So maybe, where infection exists, these approaches can be ameliorative (rather than curative).
For me. that's not much different to the whole lifestyle approach. Eat well, rest, exercise a little when you can, think positive, enjoy good company, etc. all about good physical and psychological nutrition.
BUT, with LP, NLP etc. the basic premise is that the root cause lies in the brain - looked at as an organ which is a component of a system, thus avoiding discussion about psycho vs. physio. Sure, there's lots of shit we don't understand, but to concoct a theory such as this in the absence of knowledge is rather desparate in my mind. Phil parker didn't put this together because he understands it all. He simply saw a market opportunity, then put some pseudo-science behind it to get some credibility.
Where infection does not exist, perhaps the approach truly can be curative?
Sorry, Adam, I know you've said most of this already - have you checked with the boy, is it IRONY?