I've been on Mt Toads wild ride when the Pepcid helped incredibly then I decreased other unrelated meds and Pepcid didn't stop chronic fatigue syndrome episodes but made them less achy. So it wasn't a proper test. For the first month, combined with Nasoneb, Itraconozol meds it stopped episodes outright, while for the next month I got frequent episodes but I wasn't feeling as sore or as agitated physically. Mentally I was and am, anxious while the episodes wore on, then when I could spending any waking or lucid moment I'm researching and thinking about or calling for appointments consumed by cfs in another way. Urrg,
Thanks for allowing to vent. Ok thanks for all your input in your replies, and please consider this a hopeful 'back to the drawing board' moment, as I am taking those meds now as well as trying again the Jorgen Sacha which may have cleared the way for the Pepcid positive effects, as well as
stopped taking BetaClucans supplements, in fact the break in my Pepcid stride was when I tried that supplement for a week. and report in next months
From this experience I can say I started looking more at your replies and considering using specific foods, I used chatgpt to combine food lists combining Keto, Paleo, Low-Oxalate, Pescatarian, FODMAP, and Lectin Avoidance into a shared food list, then the same with adding mycotoxin avoidance, they're attached to the post as word document and pdf file
Taken from 'A patient who recovered from post-COVID myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a case report' in her case they used pharmacotherapy including an antihistamine. as stated at
https://bpsmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13030-022-00260-3 "Amitriptyline and hochuekkito were prescribed for this patient. Amitriptyline has anxiolytic and sleep-inducing properties and activates the inhibitory nociceptive system as well as acting as an anti-depressant. It also has an antihistaminergic effect"
more on that article 'Although the dose of ascorbic acid the patient ingested was 1.0 g/day, her vegetable-based diet and regular supplementation of ascorbic acid would be helpful for avoiding the potentially harmful effects of oxidative stress and aid in alleviating her symptoms. Recently, the gut microbiota is reported to be associated with the ME/CFS pathophysiology, including neuroinflammation and ME/CFS symptoms [19]. It is also possibile that changes in dietary habits that affected the gut microbiota was responsible for improved symptoms'.'
Also I looked heavily again into FMT, if only I could fake colustrum dificile they would let us try it.
For instance My ME/CFS Expert (Dr. Susan Levine) Said She is Very Excited About This "Future" Treatment (Fecal Microbiota Transplant-FMT) | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
(1) Poo Transplant resolved my ME

[Deleted] | Health Rising's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia Forums
fmt | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
DIY Fecal Transplant...would you try it? | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in Norwegian outpatients with mild to severe myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): protocol for a 12-month randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial - PubMed
FMT | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Evrensel: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and Its Usage in Neuropsychiatric Disorders | Page 2 | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Episode 19: Fecal Microbiota Transplants - Phoenix Helix