After a very stressful/turbulent 2 years (mother's death, husband's sudden death, lockdown, Covid (mild dose but with difficult after effects), and a year of supporting my son, (schizophrenia/Tourette Syndrome) through a horrendous time with his PIP benefits renewal), I am really struggling with the effects of all of this, both mental and physical, and I am ageing now at nearly 70, with symptoms of older age as well as those of ME. I now live alone on a very steep hill, with a large garden with no transport, and no relatives nearby, and the stress on me is beginning to tell in many ways.
I am in the UK by the way so systems may be different in other countries. I have 3 sons but all a long way off as I am in the far west of Cornwall, with a lovely view of the sea, so thinking of leaving this lovely place is hard, but I am trying to use my head as well as my heart here. My youngest son lives in Greater London (previously Surrey), and wants me to move nearer to him, and after some thought I have put my house on the market and am buying a retirement flat only about 5/10 mins from him, which is all I can afford as prices are dearer there. I am looking at one bedroomed ones as the two bedroomed ones are a lot dearer it seems, and there are hidden costs to consider with these leasehold flats, so I also have to get rid of some things before I go. Luckily my house is only 2 bedrooms, and the rooms are small, so it could be worse, but I also have a garden to clear - possibly (am hoping that the new people will take some of the items).
I am now in anxiety mode and don't know how I will cope with the practical details of all of this and wonder if anyone else here has tackled this and has any advice. I am OK enough financially to buy help, but not sure how to do some of that or who to ask, as people advertising down here have a habit of not turning up or saying they will come 'dreckly' ie not at all......
e.g. I will pay for someone to pack everything rather than try myself, but how am I to tackle the issues of moving to a smaller place with no garden? How will I dispose of those extra things with no transport? How will I find someone to climb into my loft to get things down to sort? How will I get rid of things at the very last minute that I may need to use, if the people who move in don't want them (I am thinking of the fridge/freezer, washing machine and tumble dryer in particular here)?
The anxiety is affecting my sleep and my digestion already!! I am thinking of buying some CBD oil to help with this. I am hoping that my son/daughter in law (she is the only one who drives in the family, none of my sons do!!) may be able to do at least one trip down here to help with some of the practical stuff, but not sure if it's possible yet, though they will help at the other end for sure.
I am in the UK by the way so systems may be different in other countries. I have 3 sons but all a long way off as I am in the far west of Cornwall, with a lovely view of the sea, so thinking of leaving this lovely place is hard, but I am trying to use my head as well as my heart here. My youngest son lives in Greater London (previously Surrey), and wants me to move nearer to him, and after some thought I have put my house on the market and am buying a retirement flat only about 5/10 mins from him, which is all I can afford as prices are dearer there. I am looking at one bedroomed ones as the two bedroomed ones are a lot dearer it seems, and there are hidden costs to consider with these leasehold flats, so I also have to get rid of some things before I go. Luckily my house is only 2 bedrooms, and the rooms are small, so it could be worse, but I also have a garden to clear - possibly (am hoping that the new people will take some of the items).
I am now in anxiety mode and don't know how I will cope with the practical details of all of this and wonder if anyone else here has tackled this and has any advice. I am OK enough financially to buy help, but not sure how to do some of that or who to ask, as people advertising down here have a habit of not turning up or saying they will come 'dreckly' ie not at all......
e.g. I will pay for someone to pack everything rather than try myself, but how am I to tackle the issues of moving to a smaller place with no garden? How will I dispose of those extra things with no transport? How will I find someone to climb into my loft to get things down to sort? How will I get rid of things at the very last minute that I may need to use, if the people who move in don't want them (I am thinking of the fridge/freezer, washing machine and tumble dryer in particular here)?
The anxiety is affecting my sleep and my digestion already!! I am thinking of buying some CBD oil to help with this. I am hoping that my son/daughter in law (she is the only one who drives in the family, none of my sons do!!) may be able to do at least one trip down here to help with some of the practical stuff, but not sure if it's possible yet, though they will help at the other end for sure.