Thanks Goldiland for passing along that information and Koan.....
I'll lengthen my previous "one-liner"
I honestly dont have the energy sometimes to go into my full reasoning, so In some cases my points are brief and too the point and not intended to hurt anyone, for those who know me, they know that I always try and help and support others the best I can.
Ive spoken to some of the docs mentioned on this thread and regard to AZT and have had not so good feedack, not to mean it may not work for some, I just think it should be a last resort.
Unlike HIV patients, ME patients can have serious injury to the CNS, in turn creating dysfunction of the chemical and hormonal process that regulates methylation(detox), endocrine glands, peripheral vascular system, muscles and more.
In taking a drug as toxic as AZT this can easily cause more damage to areas that are already damaged in many long term ME patients. Again, something AIDS patients dont have to worry about. Not to say its perfectly safe for AIDS patients.
I think someone mentioned they showed improvements on Ampligen, which makes more sense, since Ampligen is much much less toxic and targets RNASE, in turn modulating the immune system. Ampligen type treatments seem to be the logical treatments of the future for ME patients. (Not Anti-retrovirals).
As desperate as we are, I think these types of treatments are in the not too distant future and believing this, I dont want to see anyone hurt themselves because they feel as they will not get help in time.
But I understand Sue is suffering and is desperate....I hope whatever she tries, AZT or other therapies, she only gets well. By you going low dose, seems to be the safest route!!