Hi Trollo,
Have you checked the lists of symptoms either in Active B12 basics or divvied up by nutrients effective on them in
http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/the-stages-of-methylation-and-healing.21725/ . The lists are near the end of the thread spread over multiple pages. I think 5 or 6 separate posts in all. Also it could be educational to read what I have actually said. Are your symptoms for the most part on these lists? The good news is that for those who don't have these symptoms and probably quite a few more, who are not deficient of any of these nutrients have no response to them. Lots of people without these specific sets of symptoms have tried, hoping for a miracle and haven't had it usually. It just doesn't do much of anything for those not deficient.
Let's get philosophical for a minute. What are you looking for?
Many years ago, when I had young children, also all suffering from the same nutritional deficiencies as I was, I told a true story worded in a certain way. Now, I'll retell it as best I can remember it. I borrowed the wordings from here and there for affect. My daughter's body was invaded by billions and billions of inimical life forms. In taking over her body and converting it to their own usage, they were making her very sick. We went to the local healer and a weirdly pink colored and strangely flavored concentrated mold extract was suggested, which we tried.
I left it at that for a few days and was roundly criticized for child abuse.
I then added "The bubblegum flavored amoxicillin controlled the strep infection very quickly".
The wordings one might use can affect how it is interpreted. The wording a person uses to themselves can affect how they think.
How old are you? Getting ready to die? Or are you young and wanting to have a real life? My life went down hill steeply from a broken back from a red light runner at age 24. By 26 FMS was on it's way. By 33 I had to change what I was doing as I was no longer up to it physically, selling insurance and investments. I had been developing software on the side for 5 years at that point, then it became full time. Six years later I had the full total CFS crash, I had to crawl to the toilet to vomit because I couldn't walk. It took 6 months to be able to exceed 50 feet walking distance. In early 2003 I could no longer focus my eyes well enough to read or even really watch a movie. It wasn't a corrective lens thing. The muscles wouldn't work sometimes. I had a couple of hundred symptoms and life was non-stopping misery and getting worse. I was dying from congestive heart failure. My muscles were all atrophying.
I WAS DESPERATE! I wanted to live a normal life more or less. I have been running a 10.5 year longitudinal study, myself, and a multitude of traveling companions. I was desperate enough to start with the only thing that had success in healing neuropathies, MeCbl, and debug all the reasons it wouldn't work at various times.
Are you looking to make your last years more comfortable or to get back a middle age I never had or maybe get well and still have some of your youth? Are you desiring to actually heal if possible? Do you hope it is possible? Are you desperate because this is destroying your life? If you wait until it is destroying your life whatever works will become less effective in how extensive the healing can be.
If a person has a form of damage in CNS deficiencies of both or either B12, which can occur separately from the body level of B12, the longer the delay the greater the damage that may not heal or even stay in remission enough. The clock could be ticking on that one.
So that you understand what you might be dealing with, b12 deficiencies is that it can cause the blockade of over 600 biochemical reactions on about 5 different levels of "triage" within the body.
The responses turn on by layer. And since there is up to a 4 way deadlock, plus half a dozen other possibly deadlocking by combination items and another half dozen or so significant modifiers or drivers and who knows what else.
It is complicated If you can figure out a way that works at all, great. If it works "better" great. If it works for other people, great.
I had started working on this by 1978 when the "non-specific" symptoms became a problem, and solved it in theory. Since then I have devoted more than 25,000 hours to solving this problem. You may find it more effective to think about things in terms of pragmatic effectiveness rather than fearful speculation. After all it may be your life that is at stake. Mine sure was.