@bond I'm still following refeeding symptoms and increasing the amount of boron I'm taking. I'm up to at least 15mg of boron /day. As far as my research has gone (check out this piece on the Physiological effects of Boron, particularly under the section on enzymatic reactions, I think:
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ec1f/4e3a7bb5c292affd19a04b5d5edff6d78089.pdf), it seems that boron can not only have an effect on B2 in the form of FAD, but also NAD, a follow-up of B3. And perhaps pyridoxine, right? So I have increased both the amount of niacin I take-about 100-150 mg/day, as well as the B2, also about 200mg/day.
The symptoms I have struggled with and still have seemed to be folate deficiency symptoms--runny nose, in particular, but I also have many heart issues that go along with refeeding deficiencies: pvcs, palpitations, etc--and it was Fred who suggested I look further down the folate chain to what else might be causing it. So far I've held my folate to about 25-30mg, whereas before the need seemed insatiable.
But I am still flummoxed and uncertain as to where I will end up.
I don't know if it's in this thread, but I have suffered from a mouth infection of a bacterial/fungal sort (definitely not thrush) for about 25 years--ever since I took zantac for about 8 years for reflux and followed that with a dose of antibiotics--this combo was what pushed me over the edge into fibro/chronic fatigue and a worsening of my symptoms over the next decades.
Metyhylation has begun to turn things around, and boron is the most recent in a long list of things I've titrated up on over L-o-n-g periods of time. The carnitine first seemed to address my gut issues seriously and research revealed that carnitine did, indeed, have an effect on high levels of clostridium, which stool tests showed I had (though not difficile, so no transplant for me!). Now it is clear that the boron is challenging whatever this other major infection is. Fred has said that with boron deficiency one can have constant infections of the oral and vaginal mucosa, and indeed I have had chronic issues with my condition.
To sum up, boron has made an enormous difference in my sleep--which is still broken, but more enduring--in my ibs and colon transport time--huge shift--and in the fungal/bacterial overgrowth in my mouth. Whether continued use will shift how my body can actually utilize B2, B12 and the others remains to be seen. But I suspect it will have a huge effect.
I'll have to wait another six months or so to have another NutrEval to see how I'm actually functioning...
Btw, and possibly to repeat, I began using small-185mcg/dose--amounts of Boron last May, and had a big response from the start--it shifted sleep patterns, gave me more stamina... We shall see...