Hi Ladybug,
I do also wonder about the depression being a side effect. I always get it during "die off."
Another thing though, you mentioned- perhaps in this thread, haven't read it all- that you were very depressed before treatment? I know there are many times I've gotten all hopeful over a medication (right now, in fact, and I'm dealing with depression myself because it isn't turning out well, plus other stuff), and it leads to a huge emotional let down. Even if it winds up working out, there are always doubts, especially with something somewhat experimental. Being pregnant and having to try a big medication change, even to a drug my PCP considers safer, is really hard for me. I'm thinking being kind of a "lone wolf" on a new medication or something not usually used for that condition can be really isolating in itself. Sometimes I've taken a medication (like now, with Xyrem) when I don't know anyone else who has taken it, and it can add to my feeling of isolation, which is currently acute. There are all the doubts, the wondering if this or that is a side effect and I'll have to give it up, when perhaps the positive effects would have started next week and then I start thinking on that and pretty soon, I'm under a really dark cloud and the walls are closing in.
I think it would be extremely difficult to be in your situation, given there are many even in this forum who have expressed doubts about it (not that I don't understand those doubts or the expression of them; no one wants any one of us to take a drug that gives us some horrible side effect that lasts for life, on top of the disease). I do hope you keep turning to us and any others who can be supportive. I hope I can do that as well- this disease and any and all meds I've taken have been met with such hostility that I've become really phobic of doctors and most other people.
I doubt this post has been "uplifting," but I personally don't always find the whole "have a positive mental attitude" approach to always be helpful (I guess that's why I have this disease, right? :Retro mad

. Sometimes it helps me to be around others who just say, "Wow, I have been in this crap as well." And I do know I've found this forum to be a very rich source of accepting that feeling, even if I am the newbie who keeps thinking I've been lurking on this fairly new forum for years (dog years, I say! Dog years!

I hope that forward progress continues. I hope you have no negative side effects. I hope your feelings of depression lift.