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New York Tri-State


I am in desperate need of a specialist in the NY tri-state area. I have seen Dr. Susan Levine who was actually very helpful with the initial diagnosis, and putting me on medications, but I need someone who I can talk to about ongoing care. I find her to be pretty rude and unable to communicate.

Does anyone know someone in the NY tri-state area who is worth seeing?

@SickOfBeingSick9 Did you get any useful feedback on your question? I've been diagnosed and under treatment for 18+ months. However, I may be moving back to the NYC area so am interested to find out too!
@Hip thanks for the link. The point I am most interested in the experience of follow on care after initial diagnosis


Senior Member
The point I am most interested in the experience of follow on care after initial diagnosis

I hope someone can give you some personal experience on this question. Generally leading ME/CFS doctors have long waiting lists, so that is an issue. If it is just for getting repeat prescriptions, you might consider a local ME/CFS-friendly doctor rather than one of the famous leading doctors.