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Mother cleared of attempted murder


Senior Member
Thank heaven! Now she can get on with dealing with the horror of the loss of her daughter and the terrible situation at the end of her life. There will be no "happy ending" for Kay Gilderdale.

One can only imagine how things might have been different had they been treated with compassion and had all supportive and palliative measures been brought to bear in her daughter's case by the medical professionals and social service. Perhaps her quality of life could have been sufficient that she would have been able to hang in there for just a little longer.

Maybe kindness could have made all the difference.


thank goodness, Kay has suffered so much; it should have been a certain group of UK psychiatrists who have taken all the funding for research and treatment for over 25 years who were on trial


(I do believe that Wessley denigrated profoundly affected patients as just being more out of condition than others, but can't find the link)


Very well said Min.

If members of the Wessely School boasted to me in a locked hospital ward they could kill me by accident through exercise, and if they gloat to me they refused to sign a piece of paper that states I am in no danger of death from their 'theory......(thus verbally and in writing confirming the danger). This evokes more fear in the patient, me.

Lynn and her experiences move things on to a whole new level. What on earth happens to patients with extreme ME who are sectioned under the mental health act? (Like Sophia Mirza) They can be tied down, drugged, force fed, and even electrocuted. All sorts of horrible things can happen and still do.

Like all caring professions, a few select evil people exist who are magnetised to vulnerable people who cannot defend themselves. To the cost of patients with ME in the UK - these people are classified as 'experts' in our condition. To these small number of people, diseased people are a playground of sadistic opportunity. Conventionally we know this happens to the eldery, children and those with learning difficulties. Yet it clearly happens to people with ME also, due to psychological (unproven) 'theories' that patients are playing for attention and not slowly dying. Therapy is then administered to make patients worse through blame, degrading treatment and brain washing. None of which work.

I wish that Lynn had not passed away at all, yet her experience was obviously far beyond any human can take. An utter tragedy for her and her family, and needless if money had been spent on research back in the 1980's rather than being wasted on 'theories' that have no evidence base in people with the level of disablity Kay had.

It's just and correct her mother did not get sent to jail, and it's understandable why she would be taken to court in the climate we have in the UK over assisted suicide to disease. To me, what is so sad is just how Lynn got so sick in the first place. To be left in a littl bungalow and cared for by her mother with no outside support (medical services) due to the disbelief over ME is quite vile. I hope Kay can recover from this herself.


This is such a relief. What a waste of taxpayer money. I glad the prosecution felt the sting of the jury's slap on the face.


Senior Member
Great news. Now the family can be left in peace.

They wonder why the CPS tried her for attempted murder? because of their perception of ME I suspect.


Near Cognac, France
Just following the BBC coverage of this story they have had advocates on from pro euthenasia and 'care not killing' (sic) groups.

The elephant in the room of course is : would she have been cleared if her daughter was suffering from a psychiatric illness easily cured by psychological interventions?



Kay NOT guilty !!!! (25 January 2010) -- Part 1, First responses newspapers

First responses in Newspapers, approx 3pm GMT, 25 January 2010.

Continuous coverage on Sky News


Mother cleared in ME death trial (BBC News Online, 25 January 2010)




Kay Gilderdale cleared of attempting to murder daughter with ME (The Times, 25 January 2010)


Mother cleared of trying to murder bedridden daughter (Guardian, 25 January 2010)



Mother cleared of trying to murder sick daughter (Independent, 25 January 2010)



Mother cleared of trying to murder sick daughter (Metro, 25 January 2010)



Mother Kay Gilderdale found not guilty of murder attempt on ME sufferer daughter (Daily Telegraph, 25 January 2010)



Devoted mother who helped kill bed-ridden ME daughter is cleared of attempted murder (Daily Mail, 25 January 2010)




Mum cleared in ME death trial (The Sun, 25 January 2010)

First responses. More continuously as they come in.

Messages of support and good wishes piling up for Kay now.
Will forward as soon as we can

Love & best wishes
John xx
Dr John H Greensmith
ME Free For All. org"


I'd love to know which pathogens this poor girl was tested for in 17 years of living hell. At a guess, none.


Senior Member
This is very good news - and has been a top story on the BBC and Channel 4 news programmes this evening. All the best to Lynn's family.


Senior Member
Min;39096]I'd love to know which pathogens this poor girl was tested for in 17 years of living hell. At a guess, none.[

I just hope that an investigative journalist will follow up this story and ask why this poor girl failed to receive appropriate treatment. At the moment, the emphasis is solely on the clarification of the law in assisted suicide and whilst that is, of course, important, there is the other big question. Will it be asked? Does anyone here have influential contacts within the media. The Daily Mail owes us a favour!

I note that CFS was not mentioned once on any of the channels that I watched. The term ME was used on every occasion. The reports certainly portrayed how severe this illness can be.

I cannot bear to imagine what Kay has suffered. She was so dignified and composed and I'm sure that the nation's heart went out to her. I hope that she can find some measure of peace after all she has endured over the past 18 years. After people have heard the news tonight, I cannot imagine that anyone could consider ME to be anything but a potential very serious illness. This is Lynn's great gift to us. God bless her and her family.



Kay NOT guilty !!!! (25 January 2010) -- Part 3, First responses newspapers

Check tomorrow's (26 January 2010) front pages here



Mother not guilty of attempted mercy killing of ME sufferer daughter (Sussex Argus, 25 January 2010)



Kay Gilderdale: a devoted mother (Sussex Argus, 25 January 2010)



Jury praised after mother cleared of murder bid (Bexhill Observer, 25 January 2010)



Mother cleared of attempted murder (Hampshire Chronicle, 25 January 2010)



Mother cleared of murder attempt (Kirriemuir Herald, 25 January 2010)




The Gilderdale case: judges opposed CPS decision to pursue mother (The Times, 25 January 2010)


The Gilderdale case: judges opposed CPS decision to pursue mother (The Times, 25 January 2010)

I seem to remember a few of us telling the DPP that BEFORE all this.


Assisted suicide, mercy killing and the law (Daily Telegraph, 25 January 2010)



Expect much more newspaper and Television coverage including
Panorama next Monday 1st February 2010.

I'm sure Kay has felt the warmth of those Waves and Waves.

Love & best wishes
John xx
ME Free For All. org


Senior Member
Our UK Friends

I thought we, in the US, had it bad with Reeves, et al. But I see just how mind-blowing it is for you all to even survive there in the UK with the dangerous protocols that are dumped on you and further damage you all.

We really have to make a massive effort to get rid of UK Wessely and US Reeves. And we will.
God bless both mother and daughter. I hope that somehow, this slams back in the face of those "doctors".

Your Friend on the Other Side of the Atlantic.
Bognor UK

No help for ME victim?
6.29PM Mon Jan 25 2010

But the question is - why was Lynn Gilderdale so desperate to end her life, where was the medical support? And why was her mother left to care for her daughter alone?.

Our Health Correspondent Stacey Poole has been talking to those who knew her, including a friend - who is also suffering from ME.
By: Stacey Poole

Wow how very powerful viewing I just wept watching that.

Meridian and Stacy Poole have given severe ME sufferers allot of coverage before I just wish it had been viewed by a much larger audience.


Senior Member
Bay Area, California

No help for ME victim?
6.29PM Mon Jan 25 2010

But the question is - why was Lynn Gilderdale so desperate to end her life, where was the medical support? And why was her mother left to care for her daughter alone?.

Our Health Correspondent Stacey Poole has been talking to those who knew her, including a friend - who is also suffering from ME.
By: Stacey Poole

Wow how very powerful viewing I just wept watching that.

Meridian and Stacy Poole have given severe ME sufferers allot of coverage before I just wish it had been viewed by a much larger audience.

Can someone from the UK please write what's in this video? It won't play for those of us in the U.S.

I'm so relieved for Kay Gilderdale. I've been on the edge of my bed wondering what was going to happen with this situation. It is very tragic. My deepest sympathies to the whole family. Lynn is at peace now.


Senior Member
To everyone in the U.K. BBC Breakfast programme.

Morning everyone,

Just to let you know that BBC Breakfast is going to cover Lynn and Kay's story after the 8 a.m. news and will interview Esther Rantzen, who, of course, advocates the Lightning Process. :( I have just heard them say that they are going to ask why ME drives sufferers and carers to such desperate lengths. Should be interesting.


Senior Member
BBC interveiw with Esther Rantzen.

I have just listened to the BBC Breakfast programme and the interview with Esther Rantzen. The BBC correspondent for legal affairs was first interviewed about the contrasting circumstances in the two cases of the mothers who have helped their children to die. In the Inglis case, the child was unconscious and could not express his wishes, which is why the mother was given a lengthy jail sentence. In Kay's case, he said, the circumstances were entirely different because Lynn expressed her wish to die and Kay spent an hour trying to change her mind. The judge strongly criticised the prosecution service for charging her with attempted murder.

When introducing Esther, the interviewer began by stating that there is a misconception in the public mind about ME. He didn't specify what that misconception is. Esther replied by saying that the illness could be devastating, whilst some people recover in months. :confused: When asked about her daughter, she said that she had lived in a darkened room and was ill for 14 years. (When, of course, she recovered with the 3 day Lightning Course ! Not stated, well, not quite.) Esther said the difference between Emily and Lynn was that Lynn was in constant pain.

The interviewer asked where the illness comes from. Esther replied that opinion is divided. She said it could be started by a common virus, which some think mght become an underlying problem. She then went on to say that IF SHE COULD HAVE MET THE FAMILY SHE WOULD HAVE TOLD THEM THAT THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. :Retro mad: I thought this was cruel! In other words, Kay was wrong to do what she did. Even if she thought this it should never have been broadcast. Was she thinking of the Lightning Process? I don't think an experienced communicator like Esther should have said this.
She continued by saying that 20% recover, although 20% stay severely affected.

A mother, she said, was never happier than her unhappiest child and that Kay lived in anguish everyday.

She finished by saying that Kay will now serve a life sentence knowing that she had helped take her daughter's life.

I was not happy with this interview. The almost-unspoken message that I detected was one of criticism. Of course, Esther is advocating the Lightning Process as she says it cured Emily, so it is easy to understand what she is really thinking.

Perhaps someone else watched this and will have a different opinion, but I felt it was a wasted opportunity to high light the seriousness of the situation. I really wasn't happy with it.

Esther is President of Youth With ME.