Do we know they are US nurses? Nurses trained and working within the UK NHS are probably taught that attitude about ME/CFS throughout their professional lives. Not the lack of compassion, of course, that's all their own. Still it's easy to see how the weaker in character could develop the attitudes we see there if such attitudes were continuously encouraged by the authorities in their profession.
There's an elephant in the room that we ME/CFS patients choose not to think about or discuss, I suspect. Because our symptoms take some effort to test for and our symptoms are easy to fake in the short-term, and because the definitions of our illness used by our medical authorities are so bad that they incorporate non-PWME into the diagnosis, nurses, especially emergency room nurses probably do see a lot of "ME/CFS" patients who are no such thing. Such patients may very well be the kind of people those nurses are talking about. They may be addicts trying to get pain meds illegitimately or they may be people with some types of mental illness seeking attention. In truth, the vast majority of us avoid the ER and the hospital as much as possible and don't give our diagnosis if we do have to go there, so they probably don't actually see many true ME/CFS patients.
We all know the type of person that generalizes to the point of absurdity -- a black person was rude to me on the bus so all black people are rude. My last girlfriend was just after my money, so all women are gold diggers. A person came in claiming to have ME/CFS was just a neurotic addict looking for drugs and sympathy, so all ME/CFS patients are neurotic addicts. It's ridiculous, but there's people who do it. That's no surprise to any of us. So the fact that a collection of them have found each other on the internet is no surprise either.
None of this excuses their hatefulness, lack of compassion, unwillingness to learn the scientific facts about this illness, or willingness to paint everyone with our diagnosis with the same brush.
Let's face it, we should be warned up front about the nature of this group by the name CRASS-pollination. They mean to be crass. Most of us outgrew that in middle school, but some people retain their obnoxious juvenile style all their lives. We can behave like adults, though, and not engage with them. I don't try to reason with toddlers in a tantrum, and similarly, I don't try to reason with adults in the same mental state.
Let's just let it go. They're a little bunch of nobodies in a dark, lost corner of the internet universe. They aren't going to make a major impact on our lives. This topic will get boring if we don't engage with them and they'll move on to some other group to abuse. And still no one will really care what they think. They're ignorant nasty nobodies that can't even get their work colleagues to listen to them so they have to bitch and whine with strangers on the internet. They're nothing. If you run into one of them in the ER, you can look them in the eye and tell them what major a-holes they are, but no sense in crossing that bridge until you come to it.
I agree its feeding them. Just dont like people getting away with verbal abuse Especially sick patients. Its really funny how they try to turn the tables. They act like hateful children. And when we respond back in ways they dont like. its like a, aha got you moment. See your having a go at us lol.
The point they dont seem to get. Is THEY STARTED IT damm. But then condem us when attacked back, thats clear to all here, as its becoming a theme in the writings on here. Talk about double standards
A example is, after taking my voice away by banning me. ( silly really because anything i say here is going right back there ) Whos been banned lol.
I started leaving little annoying comments on my avatar name. Because I can still say things on that. But of course I was blasted for doing that. like im the bad guy. Even though they started this bad feeling and abuse.Then took my voice away.
So they expect people to not react. silently just go away. Sorry not me. After I pretty much proved how hypocritical they are with my comments about what the poster Mojo said. Her only meaningful response ( I know why, she knows I was right ) Was to say she was only annoyed about my punctuation.
Wow, no mention that I was wrong about her and others being hypocrits after CRASS poo lination made that sick CFS joke, after I mentioned my fear of not seeing my children grow up.
She somehow lost her argument on that one.
Then changed the playing feilds. ( A constant tactic it seems ) Attacking my writing skills lol.
News to her and all of them. I couldnt give two hoots about my lack of writing skill. What I have to say is worth a thousand of there perfectly written, hypocritical, and twisted writings.
I will let it drop soon. because I know is all a bit too negative, for everyone. But i've had fun defending myself, if they really cant see what hypocrits they are. Then they are more disturbed than it appears. And boy they appear pretty disturbed.
When I see this message appear on there forum. I'm going to laugh. Because I'm going to be thinking. Whos banned MRs crass poo lination ? Me ? aha
Thanks everyone there for allowing me my voice back he he. Cheers
So am I banned or not ? put my message on there, and it appears I am still alive and kicking. Dont put it there. And I win lol.
Hey I think I've won this little argument either way it seems. Catch 22. Now I'm really pissing myself laughing.
A Message to crass poo. I did'nt die, I recovered, and saw my children grow. so up your creek ( or is that crack ? poo ) Leave sick patients alone. you've been made to look silly now. Really you have. My partners laughing as I type.
Sorry everyone on this forum. for tolerating this here. I know I'm starting to be as bad as them. But sometimes. you've just got to stand up against the twisted in the world. Hey I have a voice. Even though someone tried to take it away from me.
Whatever abuse comes next, think I will ignore it, because as mentioned by others. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS