Throwing the dunce hat in the fire
If XMRV is really there in all PWC, then it should be found by pretty much every lab using most of the different types of tests available
On first glance this is logical.,Yet if you know what CFS is politically and medically - that would be impossible. CFS is a hotchpotch of anything that causes
chronic fatigue in collaboration with a few other symptoms.
One of the criteria for CFS, is fatigue and 1 symptom. LOL!!!! That's not a disease process in anyone's book.
There are countless reasons to be told you have CFS, there are
5 different diagnostic criteria to begin with, and thus anyone can be diagnosed regardless of symptoms.
Oxford Criteria CFS used in the UK for CFS/ME is:
''No specific Symptoms''. and 'previous psychiatric history not a reason for exclusion''.
One man's immune disease is another mans mental illness when it comes to CFS and CFS/ME - which only exists in the UK politically via the UK government's NHS socialised medical service, and has no coding, and no label outside the country.
By logic, take 100 people diagnosed with CFS, and probably only 8 of them would have it ('it' being a unique inflammatory immune disease) - even if there was an agreed diagnostic test which XMRV will become.
XMRV does not need to have 80% of people with CFS testing positive to become a test for all cases of CFS as that's impossible to achieve.
It needs to be hitting high percentages with people who meet criteria of disease (Canadian Criteria). This has been done twice so far in the USA and in UK (London) and we are told they hold up.
The rates drop through the floor in replicating the WPI study when you chose the loose criteria for CFS that the CDC and governments around the world prefer. The ones that explain 'long term tiredness'. Depression causes long term tiredness, anything can.
Hence the state we're all in.
To expand on this, if I declared that Parkinson's disease was chronic long term tiredness - how many people diagnosed (with no test) actually have it?
Very few indeed.
Ironically the bragging of the Psychiatric profession of saying they won't be able to replicate the WPI study - is simply showing that the criteria is utter nonsense. Morally, they should use the SAME CRITERIA as the WPI - but they refuse.
That would be like saying a man, age 40, 6ft tall says he's the fastest runner in the world.
I chose a woman, age 80, 4ft 2 with myopia and say she's slower.
In other words - incompatible and pointless to attempt to repeat the 40yr old man's running time, unless I chose the EXACT specification of this runner myself.
CDC, and others with vested interests won't be doing that, ever.
They need their CFS to stay as a non disease and Simon Wessely needs to be able to keep describing patients as '
'disgusting'' Source:
Link and British Nurses need to be able to keep describing patients as
''Lazy Lazy Bastards'' and ''Fags''.
Link And doctors need to be able to keep describing patients as
''piece of pond life''. Source:
This is how CFS is viewed, due to anyone claiming to have it, with no evidence required. ''Long term tiredness' remember? That's all you need and as long as it's ''unexplained'' then you're in, and you can wear the gold CFS badge.
The question arises, who invented the ridiculous criteria for CFS?
Psychiatrists and denialists of CFS, that's who.
By renaming Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis CFS.
Very few people (by logic) with CFS, would now have PVFS or ME.
Eradicating the original disease, hiding it in a vague fatigue syndrome that is a diagnosis of exclusion, not a diagnosed of immune/neurological origin.
Now I've been sick at least nearly 19 years, as in inside my house for 16 of those.
I never knew what I was telling you, until 13years had passed.
I learn't the day a Royal Air Force ER medic ripped ECG leads off my hairy chest (ouch) and told me to not come to ER when I had chest pain.
This was despite a cardiac nurse telling me to ignore this and always come to ER when I have chest pain. LOL!!! Like a play almost.
When people do that, then destroy the medical records calling you words that rhyme with 'banker' then you know the game is up.
Even more so, when you get a written letter of apology from a doctor (you've never met) apologising about starting an office rumour
about you, and they didn't mean it. Seriously. The same person the military ER medic phoned up and had a chit chat about me - to
start that rumour. I don't have the medical records the hospital ''lost'' - but I do have the letter of apology admitting to the event.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! So politics is very much involved in 'CFS' and medics can actually hate you so much because of the name (as a white racist
sees someone with a black skin) they actually go out of their way to try and kill you - accidently on purpose.
Without the name 'CFS' this would never have happened.
Remember the name 'CFS' was coined by people who call people with CFS - ''Disgusting''.
Is that not somewhat, malice aforethought? Pre-meditated?
I think so.
XMRV we are told - explains the original disease state of PVFS/ME - but it cannot explain CFS that the CDC and Psychiatric profession embrace.
(The people who tell me to go home and listen to classical music - in ER). Yes, in ER. lol. Not they loony bin, there they just say things like when
was the last time you had sex, and explain how you're capable of getting a girlfriend? And - we need to talk about you sex life.
So as you can see, CFS is a green light for people to take advantage of you (medically) in any way they damn well want, because it's legal.
If you're mentally ill - it's a free for all. Who believes your story? If CFS/ME = attention seeking, then the story is a fantasy.
PVFS/ME was re-labelled as CFS.
If one is to be accurate, one should actually say XMRV is PVFS/ME if the Canadian Criteria patients - test positive for XMRV in significant numbers.
Remember CFS is a 'malingerers excuse' according to the very people who use and like to use the name.
It is wise if you're diseased in any form, XMRV or not, that you don't use the term CFS - as it's based on a lie, and on an insult.
To recap, British Psychiatrist Michael Sharpe states:
''Abnormal physical signs are not compatible with a diagnosis of CFS''.
And Peter White (CDC Bill Reeves new buddy Psychiatrist) who runs the British CFS/ME treatment team in London, UK and sits on the tax payer funded British, Medical Research Council, (MRC) also states:
''Cancer, precludes a diagnosis of CFS''.
Which means 1) You can't have evidence you are sick and use the label CFS.
2) You can't have cancer and use the label CFS.
Guaranteeing CFS is nothing.
Guaranteeing you are viewed as nothing.
Guaranteeing you never get any access to medical tests.
Guaranteeing no money is ever spent on biomedical research on CFS.
Clever huh?
Sick, but clever.......