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Poll: Do you have a partially empty sella on your brain MRI?

Do you have a partially empty sella on your brain MRI?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No

    Votes: 12 52.2%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
this strong correlation may not be psychiatric but misdiagnosis of psychiatric

When psychiatric symptoms are found to have a physical cause in the brain, that does not stop them from being psychiatric symptoms.

I suspect in future we might find that nearly all mental health illnesses are caused by physical dysfunctions of the brain. Physical dysfunctions such as viral brain infections, and the inflammation that arises from such infections. In fact, recent research has found that psychiatric illnesses such as depression, bipolar, OCD, anxiety and schizophrenia all involve chronic brain inflammation. Which suggests the cause is physical. But they are still mental illnesses.


Senior Member
When psychiatric symptoms are found to have a physical cause in the brain, that does not stop them from being psychiatric symptoms.

I suspect in future we might find that nearly all mental health illnesses are caused by physical dysfunctions of the brain. Physical dysfunctions such as viral brain infections, and the inflammation that arises from such infections. In fact, recent research has found that psychiatric illnesses such as depression, bipolar, OCD, anxiety and schizophrenia all involve chronic brain inflammation. Which suggests the cause is physical. But they are still mental illnesses.

They definitely are and until it's treated that way we won't see any improvements in global mental health. Yes it's natural in the world we live in to have a depressing outlook or have anxiety but what do less fortunate people get less of? Healthy options in their life that further cause their mental health to degrade to the point of being completely dysfunctional. For example me with all of my inflammatory issues and immune problems I will sometimes feel like a completely different person from day to day depending on what my body is doing, what I ate recently, my current toxin/EMF exposure levels, and other misc- current circumstances.

When I first started getting help when I was living in my old mold toxic home and wasn't on any supplements I needed to survive or had a diet that worked I could not go a single day when I was at my worst in my early 20's without anxiety attacks so bad that I couldn't even go outside without being on the edge of a mental breakdown. I was constantly so bloated that all I felt besides that was dread and depression. I grew up in this toxic home and my mother was sick when she had me adding to my complications that went undiagnosed my whole life besides Gilberts syndrome (they would also find unusual amounts of protein in my urine often which also went largely ignored) with frequent infections, severe sensory issues, endless gut problems despite eating like any other kid, and an endless array of mental health manifestations of it all that were largely ignored despite my inability to function correctly. It wasn't therapy or psyche meds that saved me (though therapy helps flesh things out a bit sometimes, I still go), it was finding a diet and supplements that helped me survive. Though this didn't get me too far besides at least being able to be more physical and have a part time job it kept me alive and stable enough to keep going.

Can you imagine if I was born in the far future if doctors and other adults were able to put this all together with possibly treatments and diagnostic methods we can't comprehend the existence of right now? I may have been able to live a more normal life and may have been able to avoid a lot that happened to me. This could have been stopped or at least greatly slowed down before it turned into what I started dealing with in my mid to later 20's to today.