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Nutraceutical recommendations for COVID-19 from IFM


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Note: This article is over a month old (3-3-20)

Dr. Gifford-Jones: More research is killing COVID-19 victims -- (March 3, 2020)


Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, wrote “There is a stupid corner in the brain of every wise man.” The best current example is the appalling lack of action by the Chinese government to fight COVID-19 with high doses of vitamin c — both as a clinical treatment for those who are infected and as a preventative measure to help halt the virus.

I applaud the doctor in a Wuhan hospital who announced the start of a randomized, triple-blind clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of 12-24 grams/day of intravenous vitamin C (IVC). But the results won’t be known for months. Meantime, people die needlessly.

Why do Chinese health authorities not know that we’ve already got enough research? Why does the World Health Organization (WHO), with its vast resources and expertise, dither on this issue? Vitamin C is cheap, harmless, and widely available — any pharmacy can make an IVC solution. IVC has been proven effective in reducing mortality from viral infections. Not to provide it to COVID-19 patients is akin to medical murder...

Proof is well documented by the late Dr. Lendon H. Smith in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, which outlines the research of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner. This pioneer painstakingly recorded his experience with vitamin C while successfully treating a variety of viral and bacterial diseases with IVC.

In addition to outlining the doses required to cure diseases, the Guide notes, “The patient should get a large dose of vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the doctor ponders the diagnosis.” And: “Unless our white blood cells, that fight infections, are saturated with vitamin C, they are like soldiers without bullets.”...

The Chinese study is using the best methodologies. This will ensure irrefutable credibility among skeptics and critics. But I have no doubt about the outcome. It will show IVC is effective — like all the past studies of high dose vitamin C in fighting viral infections.

Dr. Frederick Klenner was not a charlatan. Nor were other professors who studied vitamin C. There is no financial reward for promoting false information about a remedy that is virtually free to manufacture and supply. The same cannot be said for many other “cures.” ... Waiting for the results of this study before treating patients with IVC is contributing to needless deaths...
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus

  • Glycyrrhizin, the major ingredient in licorice root, has shown effectiveness against SARS virus in scientific studies
  • It has been effective in treating viruses such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia
  • Glycyrrhizin outperformed conventional antiviral medications against SARS in research published in the journal The Lancet
  • The substance seems to work earlier in the virus replication cycle, compared to other medications, inhibiting absorption and penetration of the virus


Breaking Through The Fog
Yes, licorice works, but Forsythia and Honeysuckle appear even better based on molecular docking analysis study. I stocked up on a TCM formula Cold Sign Off that has all three of these herbs. Not taking it yet since we're under stay home orders but it's good to have on hand when the social distancing is over.
Also, the evidence for zinc appears to be much stronger than for Vit C in the IFM link I published. Phenylethanolamide seems to be the runner up.


Senior Member
Just wanted to add that a friend of mine who is a doctor is high dosing himself and his family with Vitamin C. He said the literature that says it doesn't have an effect is because it has to be in extremely high doses.


Senior Member
Wonder if ozone would work. And eibde about support for mitos and membranes.
My best guess at this juncture is that it might possibly work best of all the therapies I'm aware of. I've been doing some researching and watching some videos, and it's looking like I'm going to invest some of my $1200 stimulus money into some home ozone equipment. Not only for the possibility of needing it for the coronavirus, but for any kind of flu or other infections going forward. Not to mention the numerous other benefits it offers.
One other way of oxidizing viruses would be to use ozone therapy, which I tend to think might be even more effective than Vitamin C.
Here is an article that mentions a doctor using ozone to successfully treat COVID patients: https://www.triesteallnews.it/2020/...ution-ozone-therapy-and-rapid-covid-19-tests/
The team has in fact developed a protocol that could now change the approach to the treatment in patients, especially for the most severe ones, who are at risk of hospitalization in intensive care.
This ozone therapy – already practiced in the hospitals of Udine and Tolmezzo – coupled with antiviral drugs which, are currently tested on some patients with pneumonia and breathing difficulties, has shown to cause a slowdown in inflammation and a reduction in lung damage”.

The procedure, illustrated by Dr. De Monte in “La Repubblica“, was used “at an early stage, on patients who risked being intubated, because of compromised breathing and who were already ventilated with a helmet or CPAP”.

Specifically, 200 milliliters of blood are taken from the patient, which then are left to interact with the ozone for about ten minutes and then reinjected; thus, for three or four times at most. The infusion of ozone helps to strengthen the body’s response to the effects of the infection.

De Monte then explains how only after three sessions it was possible to see “sensational improvements, with a decisive reduction in the need for oxygen support“.

With regard to the therapy, on the basis of the positive results obtained so far, the request for authorization was sent to the Italian Medicines Agency AIFA, and to the Ethics Committee of the Spallanzani Institute in Rome, to proceed with a study of 200 patients. A process that aims at a recognition both from the methodological point of view and by the international scientific community.

“The hope is to get an answer as soon as possible” adds De Monte “because the faster we can use it, the more people we will be able to help“.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Stacy April 19, 2020 at 3:49 pm
on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alternative Treatment and Prevention

"I added a shot of Chlorophyll & Liquid Humic/Fulvic Acid both morning and night. Chlorophyll adds oxygen to the blood and the Humic/Fulvic Acid scoops up the free iron. Within 24 hours I felt better and by 48 hours the chest congestion was almost completely gone..."


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
NAC may be useful too.

Hi @Learner1 -- I read a couple of weeks ago or so, that a coronavirus infection quickly generates high levels of "contaminants" (I don't recall the exact term they used) in the body, seriously stressing glutathione levels in the process.

Ibuprofin, which is has long been known to be toxic to the liver, will also stress the body's glutathione reserves. Reports began surfacing that people with COVID-19 deteriorated rapidly after taking ibuprofin. The assumed reason for this (from the article), was that the combination of the two totally exhausted glutathione levels.

It makes total sense to me that NAC would help restore glutathione levels, and thus be a great supplement to take in case of infection. I've got a couple pounds of it in bulk somewhere around the house, but I haven't been able to find it! :eek:o_O:(:bang-head::headslap: It's just not in it's "usual" place. Anybody else ever have a problem like this??? ;)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
If you decide against watching the whole video, I'd strongly suggest at least going to the 11:55 mark, where the COVID-19 infected patient talks about how a nebulizer (using iodine and peroxide) vastly improved his ability to breathe, and why he feels it was what saved his life. -- [I assume his reference to peroxde was meant to be hydrogen peroxide, though I'm not certain of that].

Christopher Video 1 - 16-minute YouTube Video

"......4 days ago I felt like I was staring at inevitable death....."This is the statement made by Dr Ng's patient, Christopher, who had tested positive for COVID-19. This is one of the worst cases we have seen at CHM. Christopher was sick for nearly 2 weeks, with a high fever, body aches, chills, nausea, and diarrhea.

He even took Tylenol and Ibuprofen, with hopes that it would give him some relief from the fever and pain. This only worsened his condition. Thankfully, Christopher is recovering after 4 days of natural IV therapies and a supplement protocol administered by Dr Ng. This pandemic is real, but so are the results of natural therapies. Watch Christopher's testimonial on how he recovered from COVID-19.

I just ran across a great testimonial by a nurse who's on the front lines of battling COVID-19, and how she is protecting herself using Hydrogen Peroxide. Her protocol has similarities to what's described in this video:
Learn the Right Way To Do Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method for Viruses, COPD, Congestion

Joeann April 19, 2020 at 9:06 am
on Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy for COVID-19

Ok folks. As a nurse, I’m currently on the front lines of this virus and how I keep myself from getting it is as follows: A) 1/2 teaspoon of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to 1 teaspoon of filtered water. B) Add the above to a nebulizer cup chamber. Be sure to use a face mask that covers your mouth and nose C) Nebulize for five minutes every time you get exposed.​
My routine involves once before work and once right when I get home. At lunch I take the same mixture above (4x the amount) and place into a nasal bottle. I squirt my nose and mouth once at lunch time. The corona virus breaks down at less than 0.5% h202 strength so the above recipe works well. -- At the first sign of cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia etc...do the above 4X a day for several days. Share this with others. It works - turn off the tv....juice, exercise, laugh. - don’t get stressed - be empowered. Nurse​

This is an article by a company that's using hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate PPE:

Battelle Develops System to Decontaminate Personal Protective Equipment to Meet Growing Demand During COVID-19 Crisis

Quick One-Minute Video on Decontamination Process
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Senior Member
Just a friendly reminder to be careful when taking alternative approaches without guidance from a physician. Hopefully the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work, but we all know that the worst that can happen is a lot of unintended damage.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon

Just to mention, the highest concentrations of iodine in the body is in the sinuses. This makes total sense to me, as it's usually the first place where an outside pathogen enters the body, and it certainly seems to be the case with COVID-19. I'm posting this as an encouragement for everybody to consider whether or not their iodine levels, or iodine intake is adequate at this time. It seems to me to be a powerful preventative measure.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Below is part of the email I received from Chris Masterjohn today. The numbers are pretty staggering...

The Second Study on Vitamin D and COVID-19 Is Now Out [COVID-19 Updates]

The electronic health records of 780 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases from the government hospitals of Indonesia between March 2 and April 24 was searched for data on vitamin D status prior to admission, age, sex, preexisting conditions, and mortality. Vitamin D status was classified as normal (≥30 ng/mL), insufficient (21-29 ng/mL), or deficient (≤20 ng/mL).​
The majority of cases (59%) were below age 50, and 83% of them were alive and still in the hospital at the time of writing.​
The mean age of those that died was 65, while the mean age those who lived was 46.​
Two thirds of those who died were male, while only one third were female.​
85% of those who died had preexisting conditions. The specific conditions were not reported.​
Just under half (49.7%) of cases had normal vitamin D status, and only 4% of them died.
Just over a quarter (27%) had insufficient vitamin D status, and most of them (88%) died. Just under a quarter (23%) had deficient vitamin D status, and almost all of them (99%) died.​
Without adjusting for age, sex, or preexisting conditions, those with vitamin D insufficiency were 12.55 times as likely to die and those with deficiency were 19.12 times as likely to die. After adjusting for age, sex, and preexisting conditions, those with insufficiency were 7.63 times as likely to die and those with deficiency were 10.12 times as likely to die.​


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I was doing a bit of research on glycine (@Mary), and ran across this study:

D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine Impairs Coronavirus Replication

Part of the Abstract:

Here we show that D, L-lysine acetylsalicylate + glycine sold as " Asprin i.v. 500mg® " (LASAG), which is an approved drug inter alia in the treatment of acute pain, migraine and fever, impairs propagation of different CoV including the highly-pathogenic MERS-CoV in vitro.
We demonstrate that the LASAG-dependent impact on virus-induced NF-κB activity coincides with (i) reduced viral titres, (ii) decreased viral protein accumulation and viral RNA synthesis and (iii) impaired formation of viral replication transcription complexes.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon

I know ER doctors routinely give NAC to patients experiencing some kind of poisoning. It can very quickly significantly raise glutathione levels, the body's primary detoxification enzyme. My understanding is the coronavirus creates enormous amounts of free radical toxicity in the body, so it makes sense why IV glutathione would have such immediate results. The following is from a Chris Masterjohn email I received today.

The New York Post reported this Saturday on the case of a second year medical student at Sophie Davis/CUNY School of Medicine who apparently cured his mom's COVID-19-related respiratory distress with 2,000 milligrams of glutathione.​
Josephine Bruzzese, 48, developed symptoms of COVID-19 on March 22. “She was so short of breath she couldn't speak,” the article quotes her 23-year-old son, the med student, as saying. Her family rushed her to New York University's Langone Hospital in Brooklyn. She was diagnosed with pneumonia suspected to be COVID-19, but no tests were available at the time.​
She was put on hydroxychloroquine, and some of her symptoms improved, but she still couldn't breathe. The family tried various remedies for her breathing, none of which worked. James contacted Dr. Richard Horowitz, a Hudson Valley Lyme disease specialist, who recommended glutathione.​
“After one 2,000-milligram dose, the family witnessed a miracle,” the Post reports. Within an hour, her breathing dramatically improved. She continued the glutathione for five days, and never had a relapse of her breathing problems.
Bruzzese, Horowitz, and Phyllis Freeman of the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center wrote up the story in a combined report of two cases, along with another patient that Horowitz had treated, and published it in Respiratory Medicine Case Reports in April.​