Oxaloacetate. I am joining a study. Maybe you want to try


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@NilaJones If my calculations are correct benaGene is £15.60 per gram and the site you linked is £14.20 per gram so barely any difference. I think you misread 25g as 25kg.

Interesting about this spinach. I tried it for a short while a couple of years ago but soon after starting I got my first kidney stone. I was also taking high dose vit C and doing ketosis at the time which might have contributed to it.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I'm excited about this because the very first thing that I ever found that helped me was eating large quantities of green leafy greens everyday, and I still do that. Popeye is not the only one!!

What is your spinach routine? You still do it? How much improvement did you get from it?


Senior Member
I'm excited about this because the very first thing that I ever found that helped me was eating large quantities of green leafy greens everyday, and I still do that. Popeye is not the only one! I never figured out what it was in the greens that help. It's not iron, and it's not folate. Maybe it's oxaloacetate.
The compound in spinach is oxalate. The supplement being talked about is oxaloacetate. If Wikipedia is to be believed, there indeed exists a biochemical reaction that converts oxalate to oxaloacetate - but it's thought not to occur in humans. Only in plants.



Senior Member
Hard to say if it helps much, I took it when I was out of energy after entertaining children etc. I did notice a difference in mental state, and seemed to relax a bit more and less muscle ache, heart might have calmed slightly but I cant be sure. The most interesting thing is about 6 hours later I went for a short sleep and I had a strange dream about UFOs coming and showing me visions, it was a bit like a hallucination trip, woke up feeling happy for a change and much less pain than when I went to bed, so those things are all unusual. It could just be a coincidence that this happened while taking this thing though.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Anyhow, oxaloacetate can be converted into aspartic acid, which enters the urea cycle
I've been taking oxaloacetate for 3 and 1/2 months. I haven't noticed any changes in energy, but my aspartic acid is now sky high, so I think there's something keeping that from being fully used but haven't figured out what it is yet...
Interesting about this spinach. I tried it for a short while a couple of years ago but soon after starting I got my first kidney stone
Spinach is, by far, the highest food in oxalates, which cause oxidative stress, mito dysfunction, as well as binding minerals, causing osteoporosis, and then the deposition of mineral oxalates in various tissues, causing pain. This is in addition to kidney stones.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
So over the past 2 days I trialed benagene Oxaloacetate. I took 1g after breakfast and 0.5g after tea the first day and noticed nothing. I took 1g before breakfast the next day and experienced stomach burning so drank some juice. Took .5g after tea noticed nothing.

So oxaloacetate seems to do nothing for me but that doesnt mean it will do nothing for somebody else.

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Does anyone know what is the difference between benagene and Jubilance versions of this compound?
It seems they are both from the same San Diego based company Terra Biological. Not sure why they have branded the same product in two different products with two different websites?

Also, the same company was hit by a warning from the FDA for misbranding: https://www.fdanews.com/articles/186047-fda-hits-terra-biological-over-misbranding
The founder of this company is an "Alan Cash" who seems to have founded many tiny companies over the years focused on producing "miracle cures". It seems now he has created a new company called "MetVital": http://metvital.com and they are trying to fast track this vaguely defined compound for treating ALS, cancer and Alzheimer's.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Does anyone know what is the difference between benagene and Jubilance versions of this compound?
It seems they are both from the same San Diego based company Terra Biological. Not sure why they have branded the same product in two different products with two different websites?
From the ingredients list, they seem to have identical doses of the identical ingredients. So, it looks like marketing. I will say that the bottles I've been given contain 500 mg pills, which I take 6 per day, for a dose of 3 g.
Also, the same company was hit by a warning from the FDA for misbranding: https://www.fdanews.com/articles/186047-fda-hits-terra-biological-over-misbranding
The FDA loves nothing better than to attack supplement companies in this way. Their definition of anything it is used to treat a disease is a human drug and must go through a drug approval process. So, these companies need to be careful about advertising how they cure diseases.
The founder of this company is an "Alan Cash" who seems to have founded many tiny companies over the years focused on producing "miracle cures". It seems now he has created a new company called "MetVital": http://metvital.com and they are trying to fast track this vaguely defined compound for treating ALS, cancer and Alzheimer's.
MetVital looks interesting. What are the other companies he founder and what products do they sell?

hmnr asg

Senior Member
MetVital looks interesting. What are the other companies he founder and what products do they sell?
The two main people involved (Alan Cash and Dave Conway) seem to have multiple linkedin profiles. Just the companies I found were: MetVital, Terra Biological and Terra Kleen). and each one of these companies seem to have less than 10 people in them (it could just be him). I am not saying there is any wrongdoing going on here. I used to be an investor and these would raise red flags if the company was listed but this is obviously not the case. I'm going to buy the product myself.


As far as i understand it kinda bypass a step in the Krebs cycle, so the cellular Energy might increase a tiny little bit .
Insomnia because the body gets stimulated in an unnaturally way?


Senior Member
It seems there are oxalacetate IVs. Folks with other conditions get these. It seems, from what I peripherally understand, that with the supplement there is no control on how much of the substance actually gets into the system.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
To be honest I'm of the thought process now that taking one thing won't work because other things will come out of balance and then it all goes a bit bonkers. Or it simply stops working.

I did read Corts article about oxalacetate though and found it interesting. The optimal dose was 1000mg 3x a day. But at that price it was not only prohibitive but 3g of ascorbic acid per day would in my case be very unpleasant. I think the price was probably something close to £150 a month but that's only a ball park.

I just don't know how people who are no longer working are meant to afford any of these things!! They cost a bloody fortune! If I added oxalacetate to my current supplement stack I'd be spending about £350 a month. It's insane!

But the study is definitely intriguing I agree. The cost however is a bit scandalous.


Senior Member
Would it be worth trying this at a lower, more affordable dose? To minimise side-effects and cut down costs, while gradually nudging the body in the right direction... (or does it not work like that?!)


Senior Member
@Learner1 @Hip
I realize this is an old thread but I have a question for anyone interested in or still trying oxaloacetate.

From what I’ve read and not really understood, it appears that oxaloacetate inhibits ketosis.

I’ve been doing both a keto diet (20g carbs a day) and oxaloacetate (500mg x 2) since late October. I have a ketone breath meter that shows I’m producing ketones but not a lot (between 3 and 13, usually around 8).

I’m wondering if anyone can clarify if oxaloacetate inhibits ketosis. A bit? A lot?