I appreciate Kurts analysis of the situation. I think we should be ready for anything. We won't know until we know. It sounds like we won't really know until several replication studies are done and they start to agree with each other.
As PCR tests have been around for a long time and they are a very important part of research and have been well studied - it would seem to be easy to replicate one but there seem to be a lot of variables when you're starting out fresh with a new pathogen test. Garcia recently transcribed Dr. Coffin's testimony (thanks Garcia! - he transcribed did Peterson's as well):
These high tech labs clearly each want to come up with the best assay for XMRV. Theres no guarantee right now that it will the WPI - each is going through the process themselves. Look how Coffin puts it: "We may win out" - its a race!
Its clearly not an easy thing to do. It could even be that a first replication study could say 'No XMRV in CFS" and over time be proved wrong.