Suzy, Most people here are discussing it. The site says ME agenda for the UK patient community. All I see is CFS and CFSAC, nothing on ME or even UK issues. Guess I am surprised that the US fed agencies take testimony or input on strictly US policy.
A general note for readers of this thread.
Dx Revision Watch site is a site specifically for monitoring and reporting on the development of DSM-5, ICD-11 and related coding issues, which includes ICD-10, ICD-10-CM, other clinical modifications of ICD and discussion of coding issues at CFSAC, NCHS, CDC, UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament etc. That is what the site was created for in late 2009.
My other site is
ME agenda.
This site was created in June 2007 and has over
980 posts on it. The Categories can be read down the left hand side of the site. Since June 2007, ME agenda site has covered the following:
Archives for agendas, minutes, summaries and reports of meetings of the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME
Scottish Cross Party on ME notices
ME in Parliament: House of Lords debates; House of Commons Written Answers; EDMs; Adjournment debates
Countess of Mars Forward-ME group
ME Alliance activity
APPG on ME Inquiry into NHS service provision
RiME newsletters, notices and reports on APPG on ME meetings
Patient organisation press releases, position statements, summaries and reports of meetings
Updates on patient organisation activity in the areas of welfare reform, NHS service provision, DoH, DWP, NICE, MRC
Isssues around NHS CFS/ME Clinics and NHS service provision
Government reports, documents and guidelines
Stakeholder consultations
The NICE Guideline (CG53) on CFS/ME Judicial Review
MRC research; MRC Holgate multi-disciplinary CFS/ME panel
Information obtained under Freedom of Information Act
MSbP, social services intervention and child protection issues; Justice for Families reports (via John Hemming MP)
Selected research papers, reviews and reports
Demonstrations, protests, public meetings and events (also on Read ME UK Events )
Commentary, articles and papers by researcher Margaret Williams, sociologist Angela Kennedy and others
ME and related issues in medical and allied health professional journals
Media coverage
YouTube advocacy and activism videos
Some DSM-V and ICD-11 Revision Processes
Lightning Process and the SMILE Trial
There is little recent material relating to UK specific issues on the site, this year due, to personal family circumstances. I now devote most of what time I have to ICD-11 and DSM-5 and related coding issues.
It is erroneous then, to claim that ME agenda site is nothing but "CFS and CFSAC" as a few moments spent pulling up Monthly Archives or Category archives will evidence from the 980 odd posts on the site. The site is run on a blog template which shows only the most recent 10 postings. All the other 970 odd posts can be pulled up from either the Monthly Archives or Category archives.
So once again, I am being misrepresented on a public forum.
And I am sick of it and I am finding the continued focus on me disturbing and I shall be discussing my concerns with Cort over the weekend.
In postings that still stand unedited, despite several requests that the mods attend to defamatory content, Ms McLaughlin has told readers of these public forums that I am not to be trusted as a source of information.
If I am not to be trusted as a source of information then one has to question why Ms McLaughlin should have any interest in
any opinion I might hold around ICD-10-CM and the Coalition4ME/CFS's initiative, or any other issue, which is one of the reasons I am no longer prepared to engage with her.