What sort of benefits have you seen?
i felt much better. after the first tablet i felt a big reduction in the overwhelming heavy exhaustion.
a week later i felt light and something like normal, could move and do things without any effort. afetr feeling like we do, once you get a taste of normal again, you realise youve forgotten how easy everything is when healthy.
i went for a couple of easy jogs with no payback. depression obviously lifted. could see clearly again etc.
then it must have dropped my immunity too low and i began to get a sore ear, which day by day spread to the side of my face, into my teeth, to the other ear, ended up being run down and sleeping for 2-3 days so i stopped and recovered to baseline. pain went away.
tried the plaqunil 2 more times and the pain/infection came back quicker each time.
ive now been trying to find the infection.
ive had a sometimes painfull ear for a couple of years and been to many drs and specialists for it and theyve assured me that there is no infection there.for whatever their assurance means.
so ive looked at a possible infection in the teeth. first dentist immediatly ruled it out. i pressed him to do an x-ray or some sort of investigation. he did an x-ray and said there is possibly a small cavitation in the back tooth on the side of the original painfull ear. but he doesnt think so.
haha. well good thing we did the x-ray hey. these "professionals" dont instill a hell of a lot of confidence.
so now im in the process of trying to work out finding if there is an infection/cavitation there or not.
i didnt think there was any other health issue as difficult to deal with as cfs but i was apparently wrong.
it seems short of drilling into my teeth no one can agree on a decent way to dignose it. even drilling my teeth is not guarenteed and its these procedures that can, and possibly have created room for the infection to begin with