Fingers wrote
It will be interesting to hear what your trainer has to say - maybe you could encourage them to sign-up here and give us their input? Although, I'm not sure I can deal with that absence of logic again.
I agree with your last sentence, but as for having an LP trainer on here, Oh no, please no. I think this is a bad idea (no offense.) These trainers are trained sales people and cannot be trusted not to be marketing LP on the forum, as they do whenever they get a chance to promote it publicly.
Jill, for anyone who wants to know what LP is, I have posted a lot of information on it in different posts here (the information is from different sources):
The LP trainers used to really emphasise to clients not to speak about what was involved in LP, and also to avoid patient groups (other than to promote LP). Some of them may have backed off this a little by now. This is one example
The tutor said that if we tell people about the process if won't work. That's right, to talk about the process means it can't work for you. She also told us that no matter how she feels she tells everyone she "feels fabulous".
Adam I agree with you on the Amway comparison. This is a report from one person who attended a talk/promotion by a trainer:
I recently attended an ME Support Group, along with 8 other poor souls, and was "Processed by Lightning".
Have you ever invited an Everest Double Glazing Salesman or an Amdega Conservatory "Consultant" into your home and after 10 minutes regretted that mad impulse? I have, and with the Lightning Process, it was a case of dj vu.
A "40 minute talk" by Emma, our Lightning Process Consultant, turned into a two hour "Death by Power-Point" seminar