Hey guys, thank you so much for all your replies!
Flu-like reactions and mast cell degranulation issues. Also a decrease in gastric motility, full blown gastroparesis at times.
From what I've read, tryptase is often normal in MCAS, but elevated in mastocytosis, so you could still have mast cell issues. (Someone please correct me if this wrong.)
Reading your suggestions about MCAS, I went through the symptom list. Damn, this is the mysterious disease that resolved in me!! (almost). So I reply to you with
1. symptoms
2. what I did to get rid of them
3. what still gets worse
1. symptoms I had (based on
wikipedia MCAS):
- Dermatological
- pale complexion
- itchiness
- Cardiovascular
- none of the listed ones... (but I still have POTS - could it be related to MCAS?)
- Gastrointestinal
- diarrhea, cramping, intestinal discomfort
- Swallowing, throat tightness
- Psychological & Neurological
- brain fog, short term memory dysfunction, difficulty with recalling words (still an issue, but improved)
- headaches
- Respiratory
- congestion, coughing, wheezing
- Vision/Eyes
- ocular discomfort, conjunctivitis
- Constitutional
- general fatigue and malaise
- food, drug, and chemical intolerances (especially fragrances)
- sense of being cold all the time (this one I still have, though, better)
- Musculoskeletal
- osteoporosis and osteopenia (still there)
Chemical intolerance was so so bad in me that a single scented candle in the other end of the room, not burning (!) was enough to 'kill me'.
@Lolinda Tryptase levels are often only elevated with Mastocytosis. I was looking to fit MCAS into my own situation of GI dysfunction only to realize recently that the GI tract produces a lot of your mast cells and with any sort of dysmotility or inflammation, the gut is a source of mast cell activation
Very interesting!!
@Sidereal and
@antherder taught me the name of the illness, you
@kangaSue taught me that poor motility is a cause. Thanks❣❣❣
2. Now what did I do to get rid of these symptoms?
- Very low carb diet. Going low carb was not enough. Going keto improved things, going very low carb beyond that, really zero starch (but lots of veggies) helped.
- Dozens of things to improve motility. I refused drugs. I did: meditation, belly fondling, voluntary belly muscle moving, running, deep relaxation, manual pyloric release, ileocaecal valve massage, improving posture, yoga stretching exercises, increasing introspective sensitivity, self-acupressure, increasing motility by breathing techniques, chewing bitter herbs raw ...
3. What still gets worse
In spite of resolution of nearly all MCAS symptoms,
extreme flu-like issues after probiotics got worse and my
methylhistamine too: 6.6 (< 6.5) µg/nmol creatinine in 2011, 7.5 in 2016.
My suspicion is that the MCAS pathology remained and worsens still....?

There is this not-so-friendly sentence on wikipedia: "...many can experience a general worsening trend over time." How about you guys? Trends?
Mutaflor was decent for me for a while, then became hell. Tired but wired all night, without sleeping. Vivomixx seems to be allright for me now.
Same here.
Maybe we should split the thread.
@JaimeS and
@Sidereal and anyone else worrying (very rightfully!) about driving this thread off-topic: I already asked for moderator's help to split this thread. It was refused saying that they are so overloaded that they cant even do the most essential things for PR. ...

That's sad news... Anywise, I am more than impressed how they can handle workload as a mod, being sick themselves! Looking at ourselves here on the thread, however, there is no point in pointing to any single person or post in some search of culprits why a thread runs off-topic ... it would be just as ridiculous as pointing to a water molecule "why did you cause a wave??". It simply needs mod's help. Kill me for saying this if you want, but if help in splitting threads isn't available, I feel its better to run off-topic than to lose precious posts. Hey guys, you diagnosed me! You outperformed 6 immunologists I consulted, 2 of them professors!!
I've also had very similar reactions to probiotics. tried half a dozen before finally finding Dr Ohirra's, which seems to help GI symptoms without inducing immune symptoms. Not sure why... it's not a matter of the symptom improving. If I try the other ones again, same result
@JaimeS your comment made me recall that yes, there is a probio, Lactoferment, which I do tolerate. Maybe this is because Lactoferment contains only dead (lysed) bacilli?