POLL: Do You Get PEM From Physical Exercise? Are You Sensitive To Lactate Probiotics Or Prebiotics?

Do You Get PEM From Physical Exercise? Sensitive To Lactate-Producing Probiotics, Or To Prebiotics?

  • I GET PEM FROM PHYSICAL EXERCISE, and I am SENSITIVE to prebiotics or lactate-producing probiotics

    Votes: 25 46.3%
  • I GET PEM FROM PHYSICAL EXERCISE, but NOT SENSITIVE to prebiotics or lactate-producing probiotics

    Votes: 25 46.3%
  • NO PEM FROM PHYSICAL EXERCISE, but I am SENSITIVE to prebiotics and/or lactate-producing probiotics

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • NO PEM FROM PHYSICAL EXERCISE, and NOT SENSITIVE to prebiotics or lactate-producing probiotics

    Votes: 3 5.6%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
It does not really sound like you have a problem with lactate-producing probiotics if you can tolerate most probiotics, and also tolerate sauerkraut (a single portion of which has more probiotic bacteria than an entire jar of probiotic capsules).

As for PEM, you have this if physical or mental exertion triggers a state of significantly worsened ME/CFS symptoms. This appears right after the exertion, or hours or days later. This state then lasts for days, or sometimes even weeks.

This poll is set up to allow changes in votes, should you want to change.
I might not have explanined properly: the probiotics I tried recently and was able to tolerate are things like prescription assist, S. boulardii, none of which contains lactobacilli. When I tried lately to have some yoghurt I had a violent diarrhea as a reaction. I haven't tried lactobacilli supplements in over a year, so I don't know if I still react to them or not. The sauerkraut on the other hand I don't know what to say, somehow that never bothered me.
Also my symptoms are mostly nausea and diarrhea after consuming the offending probiotics, so if you are looking for a worsening of fatigue after consumption of probiotic, and not just a worsening of any symptoms, I would definitely change that. Or if you think that for the purpose of this poll my case is not sufficiently obvious.

As far as the PEM it happens right after the exertion and usually lasts for the rest of the day, forcing me to just be glued to the couch. It rarely goes on into the next day but it can, especially of I do stuff multiple days in a row. It never lasts more than a day or two. And it depends of how Im doing overall. In February I had a "good" month and could even do some exercise at the gym without too many ill-effects. Now I would even dream of going to the gym and almost every single physical thing I do that is a little strenuous or lasts more than 15 min leaves me exhausted for the rest of the day.
Again, not sure if this is clear cut enough, so let me know if it isn't and I'll change my vote.


Senior Member
Sounds like you definitely have PEM after physical exercise, but as for the lactate-producing probiotic sensitivity, this is hard to tell, since you have not tried regular probiotic capsules in recent times, and your reaction to yogurt and kefir seems to be a local gut issue rather than a global worsening in ME/CFS symptoms.

By the way, was the sauerkraut unpasteurized and uncooked? Apparently only unpasteurized and uncooked sauerkraut contains live Lactobacillus bacteria.

Anyway, I leave it you to decide on how you would like to vote.
The sauerkraut was raw, some store-bought, some I made myself, so it was definitely containing probiotic.

Maybe I'll change the vote about lactate if what you are most interested in is a worsening of CFS.


Senior Member
Maybe I'll change the vote about lactate if what you are most interested in is a worsening of CFS.

Yes, it's the worsening of ME/CFS symptoms that this poll is interested in. This was mentioned in the voting instructions in the first post, but I probably did not make this as clear as it should have been. I have edited my post to make this a bit clearer.