The above mail article is truly heart-breaking to read. Everyone should read it.
Some of the comments on it are absolutely appalling though. In particular this one:
Also this one:
Some of the comments on it are absolutely appalling though. In particular this one:
Sadly the above is not untypical of the kind of abuse faced by patients from certain quarters of the medical profession in this country.The whole story screams Munchausen's by proxy or a similar delusional state between mother and daughter. Most medical professionals will have seen enough to realise and pick up the clues running right through the article above.
ME is not a disease, it is a state of mind. Like the 98% of people who have been proven NOT to have a food allergy or sensitivity at all.
Cue the outraged nutters defending the undiagnosable and therefore sacrosanct..................................
- Ex NHS Surgeon, Middlesex UK, 28/1/2010 09:27
Also this one:
ME is not a 'real' disease. its psychosomatic symptoms.
It used to be called bone idleness.
- John Bull, Dawlish, 28/1/2010 09:03