My son & i are giving the lightning process a go on this week


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
I'd love to hear KCL's views on LP, Adam.


Or PP views on KCL?

It is tough to seperate them really. One is employed. The other is self-employed. I imagine they are both very wealthy. I have no doubt they are both very clever. I do, however, doubt how much they really care about the clients.



Senior Member
So maybe, where infection exists, these approaches can be ameliorative (rather than curative).

For me. that's not much different to the whole lifestyle approach. Eat well, rest, exercise a little when you can, think positive, enjoy good company, etc. all about good physical and psychological nutrition.

BUT, with LP, NLP etc. the basic premise is that the root cause lies in the brain - looked at as an organ which is a component of a system, thus avoiding discussion about psycho vs. physio. Sure, there's lots of shit we don't understand, but to concoct a theory such as this in the absence of knowledge is rather desparate in my mind. Phil parker didn't put this together because he understands it all. He simply saw a market opportunity, then put some pseudo-science behind it to get some credibility.

Where infection does not exist, perhaps the approach truly can be curative?

Sorry, Adam, I know you've said most of this already - have you checked with the boy, is it IRONY?


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
So maybe, where infection exists, these approaches can be ameliorative (rather than curative).

For me. that's not much different to the whole lifestyle approach. Eat well, rest, exercise a little when you can, think positive, enjoy good company, etc. all about good physical and psychological nutrition.

BUT, with LP, NLP etc. the basic premise is that the root cause lies in the brain - looked at as an organ which is a component of a system, thus avoiding discussion about psycho vs. physio. Sure, there's lots of shit we don't understand, but to concoct a theory such as this in the absence of knowledge is rather desparate in my mind. Phil parker didn't put this together because he understands it all. He simply saw a market opportunity, then put some pseudo-science behind it to get some credibility.

Where infection does not exist, perhaps the approach truly can be curative?

Sorry, Adam, I know you've said most of this already - have you checked with the boy, is it IRONY?

I've given up trying to get my head around irony. I could read the dictionary definition and five minutes later I would not be able to explain it. I mean it's ironical isn't that we employ so many words that we can't define? Isn't it. Oh forget I asked.

BTW I concur with your comments about lifestyle approach.



Places I'd rather be.
Orla and Angela Kennedy make a good point about people carrying on as normal, not properly realising at first the association between exertion and symptoms, then becoming adversely affected. I learned the long hard way that symptoms are not to be treated as an erroneous perception of sensations to be ignored/overcome with positive affirmations and will power. So I am cynical about the claimed 80%+ cure rate within 3 days for ME/CFS and have concerns for the health of whoever tries it. I am happy for whoever finds benefit, but I think I will be hanging on to my $1000 and 3 days.

The increased sympathetic nervous system activity and chronic arousal (if relevant) may be a consequence of the body and mind trying to compensate for the increased demands and limitations imposed on it. Excessive stimulation would of course have negative consequences, especially when the tolerance for it is reduced. I have tried various techniques that Countrygirl would call "de-arousing", these help induce a sense of relaxation/peace/centredness but do not improve the underlying baseline status of CFS even after months of practice. However, I do think they can be helpful to symptoms, especially for preventing and managing post-exertion symptom exacerbation.


Senior Member
Orla and Angela Kennedy make a good point about people carrying on as normal, not properly realising at first the association between exertion and symptoms, then becoming adversely affected. I learned the long hard way that symptoms are not to be treated as an erroneous perception of sensations to be ignored/overcome with positive affirmations and will power. So I am cynical about the claimed 80%+ cure rate within 3 days for ME/CFS and have concerns for the health of whoever tries it. I am happy for whoever finds benefit, but I think I will be hanging on to my $1000 and 3 days.

The increased sympathetic nervous system activity and chronic arousal (if relevant) may be a consequence of the body and mind trying to compensate for the increased demands and limitations imposed on it. Excessive stimulation would of course have negative consequences, especially when the tolerance for it is reduced. I have tried various techniques that Countrygirl would call "de-arousing", these help induce a sense of relaxation/peace/centredness but do not improve the underlying baseline status of CFS even after months of practice. However, I do think they can be helpful to symptoms, especially for preventing and managing post-exertion symptom exacerbation.

Well written BPB, I agree entirely, and this is my own experience too (except that I wasn't smart enough to resist a punt on the LP.....I'm a born gambler).


Senior Member
update on lightning process 2.5 weeks on

hI everyone,

I thought it may be of interest to some of you as to how myself and my son are doing since returning from our holiday.
Sadly the LP hasn't helped my son at all. I don't think he got to grips with understanding what he was supposed to be doing anyway which certainly didn't help. He infact ended up needing a wheelchair by day 4 of the holiday, we were doing all the disney theme parks though so it did involve a lot of walking, but he has never needed a chair before. He suffered very badly with his legs on holiday and was tearful on a lot of occasions. He also got a lot of blisters on the soles of his feet which has never occured before, maybe natures way of stopping him walking. We are due to spend another couple of hours follow up with our trainer next monday so i will see what she says about the situation.

As far as i'm concerned, i was doing fine until about day 10 of the holiday, i then suffered very badly with my legs and ankles, very stiff, they seemed to be worse if i rested, i really struggled to get going again. My head is still reasonably clear though, much better than it was before the process.
I feel very tired at the moment and my hands seemed to have died again which is really worrying me as that was one of my first symptoms when i first got ill, when i say died i mean i can squish all my fingers in and they don't spring back, as though the blood has gone from my hands.
Having said all that i'm still a lot better than before the process so i'm still pleased.
I'll keep you posted.


Senior Member
Thanks for all these updates.

Sorry to hear your son struggled with the holiday. I ended up with a lot of blisters when I went to Disney world as a child (and that was after being pre-warned and wearing double socks) - it's the magic of Disney!


Senior Member
thanks for the update. i am sorry to hear about your son and hope that he feels better soon ( you too of course )
like I said before, if you two have something like xmrv ,and i hope you dont, but if you do then its hard to believe that a simple affirmation process should remove this heinous virus from the body. and thats why i dont like parker at all.


Senior Member

Having said all that i'm still a lot better than before the process so i'm still pleased.
I'll keep you posted.

Hi Coxy,

Thank you for the update. I'd been wondering how you are both doing, and I'm glad you, at least, are better.



Senior Member
hI everyone,

I thought it may be of interest to some of you as to how myself and my son are doing since returning from our holiday.
Sadly the LP hasn't helped my son at all. I don't think he got to grips with understanding what he was supposed to be doing anyway which certainly didn't help. He infact ended up needing a wheelchair by day 4 of the holiday, we were doing all the disney theme parks though so it did involve a lot of walking, but he has never needed a chair before. He suffered very badly with his legs on holiday and was tearful on a lot of occasions. He also got a lot of blisters on the soles of his feet which has never occured before, maybe natures way of stopping him walking. We are due to spend another couple of hours follow up with our trainer next monday so i will see what she says about the situation.

As far as i'm concerned, i was doing fine until about day 10 of the holiday, i then suffered very badly with my legs and ankles, very stiff, they seemed to be worse if i rested, i really struggled to get going again. My head is still reasonably clear though, much better than it was before the process.
I feel very tired at the moment and my hands seemed to have died again which is really worrying me as that was one of my first symptoms when i first got ill, when i say died i mean i can squish all my fingers in and they don't spring back, as though the blood has gone from my hands.
Having said all that i'm still a lot better than before the process so i'm still pleased.
I'll keep you posted.

Hi Coxy

Respect to you for coming back and sharing your experiences with us. I'm really sorry to hear that your son has not benefitted from the LP. For me, this acts as a pretty good diagnostic that his illness is not psychosomatic.

Good that you have some improvement yourself, but probably impossible to say whether this is attributable to the LP or not.....back to anecdotes again, and that's not your fault or mine.

If it helps, my own experience of follow-ups with trainers is that you just go around in circles with illogical arguments. Any lack of success will be all down to you and your son, not the trainer or the LP.

It will be interesting to hear what your trainer has to say - maybe you could encourage them to sign-up here and give us their input? Although, I'm not sure I can deal with that absence of logic again.

All my best to you and your son, and thank you again.



Senior Member
Columbus, OH
So sorry to come to this thread so late but for the life of me, I do not understand what the lightening process is. Would someone explain to me what this is? Is it a motivational seminar or something?


Senior Member
thats a good question jill. as far as i know its really a motivational seminar, mixed with a " process" you reiterate , like a positive affirmation and on the other hand trainers who tell you that you arent really sick and its all in your head. but this is from hearsay , i have never attended the course and never will.


Senior Member
Sheffield UK
So sorry to come to this thread so late but for the life of me, I do not understand what the lightening process is. Would someone explain to me what this is? Is it a motivational seminar or something?

Have you ever been to an AMWAY presentation?

Only joking peeps.

AMWAY is pyramid sales and well the Lightening Process is...

wait a minute!

Seriously though, I wish Coxy and son all the best. And as Coxy has said, if it does not work out, at least you know for sure.

An innate cynicism (and shallow pockets) has kept me clear of the unproven remedies/treatments. And when you discount those you are left nowt.


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
Adam, you are too funny...... (although as I understand it also, that is the way the business is set up.)

Coxy and her son are pioneers, we thank them, and Coxy, thank you for sharing.



Senior Member
I believe it's a combination of positive affirmations and thought stopping.

I think that's a pretty succinct description Koan. Maybe add Adam's AMWAY (nice one Adam, that captures the pyramid selling, marketing, skullduggery all in one!!) to that and you've got

LP = TS + PA + AW = PP + + $$$$$$$$$$ (latter just to get you worried, Koan :D )


Senior Member
Thanks for all your comments.
I've been wondering as to why others haven't decided to give feedback after doing the LP? I certainly didn't have my brain taken away by the process, i remembered all of the poor people left behind on the forums that need to get as much info as possible from any treatment that is tried. I wasn't told by my trainer to keep away from forums or keep anything a secret (i had heard rumours to this affect before i tried the process). I don't feel i'm doing myself any negative type of damage by talking about it, i would probably be told i was if it fails i suppose.
I can't believe that any past ME'er who has been cured by it, was that sure their cure would last, and deliberately stayed away from forums. I have no idea what's going to happen to me next and nor would they know! All of us know we can go through periods of remission if we are lucky, only for it all to come flooding back again, i've fallen for getting my hopes up about my 15yr old daughter to often in the past, only to get deflated again.
At the moment i'm feeling really nervous about going back to the trainer, i scared to death that she's going to tell my son off for not trying hard enough or something. I feel that i would lose my temper if she suggested that! I'm almost tempted not to take him at all. What do you think, especially those amongst you who have been through it?


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
If there is any "blame the patient" tone coming from your trainer, I would remove yourself and your son immediately. If your trainer can be supportive and curious about how you are really functioning and only wants to help you function better, then maybe some of this can be helpful. I think we can all be helped by various tools, but when it becomes the patient's fault when the tools are inadequate for the task, then it is time to run. Please trust your instincts.

coxy, I wish you and your son the best. And thank you for sharing with us.