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Methylcobalamin Injections: Finding the right dosage?


Senior Member
Dear fellow users,
I was wondering how YOU have found your personal "sweet spot" dosage for Injections of MethylB12, AdenosylB12 or HydroB12?

The manufacturer I get my Methylcobalamin from, produces 5mg ampoules.
According to another suppliers medical instruction, saturation of B12 is reached when your urine takes on stronger colors such as "red" / "pink" or "purple"

Should sufficient dosages of B12 injection give "instant effect" after about 30-60 minutes?
In other words, should one feel at least "something"?

So far, I have no immediate effect or strong discoloration of urine. (Maybe slightly darker orange after 2-3 hours of injection)

Day1: 3mg HydroB12 Acetate
Day2: 5mg HydroB12 Acetate
Day3: 5mg MethylB12 - I woke up feeling a bit better before taking the MethylB12 shot.
Day4: 10mg MethylB12 - no immediate effect and no improvement rest of day (maybe even more dizzy?)
Day5: 5mg MethylB12 - no immediate effect and no improvement rest of day
Day6: Pause
Day7: Pause

I am wondering if I might need even higher dosages, if my urine doesnt show intense color after 10mg MethylB12 injection?

Or did I went *way* too fast and should stick with something like 3x5mg per week and just see if I feel some improvements after 4-6 weeks?

For comparison, I would also like to try Adenosylcobalamin and see if I have different reactions.


Senior Member
There is no scientific reason to take B12 in amounts until your urine gets discolored. The only vitamin I noticed that effect from was B2, but that's just a side effect from it getting excreted through the urine.

There was quite a bit of experimenting going on with B12 and other methylation treatments on this forum several years ago. Unless I remember wrong, it only significantly helped a couple of individuals, the rest of us got no major benefits. My ME/CFS symptoms get worse from large doses of B12, methylcobalamin in particular. Unless you have a deficiency of B12 either through lack of absorption factors, a dietary deficiency, or some rare mutations causing issues with methylation, there is no particular reason why taking B12 would be of help.


Senior Member
Anyway, if you want to continue the experiment, the form that is most likely of benefit is methylcobalamin (which is also the one I found most intolerable). Hydroxycobalamin converts into adenosyl- and methylcobalamin in the body, but there's an extra step involved. With adenosylcobalamin you obviously won't get any methylcobalamin, which is why it's not commonly used. Cyanocobalamin is the least effective form, yet the most often sold.


Senior Member
Very interesting. Did you try Adenosylcobalamin itself @JES ?
Did my first 10mg Adenosylcobalamin shot yesterday and noticed that I had an increase in energy throughout the evening and night (some sweating however which didnt bother me).
It didnt last the next day (today) however..

On the contrary when I tested 10mg Methylcobalamin, I was rather stuck with headache and didnt notice any energy.

I tested 5mg Hydroxocobalamin acetate and noticed a mild improvement the next day (before I tested Methylcobalamin) but no effect on day of injection. The Acetate makes it a "depot" variant correct?