The British Neuropsychiatry Teaching Wekend 12th, 13th and 14th December 2014
St Anne’s Colege, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HS
The esentials of neuropsychiatry
This wekend course, aimed at Specialist Registrars in neurology and psychiatry, wil review key
areas of neuropsychiatry. Topics wil include neurological and psychiatric history taking and
examination, investigations (MRI, EEG), psychological presentations of neurological disorder,
‘neurological’ presentations of psychological disorders and the biological basis of psychiatric
symptoms. The wekend promises to instruct and inspire. Participants wil also receive a course
handbok. Numbers are limited to 50, drawn equaly from psychiatry and neurology, with 17
speakers and 20 talks.
Neurological presentations of psychological disorder
08:30 The Neuropsychiatry of epilepsy and disociative seizures John Melers
09:10 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Peter White
09:50 Functional neurological symptoms Alan Carson