My dosing for the next 10 days was all over the map. I upped the dose slightly on Day 8 as planned, but had a bunch of setbacks and honestly I couldn’t keep my dosing decisions straight in the PEM that followed. Feels weird to look back at it and see how inconsistent my thinking has been, but oh well.
Day 8: A total of 7 mins in 2 doses. 7:39 hrs of rest. Resting HR 3 b/p/m above normal. No extra upright time. And my childhood best friend died. Oof. The waves of emotion have been pretty unpredictable since then and I don’t have my feet under me yet. It sucks going through grief without being able to physically move; walking things out used to be my most reliable therapy. But I was expecting worse vital signs so I do think the light therapy has been helping.
Day 9: Busy day in the house so I only had time for one 4 min dose. Resting HR up to 5 bpm over normal. 12:37 of rest!!! Up 10 mins. Higher symptom score due to emotional stress.
Day 10: Another single 4 min dose. I actually had pretty good energy this day, up an extra 30 mins and 9:17 of rest. Resting HR at normal! I was very surprised by this.
Day 11: I liked the 4 min dose a lot so I did two of them on this day for a total of 8 mins. 9:26 of rest, resting HR at normal. I had really good energy again this day... and I got myself in trouble with it. I told my family that I had the energy to fold the laundry in our airbnb myself after everyone was out for the day. It would have been ok except that when I got to the dryer I realized the red throw blanket had been put in with all the whites... red lint EVERYWHERE!
Too late to call for help so I had to do an extra 20 mins of lint rolling (for a total of 45 mins upright) before the guests checked in, which put me into PEM. Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy.
Day 12: 8 mins total over 2 doses. Resting HR still at normal but only able to get into a restful state for 6:36. Feeling the PEM onset, higher symptom score. Up for 10 mins.
Day 13: 8 mins daily total. Resting HR 1 bpm over normal. High symptom score due to PEM symptoms, low energy. 5:7 of rest, lots more tension.
Day 14: 8 mins total dose. HR 3 bpm above normal. 4:28 rest. This is 3 days past the PEM trigger, which is usually when things bottom out for me. High symptom score, in bed all day except for bathroom breaks. But my HR is still much better than previous crashes.
Until the last couple of days I thought that my downturn was only due to the bereavement and the lint bomb. Of course I’m sure those triggers caused the crash I’ve been living in the last 10 days, but I’ve since purchased Ari Whitten’s The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy e-book.
I read the dosing chapter a couple of days ago and now I think also that 8 mins/day is too much for me. I‘ve been dialing things back and we’ll see what happens.
I think I’ll share maybe one or two more posts with this level of detail, but hopefully now I’ve settled on a good dose that I’ll stick with for a while. Hopefully it’ll create a more stable physical response and I can just report on general highs and lows each week.