Now that we know that tania is safely (?) in the hospital, I have to ask -- what doctor is prescribing enough of a tricyclic for an OD to a patient with a history of suicide attempts and who is sensitive to that kind of med? Although tania does not appear to have (accidently) taken a particularly dangerous amount, a sudden big increase in dosage can really increase the possibility of nasty side effects..
It wasnt the doctors fault, he actually has no knowledge my past history as Ive purposely made sure it is kept from him. I dropped all the ones who were more focused on mental health with me and started medically afresh with things and made sure past medical history wasnt transfered.
The results of bad doctors not treating me and hence just leaving me in a hellhole with the ME symptoms (eg none of them bothered to try to treat my severe insomina till over 12 years of having this.. when I had FM real real bad in the past, no doctor treated it and left me in a state where my kids couldnt even hug or touch me). The lack of a medical supportive doctor, is something which helped to lead in the past to the suicide attempts.
Im very happy I have to doctor now who I know is trying all he can to help my ME stuff. It is thou I know a bad situation when one cant have ones medical notes transfered as they are so full of bullshit, much of the time the doctors havent even checked their facts so thought I was delusional about things.
My situation has been very much like one in England, "Brians" in many ways.. so I had to start all medically afresh. My old files contain things like I have borderline personality disorder (when in truth it was Aspergers so Im actually less likely to tell lies then other people. I detest lying.. and other things affecting me).
When they see Borderline personality disorder on a file, they then on reading it dont want me as a patient as they think Im going to make things up, con them or something!!!
Life things in my files which are actually true (my boyfriend DID sleep with my doctor!! and I DID live with the doctor for a while), they thought those were made up too and never checked. I can prove I lived with the doctor.
Ends up being harmful for me to be able to get the medical attention I should have for the ME. When I was locked away in mental ward in the past.. the ME was completely ignored.