Mold Avoidance
I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker's and fit his criteria for mold illness almost to a T. However, there are several abnormalities in my case: I didn't have a "smoking" gun bad mold environment (I can only assume) and I don't have mold susceptible genes.
In any case, despite relatively extreme mold avoidance - living in a tent for many months in NV - and following Dr. Shoemaker's protocol my tests didn't improve. In fact, they went UP rather dramatically.
Personally, I think the immune system gets so dysfunctional that anything can set it off - not just mold. Bad smells and I believe in my case food. Or maybe for some reason it's just permanently activated? Shoemaker is calling this chronic and systemic inflammatory response along with capillary hypoperfusion. This seems right to me.
There may be a distinction between those with CFS and those who don't. My symptoms are almost entirely neuro/immune/endocrine. PEM is not a big factor for me.
For those interested, the tests that Shoemaker monitored:
TGF Beta1
In particular, the C4a and TGF Beta bounced all over the place. He could not keep them down. I am assuming that once I am exposed these things spike.
Shoemaker has suggested that I get tested for XMRV. He also believed that VIP (Vasocative Intestinal Peptide) would help once it's out of clinical trial. Procrit is also supposed to help but there are risks with this.
From my experience I would say do everything you can to avoid mold but I question how extreme one should get in the avoidance. There's a chance that it won't help much more than reasonable avoidance.
I am a patient of Dr. Shoemaker's and fit his criteria for mold illness almost to a T. However, there are several abnormalities in my case: I didn't have a "smoking" gun bad mold environment (I can only assume) and I don't have mold susceptible genes.
In any case, despite relatively extreme mold avoidance - living in a tent for many months in NV - and following Dr. Shoemaker's protocol my tests didn't improve. In fact, they went UP rather dramatically.
Personally, I think the immune system gets so dysfunctional that anything can set it off - not just mold. Bad smells and I believe in my case food. Or maybe for some reason it's just permanently activated? Shoemaker is calling this chronic and systemic inflammatory response along with capillary hypoperfusion. This seems right to me.
There may be a distinction between those with CFS and those who don't. My symptoms are almost entirely neuro/immune/endocrine. PEM is not a big factor for me.
For those interested, the tests that Shoemaker monitored:
TGF Beta1
In particular, the C4a and TGF Beta bounced all over the place. He could not keep them down. I am assuming that once I am exposed these things spike.
Shoemaker has suggested that I get tested for XMRV. He also believed that VIP (Vasocative Intestinal Peptide) would help once it's out of clinical trial. Procrit is also supposed to help but there are risks with this.
From my experience I would say do everything you can to avoid mold but I question how extreme one should get in the avoidance. There's a chance that it won't help much more than reasonable avoidance.