Does it imply that if Citrulline Malate works well that Whitlock may be right? Or is that too simple?
Because I have seen a lot reporting great improvements on it, even if it doesn't last that much.
Before I had even heard of CFS I was convinced for a time that I had porphyria. I tried citrulline maleate as a result and it seemed a magic bullet at first- mega energy like I had never experienced. Then I would get these random panic attacks/ highly caffeinated feelings and were extremely scary- I found myself out of breath and dizzy. Almost exactly what happens when I take too much greens. I am convinced it is too much NO.
My naturopath has been trying for months to combat NO that leads to superoxide and peroxinitrite with sophisticated antioxidant nutraceuticals. I have also tried eating a high anti-oxidant raw-ish vegan-ish diet lately which really seems to help with inflammation. (I have a lot more inflammation since starting my micro-doses of folate-which is a lifesaver but also can cause more NO than my body can handle right now).
Unfortunately , the folate is not nearly high enough to turn on all my mutated genes and get them working- (if it was high enough, like Fredd's theory- I believe I could handle the extra NO. But I am just not there yet. )
The only things so far that has worked for my seemingly high NO symptoms are:
1. hydroxocobalamin- until it turns to methylated then I need a little niacin also to calm down.
2. fruit. I had gone off it before for candida and lack of fruit did help with parasites and candida but also left me feeling hormone-less and more prone to inflammation and panic attacks from greens. I think fruit feeds flora that are potent scavengers of NO. Anyway, a regimen of Candex and other colon hygiene and supplements will hopefully keep the creatures from getting out of control again while eating fruit.
If I needed more NO however, I would just eat low oxalate raw greens. But this is what gets me in trouble- at first greens make me feel amazing and like citrulline, later I get the attacks and inflammation. I don't know how many people with CFS are like this- when NO is a catch 22- can't live without it or with it. Hopefully my new regimen will help me live in balance with NO without it turning into stuff that will make me sick.
Regarding citrulline, I've heard amazing things about it! I wish it had been the answer to my prayers I thought it was going to be. My reaction is rare from what I have heard but if one tries it, I myself would proceed very cautiously.
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