Most people do not take zinc on an empty stomach. Such advice is potentially harming. Sure, you might absorb 5% more of it if you do it on an empty stomach, but zinc has never been known to be one of the few supplements that should be taken on an empty stomach. The risk of stomach upset by taking it on an empty stomach is simply not worth it.
Hmm. I am not claiming otherwise, but this is a pretty mainstream product that says it's OK. Is it possible that this form is in a form that makes it so it's not harsh on the stomach, due to how it's delivered?
All that said, I would say my weird head twitch has gotten worse as I've restored my thiamine deficiency. I address it that way, because so many systems are functioning again, it's the best way to convey the whole body aspect that is going on.
I realized something today. I have been getting up like clockwork at around 8:30am each morning, and I thought it was because I was fully rested. I am, for the most part, but today I had a little gastric trouble, which has been a thing as it starts working again (but it's healthy movement), and so I had a movement around 8am, and then went back to sleep until noon today. I woke up and after a few minutes realized I felt incredibly rested, and the twitch was gone for the better part of the day. Now 8pm, it is doing it a little, but not bad. It made me realize that I might not be waking up because I'm fully rested so much as my brain gets very active about what I'm going to do that day, and I forgot what that was like, it's been so long. I could write a list of "100 things you won't realize were gone until they start to come back with CFS" and probably run over 100.
I took up to 1200mg of thiamine daily and it didn't change my energy levels, it did some typical thiamine thing though, so it was still worth a try. I may test other types of this vitamin in the future, as they may work differently.
There's a lot of information about thiamine in CFS so it is highly possible there is something to it, it may be that one missing part for some people. It would be nice to have it fixed like that.
I've linked to EONutrition and talked about Elliot a lot. I think he is the key to all of this, but it's really HIS understanding and implementation of the work of this doctor, and his book:
The big takeaway if you watch all of Elliot's Thiamine videos, is that he believes there is a dysfunction that happens that makes TTFD the ONLY form of Thiamine that can and will work for some/most people at a certain point.
I took a break from this forum, but I've worked up to 300mg of TTFD every morning with my other already mentioned supplements, and continued a whole foods, unprocessed diet. I'm feeling signs of changes I haven't seen since 2012 (my liver transplant), definitely 2018.
I've reached out to Elliot and while he has not responded, his site says he's not taking patients. Perhaps a fellow of his is, and I asked about them, and am awaiting a response. I have scheduled to meet with a functional medicine doctor in my area. I'll be disappointed if they aren't familiar with TTFD, because that + nutrition is really where I want guidance in this phase, as I think it's going to be months and months for me.
Anyhow, as I said, I took a break from the forum, when I am crashed and low, I get very angry. I was bullied a lot as a kid, and I now go nuts on bullies, and when I am feeling poor, it makes me want to just rage at people. When your nervous system is basically shut down, that fight or flight is real, and sometimes it makes me want to fight.
I'm out of that crash, by following Elliot's guide and referencing this chart of his:
I reccomend the whole video, but I used that pink table as a guide to get out of the crash, but never quit my TTFD, but I did quit Benfothiamine during that crash. I tried an extra 200mg of TTFD one evening with dinner, and that made me feel paradoxical effects again, mainly in head pain, and kind of head confusion that comes with a bad headache. I have just stayed with the 300mg with my first meal, and things have been going well.