I am very interested in this Frank!
Great find.
I want to submit something for the forums! -- We do CFS/ME patient education, patient support/networking, we could easily give small grants for CFS/ME related stuff. As far as I know, there really aren't any organizations that do what we do - Koan's laptop is a great example. We have and NEED a network, and support. We could also (just thinking) do something for simple housing for people with severe CFS/ME + MCS. That seems to be a pressing need. Ya, that's where I'd like cash to go. I'm thinking about Lisa in a tent as an example.
So, ideally, I'd love to see these forums submitted
Frank: They aren't accepting any more submissions for this month. So any submissions would be for May voting. [EDIT - May, not April. April submissions closed the 15th of March.
time deadlines]
Just how many votes COULD we get? An individual can vote for 10 ideas every day, all month long.