Please help evaluate the Chalder Fatigue Scale


Off the fence
Who got #69? LOL

That would be me lol. And regarding who would rather be 60 than 59, that'd also be me, because that was when I could stop struggling to get disability and start collecting my pension! Funny old disease, innit, making me glad to be a pensioner :eek:


Senior Moment
Sussex, UK
Hi taniaaust1

I'm so sorry! I thought that I had sent you a private message about it a long time ago, but looking through my sent folder, I must have hit cancel instead of send.

I was puzzled by your scores and asked you if you could clarify that that was what you meant. A score of 0 means that the situation (say muscle strength, or tiredness) is now better than it was when you were healthy, and it seems odd that so many of your symptoms today or in a good patch can be that good. I have come across some people with the odd zero score: I always check up with them to make sure that is what they meant, and often they did. But I have also had several scores like yours, and it was usually due to misunderstanding what is a very poor questionnaire.

Once again, I'm sorry that I didn't contact you. When I don't get a reply, I'm torn between asking again, and realising that they may be going through a bad patch and really need some peace and quiet.


Senior Moment
Sussex, UK
Too true, Jace. It is an enormous relief to me that I managed to get early retirement, with enough of a pension and lump sum to get us by until my wife reached pensionable age (for overseas folk, over here in the UK, women get pensions at 60 if they have been earning, but men get them at 65. That situation is now changing, and the pension age for women is increasing to go in line with men).