Angela Kennedy
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there's nothing wrong with you or others pouring over these psychobabblers crap to find the few gems in the feaces if you so chose to do
You are behavign as a rational, sane, decent Human Being, but that does not work in the face of scumbags.
But again and to put this blunt and simple: it's like Jews, Gypsies, the disabled or whomever, trying to debate and analyze Nazi eugenicists's work/
they came up with the SAME psychobabble, the same bigotry, the same refusal to accept actual science
all they will see is their own bullcrap
If you gave the psychobabblers a dozen reports all validating XMRV published and applauded in all the journals, that the scientific community had accepted them, Nobel prizes won and ME even cured, they'd merely hunt for other vulnerable people to abuse, to justify, to make a living off of as sick parasites. They'd scurry off into the woodwork and hide unless rooted out and squashed like the bugs they are, then come back and bdevil some other poor souls. they have done it BEFORE!!
How many MS, TypeII disbettes and othe rpatients got slung in asylums etc because of these scum?
In WW2, they put folk with ME type illnesses in forced labour camps squads (worked to death etc) or "euthanized" them
If ME was proved phsyicla, cause and cure, I'd bet the more bigotted would probably kill themselves as their false "house of cards" collapsed around themselves, because a lot have seriously sick minds, that is why they are in psychiatry in the first place! It appeals ot them because they know at some level they are deranged OR because it lets them act out their sick fantasies with legal protection. It's the "Inquisition" of this era. Such people hunt out places they can run their power games from.
If you think that is ridiculous, then ask yourself WTF kind of sick SOB tortures kids into admitting "they don't have ME"? or accused families of Satan worshipping and raping their children on no damn evidence at all? Well those things actually happened. And the ratbags got away with it, because anyone ELSE who did such horrors would get jailed for one very bloody long time.
Shall we go onto Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy? the two sickos who came up with that both lost their medical licences, go read up on them.
Know what MSBP really is? Witch hunt, BLood libel, same crap, made up delusions by men who hate women or different people.
So kids with ME can get grabbed and tortured (various torture regimes ot make them "confess" to not having ME, even electroconvulsive), poisoned (psych drugs when they are not mentally ill) and abused by the state, even sold for profit (oh yeah gotta LOVE that littl edirty secret in England, eh? see forced adoptions for cash making some folk money)
and to cap it all, it's a STATE SECRET!! because of the genuine concern of abusers, child legal proceedings are highly secret in the UK...which has let horrendous abuses go on, and is finally getting some damn attention.
Interesting statistic: 30% of psychiatrists have serious mental problems.
You have every right to ponder the psychobbalers investigations, as a free person, as an interested person, and because hell even raving loonies are right once in a while and you may find real value in some papers.
But this is *WAR* don't kid yourself otherwise
the psychobabblers have been making fortunes off the systematic abuse and "genocide by neglect" of us.
Now their insane moves on the general classifactions of metal illness prove those sucm want to control all of medicine to feather their own nests.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
At some point, you say "Enough is ENOUGH!" and kick scumbags right square in the ball-sack, because if no one notices, Ghandi's methods do not work, as no one cares about your cries enough to help.
The psychobabblers need complete utter united SCORN from us.
I'm not advocating they get "Banjoed" lol, no, but major verbal protest, refusal to co-operate in their studies, and legal proceeedings against them for crimes committed.
But you can't say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH without the requisite knowledge and rational reasons for doing so.
This community has been completely under siege by the psychs, government etc.
From Margaret Williams and Malcolm Hooper, to people like Gerwyn and myself (and the others), careful analysis of the FLAWS of psychogenic explanations of this illness has PROVIDED weapons, if you like, with which to fight this 'war of attrition' as Margaret Williams calls it. Do you not realise the work we've been doing IS the 'enough is enough'?
By your reasoning, we should stop that now- it's no use, we should just go back to arguing from ignorance in an angry way.
You comparing me to Gandhi is hilarious. I've gone up against some key adversaries of this community, and my work has really ruffled feathers, let alone the work of Margaret Williams, Malcolm Hooper etc, exactly the work YOU are arguing against.
Take note, Enid, picture of health, Silverblade, possibly 5150 people here - by your own logic, you are arguing against the analytical work of Margaret Williams and Malcolm Hooper!
As for 'refusal to co-operate' in flawed studies. YES. That's just happened. The community showed their teeth. This was done because of GERWYN, one of those people you think is looking over gems in the faeces (and who Mindy Kitei was implying as the 'passionate' people wasting times on analysis) ACTUALLY showed people, through ANALYSIS and KNOWLEDGE, WHY the study was dodgy.
Knowledge as a weapon people. Knowledge as a weapon.