But for others it does nothing. I am the opposite and feel MUCH better after eating a meal. strict diets do nothing for me and eating smaller portions or less leaves me with no energy. a decent sized meal adds on the pounds but gives me an instant energy boost. I don't know why this is.
Hi Justy
I'll try to have a guess to answer the last line of your reply, please excuse me if this is nonsense, but I like to try and help but that doesn't mean I can! What is evident, is you're describing an energy deficient state, we should also not forget both parties in polite disagreement could be correct as one patient has different problems, due to different acquired secondary diseases/syndromes and the primary problem could also be different (no test for ME, CFS).
So lets just focus on the individual, after all, we are all 'individually' unwell, with our own issues, but we also share them with others a lot of the time, hence I pounced on your problem!
I have heard from other PWME (severe) over and over again, namely they report:
1) Low blood sugar attacks randomly but don't have Diabetes or Addison's disease.
2) Low blood sugar only between meals never at night fasting
3) Must eat every few hours, or they get low blood sugar or feel 'terrible' (worse than normal terrible!).
4) Feel all of the above, but have borderline normal blood sugar when tested, so get ignored by medical profession.
I would say 4) is the most common complaint in PWME, aka Chronic Lyme, aka POTS, aka whatever...
Recently I've learnt I've got antibodies to multiple adrenal receptors (as well as Muscaranic Acetylcholine, not
to be confused with Acetycholine Muscle antibodies found in Myasthenia Gravis), and apparently, this has the potential to target multiple organ sites, including the
pancreas and so the immune system may effect insulin levels, in subsets of ME CFS POTS Chronic Lyme etc (possibly the same condition, or subsets of it). If this is correct, it would be possible PWME (with autoimmune subset of adrenergic type) may be getting some kind of episodic
autoimmune insulin release, hence they don't have 'true' chronic hypoglycemia which is consistent and will randomly show up on a test, however, you'd need to rule out the conventional before the unconventional. Also I think on repeat testing, you'd still catch a 'glimpse' of what is happening, it just won't be consistent - hence no diagnosis or explanation of this Addison's of the brain, we have, although you can have a look at the list below to have a go at seeing what you can find.
From what you describe (classic ME) it sound as if you have a metabolic disorder in which your body cannot untilise fat stores for fuel. Perhaps in addition to ME, or masked by Growth Hormone deficiency/Pituitary disorder on top of ME.
*Have you had a
Fasting Glucose test? (any GP can arrange this).
*Have you had a
Glucose Tolerance test?
*Have you had an
ATCH stimulation test? Low Cortisol is associated to hypo's.
*Have you had a
Growth Hormone Stimulation test? Low GW is associated to hypo's.
*Have you measured your
Carnitine, Free Carnitine, Carnitine Ester? My was very low - essential for Mitochondria/Muscle
*Have you measured your
Q10? (Others have suggested this already I think, I don't want to steal their thunder!).
*Have you measured your
Essential Fatty Acids? Deranged EFA's increase Arachandonic Acid. I found this
out by testing mine (I have uncontrolled Asthma) and my AA is massively elevated (Fatty Acid deficiency derived inflammation). AA is associated to Leukotrines, which Montelukast blocks.
*Have you measured your
Long Chain Fatty Acids? Mine are all deficient, one was almost zero.
*Have you measured your
Very Long Chan Fatty Acids? -Deficiency can cause random hypo's in adults.
So if you're 'running on empty' (probably as you have so many infections as well), when you eat, you'll feel better as your body is probably useless at using energy from fats and glycogen reserve from muscle and basically everything
to do with staying alive regarding the respiratory chain switching over, hence your body tries to protect you, by making you massively weak, metabolically to keep you alive, hence you literally cannot exercise but don't have 'heart disease' -when tested, if at all, because that's not the reason you get SOB/Tachy/dizzy from exertion.
It would make sense to me, food, gives you carb energy rush, and then even without chocolate or cans of coke, your insulin goes potentially too high and you need to eat again. In terms of known energy disorders of an immune kind, autoimmue Thyroid disease occurs in ME (replicates some CFS symptoms). By the way you can have a Thyroid Goitre, due to chronic inflammation on an ultrasound, and not be hypothyroid either.
I'm the same as you, with what you describe as I'm sure lots of us are.
Blood sugar control in myself, was wrecked the second I got this condition, mildly, when I could still exercise.
It didn't take 30 years to do this to me, it did it immediately to the extent my GP thought I was Diabetic as did a Diabetic Nurse...except I'm not. I've also had Ketones in my urine, despite not being Diabetic and not starving myself like an Anorexic either. So something complex goes on inside us.
How about yourself? The same perhaps some familiar similartiies?
Certainly If I don't eat food every few hours once awake (which makes me really ill as I have severe Dysautonomia, so eating is actually hell), I freak out anyway, anxiety symptoms, go freezing cold (cuddle a heater to warm up). This is interesting as panic symptoms occurs in 'true' hypo's as the body uses hormones (flight of fight) to try and put your blood sugar up in an emergency situation or you go into a coma a die (real risk of Brittle Diabetes). Also it's much worse with a virus, which is interesting as that's what people with Diabetes also report (exacerbation of blood glucose
control during infection). How many times have we seen patients in Hospital with a blood sugar of 40/50 because they got a 'germ' and they end up on a drip for a week or so, monitored.
So something in our brains isn't working properly, and then this links to the fact the brain had an independent insulin/glucose system from the periphery, then that's interesting in a complex, multi systemic disease like ME. Why? When someone takes a your blood glucose, they
aren't sampling your brain circulation glucose supply, which I suspect, in ME, is something to do with it, mixed with a dysautonomic nervous system response by it, or to it occurring. From memory brain glucose metabolism in some CFS papers(or was it ME?) is abnormal, and that's laying under a scanner and not typing on the net for 5 hours on no food and walking around using your body either.
Finally, for those interested, I should add
dehydration can cause a feeling of hunger, starving hungry, (before low BP sets in and the sweating and passing out) when actually you are dehydrated. You'll know this is the case, as when you re-hydrate, only then will you feel thirsty, and also you'll take a long while to pee despite drinking 1 litre or so straight down.
I get caught out a lot with this, because at first I was thirsty all the time, but since I've gotten more sick, I have no memory to remember to drink. This 'forgetting to drink', is also seen in stroke and dementia patients.