous MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG mutation, a homozygous MTRR A66G rs1801394 GG mutation and a MTRR A664A rs1802059 AA mutation.

I'm really sorry if this makes anyone feel badly especially if the protocol didn't work for them. I kind of hate reporting improvements for this reason. :( Sending love to anyone who feels bad.

a big THANK YOU VERY MUCH to @Freddd. Thank you for working on this and sharing it with us. Really.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Freddd- One thing is clear-When someone says you don't understand something, they usually are hearing something they do not want to hear!!!! YOU MAY WANT TO RETHINK YOUT RESPONSES!!!!

@SanDiego#1, I really don't understand what you are saying here or to what you are referring. However, as you have demonstrated, one goes about these things, the combinations are very complicated. In the past year I have struggled with trace minerals and found over several months that as little as 80mcg of unidentified folate in Soy milk can cause epithelial lesions, mood and sleep problems that cleared up promptly when it was discontinued. So for me, a little whey, or a very little folic acid or vegetable folate can cause symptoms even while I'm taking 30mg a day of L-methylfolate. These is found in so many foods that with the other things like it, almost any of us are likely to be ambushed by some foods we wouldn't have imagined. Anybody who has healing success with all these complications they can have is to be congratulated. Getting rid of IBS after decades in my case was wonderful and I'm sure it is wonderful for you too.
@SanDiego#1, I really don't understand what you are saying here or to what you are referring. However, as you have demonstrated, one goes about these things, the combinations are very complicated. In the past year I have struggled with trace minerals and found over several months that as little as 80mcg of unidentified folate in Soy milk can cause epithelial lesions, mood and sleep problems that cleared up promptly when it was discontinued. So for me, a little whey, or a very little folic acid or vegetable folate can cause symptoms even while I'm taking 30mg a day of L-methylfolate. These is found in so many foods that with the other things like it, almost any of us are likely to be ambushed by some foods we wouldn't have imagined. Anybody who has healing success with all these complications they can have is to be congratulated. Getting rid of IBS after decades in my case was wonderful and I'm sure it is wonderful for you too.

Hi Freddd, I'm completely new here and have been slogging through methylation stuff for my own issues.

Do you think the folks who weren't successful on your protocol weren't because of other SNPs, like COMT or CBS? I'm homozygous for two COMT SNPs as well as homozygous for CBS, and also homozygous for about 8 other important SNPs as well (such as SOD2). My old doc ignorantly only tested for MTHFR, which I was compound heterozygous for, so he put me on a supplement he made himself with high doses (4000 mcg) methylfolate, methylb12, high dose P5P, ALA, and TMG.

That night after taking the second pill (divided in two doses) I had one of the worst experiences of brain fog I've ever had, along with a very weird "whoosh" feeling in my sinuses (like fluid was moving there), as well as hippus (flickering pupils in light, which I've had ever since stopping this supplement, attributing this to adrenal fatigue, but not feeling better on even 30 mg of hydrocortisone per day).

That supplement doesn't come close to following your protocol (I've since tried lower doses of methylfolate but without success), but I'm wondering if my COMT+/+ and CBS +/+ mutations might have something to do with it -- as well as with others who have tried your protocol without success?


Senior Member
May I ask one thing?

1) I have started my third month with methyl supps and have just increased the intake of mb12 and m folate.
This week I have been peeing dark yellow and green, it is rather foggy and smells funny.
I can't find any others reported that?
I suppose it is my body cleaning up, but would love to hear it is normal..

2) Have anybody had any improvement from painful periods following this program?
(Or other hormonal problems)

3) A billion thanks and firework and everything good for you people who is answering and explaining. I discovered my problem with methylation through a test at my homeopat, but it is not his specialty. So what would I'we done without you?


Senior Member
Greenish - kinda normal(it's excess B2)

Cloudy and stinky, not so much.

Are you feeling better or worse?


Senior Member
The first month after i started with mb12 and folate I was rather crappy.
I also got a rash in my neck, witch i never have had before.
But i read in those files about feeling crap and about rash, so I didn't worry.

Then followed a stabil and rather nice month.

3weeks ago i started with dibencozide and molybdneum still feeling stabil.

Then monday this week i switched the b complex i have taken for years to doctors best fully activated b complex. It contains 1000 mcg mb12.

I don't feel to well, but not as crappy as the first month. And not like if i have got a urinary infection.


Senior Member
Just wanted to tell-
After exactly one week, the day after I posted the questions above, the foggy urine cleared up, and most of the smell disappeared.

At the same time my tongue cleared up a great deal, (it has been covered with white coating the last six months)
The last 3 days, my tongue are less and less covered.


Senior Member
@Freddd I am a new member joined today after reading your protocol and embarking on it almost immediately with whatever I could found in my cabinet. It has been about 10 days, I do feel improvement without any major side effect so far except very very slight headache, which I am not even sure if it's related. However, I can testify how critical POTASSIUM is if I miss it one or two days! Let's hope my improvement is not something premature or short-lived. But I do see hope. Like many others, I just want to express my gratitude for your gracious deed of helping others, as well as admiration for your intelligence, ingenuity, self-reliance and warrior-like effort, which is truly inspiring. As a Molecular Biologist, I am fascinated with your work and am willing to offer my extra hands if needed, assuming there is still some intelligence spared by the illness. Since I am new here, this is the only way I know how to get in touch.


Senior Member
Just wanted to tell-
After exactly one week, the day after I posted the questions above, the foggy urine cleared up, and most of the smell disappeared.

At the same time my tongue cleared up a great deal, (it has been covered with white coating the last six months)
The last 3 days, my tongue are less and less covered.
White coating indicates yeast infection in your gut. Did your methylation supp. kill the infection or something else?