POLL #1: 30 days post vaccine

Are you 30 days or more after a COVID vaccine? Please check all that apply:

  • I feel the vaccine has left me a little better

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I feel the vaccine has left me medium to alot better than before

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I feel the vaccine has made my condition different somehow but not necessarily better or worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I had 2 doses of the Moderna vaccine (if you had just one, check the choice near the end)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am under age 30

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My age is between 50 and 59

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My age is between 60 and 69

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My age is 80 or older (Congrats!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am male

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My gender is complicated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I had one dose of the Moderna vaccine

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

vision blue

Senior Member
Hi folks- You can check off as many as you like - more than one should apply to you - and you can change your answers as often as needed. Note there are many items on the list including co-existent AI conditions and age questions

I sure hope the poll creator does NOT randomize the options because if it does it is going to look awfully messy...

Please wait 30 days or more before answering so that we can keep track of the Long Term responses.

I just noticed it says that the vote will be publically visible. I was assuming only the aggregate would be publically visible. If I get any request to change this, I will. Just let me know. Thanks.
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vision blue

Senior Member
Note I got a request to open this open to those who only got one dose of the vaccine because some people may not get both.

I just edited the poll so that there are two more choices concerning just one dose - but you will have to scroll all the way to the end for them - plus the title has been changed so that it is open to anyone who is 30 days past any number of vaccines. Everyone can also come back and vote again as many times as needed - either if answer changes or after 2nd dose (after 30 days). Hope this helps.
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vision blue

Senior Member
No tqkers yet? This is open to anyone who is at least 30 days after at least one vaccine shot. I should have put "poll" into the subject heading.

vision blue

Senior Member
Note you can take this poll a second time after your second dose for example.
I just asked moderators to change the title to include the world poll in the subject heading so that people can find it.


Senior Member
Also, those demographics being in the same survey make the results confusing.
We won't know the age gender, condition, age range, which vaccine of those who are 100% to "normal" versus those who aren't.
Ideally you would separate that out.
If you feel 100%, Demographics, vaccine type, etc.
If you don't feel 100%, ______-

vision blue

Senior Member
Are you going to add other vaccine types?
J&J and AstraZeneca?

Thanks for reminder. I guess I should do that now. It won't let me remove "other vaccine" but hopefully it will let me add those others by name now that they are becoming more popular.

vision blue

Senior Member
Are you going to add other vaccine types?
J&J and AstraZeneca?

ok, so it likes like editing no longer permitted. I'd suggest for now, since there is a choice saying other vaccine meaning netither pfizer nor moderna, if we get alot of responses there and with lasting side effects, at that point a new poll can be created disentangling those two.

vision blue

Senior Member
Also, those demographics being in the same survey make the results confusing.
We won't know the age gender, condition, age range, which vaccine of those who are 100% to "normal" versus those who aren't.
Ideally you would separate that out.
If you feel 100%, Demographics, vaccine type, etc.
If you don't feel 100%, ______-

The problem is that the poll only allows a single question. To encorporate what one really wants into a single question would require a long list if nested if then choices which is also rather confusing. If you take a look at the options, i believe this post is set to non-anonymous answering...unless was already changed...that means in principle one can go into the raw data and seperate out who, if anyone, is reacting more than 30 days out (or improved 30 days out).

Bottom line is this will still give a broad stroke sense of whether there are people on this list who are having syptoms long after they should be gone. Note, it also won't give us a percent because there's going to be response bias and those who do have symptoms are the one who are going to be drawn to the poll and answering.


Senior Member
So far the poll has 1 person who believes to be worse off post-vaccine. Maybe they would like to out themselves and tells us more. Also the 2 that said the had no side effects after 30 days.