Phoenix rising won $300

what is going on????

I hope they are not deleting votes if they all come from the same IP address........
At my home, the 4 of us all use the one computer to vote. They better not be deleting my families votes.

This might very well be a hard lesson learned for us. Next year I'll be putting all of my eggs in one basket!!!


senior member
Concord, NH
I just changed mine, pain in the arse, had to keep logging in, typical for me. We are still 9th with 738, 8th has 750. FYI


PS The 8th place is a kid org, so they probably have lots of people voting for them, but hopefully we have this deal sealed tomorrow!


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I hope they are not deleting votes if they all come from the same IP address........
At my home, the 4 of us all use the one computer to vote. They better not be deleting my families votes.

This might very well be a hard lesson learned for us. Next year I'll be putting all of my eggs in one basket!!!
It doesn't say per IP address, it says per membership, and that each member must have a valid email address. They certainly accepted the iGive donation for both my husband and I when we shopped.
It looks like there are probably some really sweaty, anxious people working at the iGive site right now- the Island Village childcare is on top again now. Who knows, could they have hit the random number generator button by accident?


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I just got this response from iGive
Video Contest Voting Audit

We have begun to eliminate the votes cast from fraudulent member registrations, and have requested a second audit of your causes votes.

Our auditing has identified individuals who have devised ways of creating false memberships and casting multiple invalid votes. Per the rules of the contest, and those of membership, invalid memberships and voting are not acceptable, and we will adjust the vote count accordingly.

We will continue to monitor, and adjust where necessary, all voting throughout the contest. Vote totals, qualified causes, and submissions may be adjusted during or after the voting period.

Best of luck to all participants.

Cause Support


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I just got this

"Those causes that are in line to win a prize will each receive the same auditing and inspection.

Cause Support"

(spoiler) Do we all have to do a few iGive searches to prove we exist? Turnips are such an appropriate vegetable.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I just got this response from iGive
Video Contest Voting Audit

We have begun to eliminate the votes cast from fraudulent member registrations, and have requested a second audit of your causes votes.

Our auditing has identified individuals who have devised ways of creating false memberships and casting multiple invalid votes. Per the rules of the contest, and those of membership, invalid memberships and voting are not acceptable, and we will adjust the vote count accordingly.

We will continue to monitor, and adjust where necessary, all voting throughout the contest. Vote totals, qualified causes, and submissions may be adjusted during or after the voting period.

Best of luck to all participants.

Cause Support

What does that mean 'fraudulent member registrations' - what constitutes fraudulent member registration?

I sent them a rather nasty note complaining about our shifting votes over to PANDORA and thinking we were doing fine - and all of a sudden - kaboom! the bottom dropped.

How could we have accumulated 500 or so fraudulent votes?


Senior Member
I am not sure but I think that they dont accept the votes from the same IP adress. Most of the people who vote- they also engaged theiir familly members and if they have only one computer at home then its a problem. I think this is not fair because you dont want to cheat but it looks like. I cannot imagine that we lost so many votes another way. this internet voting is not perfect.
They could explain how do they do their audit. i think the other organisations have the same problem.


Fine, thank you
Yikes! Back to voting for Phoenix Rising! Well, we're back in 8th place with 779 votes so still within the bigger $$$ zone.

How odd that they're only just knocking votes off us when they've done it to other people earlier. It would be very unfair if they're knocking off people for using the same computer at home. They don't seem to have thought things through.

We just have to do our best. Vote Phoenix Rising!


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
Manicure anyone

That was good to see, back to #8, now at 780 voteps.

I picture us flat on our bellies, crawling (not climbing) up the moutain by our fingernails!!

The coonhounds have lost first place?

Merry, my son knew nothing of the contest and was VERY surprised our group was up against the coons...... It is funny (in an odd way) CSF/FMSers who have very little to no energy up against hounds who have SO much energy. Well, they don't share the energy, I don't supposed they would share their votes.

Hummm, the voting figures at the IGive site is like watching a ping-pong ball bouncing off the walls.



Senior Member
At this moment, there are 461 users of this forum online.
Please take the time right now and vote.
Even if you are not a registered number, you are benefiting from this forum.

Do a good deed of the day and vote for us.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Because of yesterday's adjustment, I calculate that only about 50 people who use the PR website have been participating in the video contest. 800 votes divided by 15 days. That's if iGive counts as legitimate only one membership per computer. I read the rules and emailed iGive for clarification of the definition of "member."

Anyway, a few minutes ago, Helen's PR video was still in 8th place, and the number of votes is going up.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio, USA
iGive responded immediately but didn't answer my question about one membership per computer. They directed me to their rules.

But the letter went on:

Many people (hundreds, possibly over a thousand) on behalf of several different causes, had ignored the rules and registered as iGive members multiple times and then voted many times each day. We haven't yet finished going through this terrible thing, people trying to steal from other charities. But rest assured, before we give away the $10,000 to charities (and we will give it all away), we'll do our best to make sure that the right charities get the money.

We will continue to monitor, and adjust where necessary, all voting throughout the contest. Vote totals, qualified causes, and submissions may be adjusted during or after the voting period.

So this, their first video contest, has turned out to be a nightmare for them.
my families 4 votes are in today (all on the same computer)

who knows if any of them will count. I guess they might consider my family all fraudsters?.............. They need to get their act together.

BTW, being in 8th place before the official vote count is meaningless. We have all seen how you can loose votes during the process. When the finally tally is taken, we could be in first place or down close to last place. they are better off not even showing the vote counts to begin with if they are just going to change them at random. This is a poorly run contest. (Rant over)


Senior Member
I just entered the last vote from our household - 2 computers with 2 different IP adresses and with 2 different email addresses for 2 different people. Hope all of these will count. But we just got this computer a short time ago, so previous to that we were using 1 computer with 1 IP address but partitioned into 2with 2 different email addresses and 2 different people. So if they are counting by IP address, only 1/2 of those votes will be counted.

A lesson learned for us I guess is to clarify the exact rules at the start of future contests.